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Eyeglasses suggestions, Handguns and Site Picture...
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Picture of RenegadeRN
posted 03 August 2008 19:35
"It was all fuzzy out to past a few feet, then it all became clearer the further out you went." ARGGH! Aging...LOL! Without 'assuming' I would guess that some of you have the same issues.

Since I am now older I restarted handgun shooting only to discover the front site and rear site were VERY fuzzy, out of focus and I had issues. How did you combat this?

My shooting was bad to say the least because I was unable to discern site alignment, site picture and many times the target. This included shooting in all light situations and using a variety of sites to include the Fig 8, Trijicon, etc. Unless I cock my head way back and look through the lower section of my no-line bifocals I have a very difficult time.

I have been interested in obtaining some decent glasses to shoot with that I will be able to see both sites and target. Does anyone have any suggestions or more so what did you do if you had this issue with seeing? What do the rest of you do if by chance you shoot handguns OR open/iron sites and have to wear glasses for close up reading, etc.?

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Posts: 171 | Location: Eastern North Carolina | Registered: 29 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of Zeke
posted 03 August 2008 20:14Hide Post
I wore glasses from the time I was 15 until two years ago. Almost thirty years.

As I got older and the eyeglass prescription got stronger, I had a hard time with any open sight, rifle or handgun.

Looking through a riflescope got progressively harder. I was not looking through the center of the eyeglass lens. I was looking through my glasses towards the edge of the lens. This made the crosshairs appear bent at the edges and caused all kind of problems with my shooting.

To make a long story short, I conned my eye doctor into giving me a set of contact lenses to try out. All the aforementioned problems went away and I shoot almost as well now as I did when I was 20.

I now wear the 30 day disposable contacts and haven't put on my glasses for a year. I do need over-the-counter reading glasses sometimes.

Talk to your eye doctor and see if you can try out some contacts. They should make a huge difference in your shooting.

This is my opinion. Your opinion may vary.

Posts: 655 | Location: Oregon Monsoon Central | Registered: 06 March 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Wink
posted 05 August 2008 20:51Hide Post
Here's a link to one option for you:


AR, where the hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history become the nattering nabobs of negativisim.
Posts: 7046 | Location: Rambouillet, France | Registered: 25 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Wink
posted 05 August 2008 21:01Hide Post
Are you familiar with the "shooter's bifocal"? A prescription lens is ground with the correct prescription for your eye to front sight distance and this is ground into the lens in the upper left hand corner (if you are right eye dominant)with the rest of the lens ground for extended distance. With this, in theory, the front sight is in focus and most of the surrounding the target at distance as well. Here's a link:


AR, where the hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history become the nattering nabobs of negativisim.
Posts: 7046 | Location: Rambouillet, France | Registered: 25 June 2004Reply With Quote
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