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Which Scope Would You Select?
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I'm fixing up a rifle to give to one of my nephews (17 yrs old and has shot a couple deer). I need a scope. The rifle is a Ruger MKII, in 270 Win. The game he'll hunt will be whitetails, hogs, and an elk trip most years out West with me and his dad. Please don't suggest a different caliber, as this is only about the scope.

So, what scope (make and magnification) would you put on this rifle?

Posts: 678 | Location: lived all over | Registered: 06 January 2005Reply With Quote
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How much do you want to spend? I'm a Leupold guy and you can get a Rifleman 3-9 for around $200 on up to a VX3 2 1/2-8 for around $400(+). The Rifleman is a decent scope, and as you move up through VX1, VX2 and VX3 they get better. Other scopes may cost more or less. You get what you pay for usually applies when purchasing rifle scopes.
Posts: 672 | Location: NW Colorado | Registered: 10 December 2007Reply With Quote
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A used Burris Fullfield II 3-9x40 or a Leupold VX 1 or 2. Good enough to sit on the rifle for the rest of it's life, but not so much that it would break the bank. Should be around $150-200 used or so.

Something like this?



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Leupold 2x7, vx1 or vx2

I like the more compact/smaller 2x7s beter than 3x9s and actualy have a bigger field of view
Posts: 1845 | Registered: 01 November 2009Reply With Quote
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go for a 3x9 zeiss conquest and start him off right. cost around 4 to 500.00 on e-bay, it will last a life time and better then most in that price range.
Posts: 53 | Registered: 31 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Nice rifle; we need more Uncle's like you .....

Big Grin

Good suggestions already; a variable in the 3-9, 2.5-10 or 3/4-12 power range for a 270 Winchester ought to stand him in good stead well, just about forever.

Personally, I could also live with a Leupold straight 6x42, a Wide Duplex and just be done with it but if you shop wisely you'll get a variable for a coupla $$$ extra.

The Conquest 3-9x40's tend to those who require longer eye-relief, Rifleman & VX-1 a top choice for the type of hunting he's planning on doing and don't forget the Weaver Grand Slams, or the new Redfields (for real price-savings, made by Leupold), either.

There's lots of good, solid choices out there; like others above have mentioned that won't break the Piggy Bank.

Have Fun making your choice.


Number 10
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It depends on what You plan to spend on the scope...

If You want some real good stuff for it for a reasonable price, I would go with the Swarovski Z3 or Z5 series as they offer a superb optical quality and will last a lifetime when Your nephew won´t break them

I would go with the Z3 3-10x42 for the most versatile choice...

and by the way: the choice of rifle and caliber is TOP from my point of view...!

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Posts: 759 | Location: Germany | Registered: 30 March 2006Reply With Quote
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i'd probably opt for something in the 3-9 2-10 range. make depends on budget. 3-9's are probably the most popular power and there are dozens to chose from. as for myself i would probably look at something in the mid price range
Posts: 13472 | Location: faribault mn | Registered: 16 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Our German brethren are shooting a lot more big game than we are...if you're well connected, you can be hunting almost every week end and under those conditions the very top line scopes make sense. You also get paid for the meat you shoot!!!

I agree..a good mid range scope is probably the better choice. I have a couple of Nikons that are pretty impressive for the money.
Posts: 1319 | Location: MN and ND | Registered: 11 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by JonP:
Our German brethren are shooting a lot more big game than we are...if you're well connected, you can be hunting almost every week end and under those conditions the very top line scopes make sense. You also get paid for the meat you shoot!!!.

No, not realy - I could go hunting 24 h a day, 7 days a week or 365 days a year - the only limitation is the permission from my wife... Mad

Well - the conditions we hunt our pigs are much worse and therefor I also suggest taking the Z6 i line with illuminated reticle - without a scope using for pigs is 85% worthless in my eyes... but that is a different task to yours, so I won´t spend that much money if you don´t have to...

life is too short for not having the best equipment You could buy...
Posts: 759 | Location: Germany | Registered: 30 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Thanks Men. I was looking for a Nikon Monarch, 3x9x40 like I have on another 270, but I can't find one. I did locate a Luepy VX2 3x9x40, new, on ebay for less than the standard $299.00, so perhaps I'll go that route. Thanks again for the suggestions.
Posts: 678 | Location: lived all over | Registered: 06 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by LBGuy:
Thanks Men. I was looking for a Nikon Monarch, 3x9x40 like I have on another 270, but I can't find one. I did locate a Luepy VX2 3x9x40, new, on ebay for less than the standard $299.00, so perhaps I'll go that route. Thanks again for the suggestions.

You don't have to spend quite that much for a very serviceable scope, but you can't go wrong with a VX-II. Despite advertising claims to the contrary, the VX-I, for about $75 less, is the identical scope with friction rather than click adjustments. I have Vari-X IIs, VX-I's, VX-II's, Vari-X III's, and VX-III's and find any of them to be excellent hunting scopes.
Posts: 13337 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Stonecreek:
Originally posted by LBGuy:
Thanks Men. I was looking for a Nikon Monarch, 3x9x40 like I have on another 270, but I can't find one. I did locate a Luepy VX2 3x9x40, new, on ebay for less than the standard $299.00, so perhaps I'll go that route. Thanks again for the suggestions.

