01 January 2025, 15:28
larryshoresHell of an afternoon
We made our annual New Year’s trip to a private club where I am a member . We bird hunted in the mornings. We deer and/or hog hunted in the afternoons.
I was quite excited for the trip for a variety of reasons . One of those reasons was that I was taking a gun that I had not shot in years . A Browning X Bolt in 270.
On the second afternoon, we go to a place I had hunted many times but it had been a while since I was last there . It was unrecognizable to me. On one side of the road the pines were way taller. On the other side, the pines had been harvested and replanted . The shooting house had been destroyed by a hurricane. I used a pop up blind.
At any rate,I get in the blind. About 45 minutes later , a big sow comes out. I hammer her. She doesn’t take a step. I get out of the blind and drag her off away from the feeder in order to not spook any other hogs which might show.
In about 10 minutes , 2 sows come in from the opposite direction. They can clearly smell where I shot the first hog. They are spooky. I was afraid they would run off. I decided to shoot.
At the shot, the first hog drops instantly . I saw the second hog running off in an odd manner . Damnit I think . I figured my bullet must have exited the first hog and hit the second. I call someone to come get me. I sit in the blind and give it a little time for the second hog to die.
When he shows , I get out . I find blood immediately. We start following it . There was the second hog laying dead about 30 yards away.
I shot twice and killed 3 hogs . My friend who went with me shot 3 times and killed 2 hogs. Hell of an afternoon.
We call this a hog carpet!
01 January 2025, 20:27
HogbreathGreat way to end/start a year!
05 January 2025, 06:50
Live OakI love a two-fer! Way to stack em!
09 January 2025, 00:44
customboltNo images, just a blue not found error.
09 January 2025, 01:20
Larry, great read and congrats but sadly the pictures are not showing ....
Anyway happy new year to you and great hunting for 2025!
Cheers, Charlie
17 January 2025, 20:21
Bobby TomekLarry, that's a good way to practice cartridge conservation ha ha! Well done...
18 January 2025, 03:16
customboltI guess Larry is too busy to comment any further. No big deal.
Glad you're dropping a few Larry.
28 January 2025, 21:26
larryshoresI have been away in Cameroon . Just back.
Not sure what happened to the pictures. They were there when I last looked before I left . I’ll post them again once I get caught up.
02 February 2025, 03:52
larryshoresThe pictures are showing up on my I pad but not my I phone .
No clue what the problem is .
15 February 2025, 10:28
customboltVery odd. Still nothing shows here on my PC. Are they in JPEG format?