""The hen was slaughtered"--damn those would have been some very interesting eggs" Perhaps just an interesting variation on the recipe for Alfredo sauce?
Posts: 853 | Location: St. Thomas, Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: 08 January 2004
I've been around the block a time or two or three. I've seen some sights. Been to a couple county fairs, seen the elephant (shot 'em too!), AND a train wreck.
But doing a chicken? I'm a bit suspect of this story. I would like to find the little black box. Me wonders if perhaps this is the story the wife cooked up and he's in no position to deny it. African version of April Fools? Maybe the old boy just hung himself for whatever reason.
Posts: 3303 | Location: Western Slope Colorado, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001