You don't have to spend quite that much for a very serviceable scope, but you can't go wrong with a VX-II. Despite advertising claims to the contrary, the VX-I, for about $75 less, is the identical scope with friction rather than click adjustments. I have Vari-X IIs, VX-I's, VX-II's, Vari-X III's, and VX-III's and find any of them to be excellent hunting scopes.

What he said......+1.

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Posts: 1521 | Location: Just about anywhere in Texas | Registered: 26 January 2008Reply With Quote
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Bread and butter on a 270 for deer is a 3 - 9x 40mm, duplex reticle. They go on sale all the time.

I just got home from "gun shop slumming" -- used bolt rifles w/ scopes. I was seeing a lot of nice rifles with cheap scopes, one a Weatherby Mark V, with a cheap Tasco . . .

That's like a girl in a ball gown and Nike sneakers.

Comment I made to several dealers -- "You should take the scopes/rings off the used guns, stick them in a box and sell separate. I'm not interested in a nice gun with a cheap scope."

So, on a kid's gun . . . Ruger, I'd look at a bread and butter workhorse. Nothing fancy, just basic, quality glass.

I have Leupold on all my guns, either came with them or bought later. But then I get to choose and $$$ is not a huge issue.
Posts: 1910 | Registered: 05 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of Jeff Sullivan
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Originally posted by LBGuy:
Thanks Men. I was looking for a Nikon Monarch, 3x9x40 like I have on another 270, but I can't find one. I did locate a Luepy VX2 3x9x40, new, on ebay for less than the standard $299.00, so perhaps I'll go that route. Thanks again for the suggestions.

I am a little late getting in on this thread, but there are some deals to be found on optics right now if you look around and are patient.

I had been looking for a scope for a buddy and found a pristine VX-II 3-9x40 for $200 shipped last week. All my buddy wanted to spend was about $200, but in my search, I found a couple of VX-III 2.5-8's in the $300 range and even a Conquest for $315.

Unless you are completely happy with that scope, don't just settle and keep looking.

Posts: 1230 | Location: Texas | Registered: 08 November 2005Reply With Quote
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There are certainly bargains to be had on mid range scopes at $150-$225. Sightron S2, Burris FF2 and it's Pentax twin, Nikon Buckmasters, VX 1, and as mentioned before the best buys are typically on 3x9. For a little less than double you can find the Zeiss Conquests for $399. All would look good on a Ruger 270 and should last for many years. The way my teenage nephew paid attention while elk hunting a durable scope in solid mounts was a good thing.
Posts: 299 | Location: California | Registered: 10 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Go w/ the Nikon Monarch, put one on my Mohawk a while back.

They are all over Houston.


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Picture of Alberta Canuck
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First, I'd suggest a 2x7-X over a 3x9-X. He may very well find a need for 2-X while hunting in a patch of woods, but I doubt he will ever need a 9-X. Generally speaking the .270 is not used as a gopher gun requiring a lot of magnification.

Second, I'd suggest looking at the new Redfield 2x7-X scopes. They are made here in America by Leupold in Beaverton, Oregon. They carry the same life-time guarantee as the rest of the ever breaks, they fix it free.

And, oh yes, they have over 4 inches of eye relief. Very nice asset, to keep a kid from getting a Weatherby eyebrow while learning to handle a full-size man's gun.

Right now they are on introductory sale from places like OpticsPlanet for a nickel less than $130, including shipping.

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Posts: 9685 | Location: Cave Creek 85331, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001Reply With Quote
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alberta - thanks. i'll give them a look. you make a lot of sense re: 2-7 vx 3-9.
Posts: 678 | Location: lived all over | Registered: 06 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I own 3 of the Conquest 3 x 9s. I changed out leupolds for them and I couldn't be happier.

You can get them new for $400 and used for about $350.
Posts: 7090 | Registered: 11 January 2005Reply With Quote
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Alberta Canuck:
First, I'd suggest a 2x7-X over a 3x9-X. He may very well find a need for 2-X while hunting in a patch of woods, but I doubt he will ever need a 9-X. Generally speaking the .270 is not used as a gopher gun requiring a lot of magnification.

A-Canuck, I respectively disagree. I do not know where LBGuy lives as of now, but I have used a 270 Win. on coyotes much more than once while deer hunting. I have found the higher end magnification very useful at longer ranges with the target moving through brush at some of the extended ranges (around 200 yards or more). I understand what you are suggesting re: woods hunting, but I myself have never found a 3X too much unless the deer was at 15 yards, let's say.

In any event, any of the suggestions are good ones for a young man starting out. He should be thankful and proud to have a uncle like that.

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