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Never expected to hunt elephant but ...
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Never thought about doing so in years past. After all, my daughter's favorite stuffed animal with whom she has slept since the age of 2 is a grey elephant - stuffing now so "mashed" that the thing is nearly flat and plush "skin" worn shiny in many areas. Plus "look dad, they are soooooo cuuuuute!" Then of course are all the TV shows, magazines and pictures showing just how cute they are. No, I am not about to try to convince a 10 year old girl to whom I am the "best dad in the whole wide world." I hope to have at least a few more years before I become the "meanest dad in the whole world".

Nevertheless, she understands that I hunt; eats the game I bring to the table knowing I shot it ("awwww, that's sad that he's dead. Can I have some more?"); and is a pretty good shot herself with a 22.

I think what really began my fascination with elephant hunting was reading the posts here and on the Hunt Report forum. That, followed by my decision to have a Double Rifle built to my measurements and specifications. When i decided on an elephant engraving on the belly ... "Well, now I have to use it on the specified animal, don't I ..."

I bought and have read some classic as well as modern books on elephant hunting and just ordered Bill Stewart's books on same. Have watched "Boddington on Elephant" and Charlton's "Hunting the African Elephant" whenever the girls aren't home.

The questions I now face are: when to go, where to go and if there should be other game on the list.

Don't know if I can swing a 2011 hunt financially (if any are still available), so I am thinking 2012 is more realistic unless a great last-minute deal shows up this time next year for 2011.

The "Where to go?" question will be answered as I scour and search the past AR threads, re-read the books and do some further homework.

The last of the questions is not as straightforward as it might first appear. I know the "right" answer is to have a dedicated elephant hunt. BUT I would like my best friend and lifelong hunting partner - my dad - to come with me while he still walks this earth. He has already said he wont hunt elephant. He could come as an observer, but neither of us would be satisfied with him "watching" me hunt for the duration, not because we havent done that in the past, but it has been more each serving as the "back-up" or spotter/cheerleader for the other.

In Zimbabwe last year we did just that for the Cape Buffalo, Kudu, Impala and Blue Wildebeest that we each took in turn and I simply watched on his additional Warthog. In other words, we both got a lot of hunting in (11 head of game in total).

So, my question for you good folk is:

What other game during an elephant hunt for my dad?


Some plains game different than what he has already taken?

NRA Lifer; DSC Lifer; SCI member; DRSS; AR member since November 9 2003

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Posts: 3464 | Location: In the Shadow of Griffin&Howe | Registered: 24 November 2007Reply With Quote
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Paul, My first advice is don't wait. You can pay your bills in 2012.

The heaviest ivory right now is comming out of Batswana, and posibly Namibia. It's pretty expensive though. Tanzania has long thin ivory, and personaly I prefere that over weight. The best prices on elephant are Zimbabwe, but the ivory probably won't be as big. However you can also hunt tuskless cows in Zim. and that is a great hont in it's self.

As far as your Dad, You will want him there when you take your elephant. I feel it is the ultimate hunt. Your Dad may very well change his mind once he sees you hunt your elle. A tuskless cow would be a great choice at that time.

I also love to hunt cape buffalo, and I'm sure your Dad would enjoy that even if he has already taken one. Personaly I can't hunt enough buff. Sable might be another choice, and hippo, or croc. might be available depending on where you are.
Posts: 189 | Registered: 20 June 2009Reply With Quote
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I would second a tuskless cow elephant hunt, probably in the Zambezi Valley with Chifuti or C-M Safaris, especially if money for trophies is any issue at all. Focus on that hunt every day, see literally hundreds of eles while looking for a fully mature cow, and add in the spice of danger and adrenaline being so close to herds of DG. Look for a real nice waterbuck, bushbuck, or buff while walking the rivers. Of course, there is hyena or even lioness if you want. Sounds like you're well equipped for any of the above. What a decision to have, and to look forward to.
Posts: 1517 | Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho | Registered: 03 June 2004Reply With Quote
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I would like my Dad to come along with me to africa once.I asked my mom to ask him if he wanted to on my last hunt.She said forget it.I tell him about the stories of the lions eating villagers and the rest of my experiences over there and I can tell it interests him more and more.I know he misses our caribou hunts and all our other hunts.He recently bought an air rifle and is shooting anything that steps in his back yard-even the squirals on the phone wires.I think he is scared he might have health issues.I guess he might decide to come but who knows what the future holds?
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Go Now!!

The way the economy is going, inflation will erode the actual cost by quite a bit before 2012 and the bills arrive. They send me a credit card offer of zero percent for twelve months on a balance transfer. Next best thing to free money!


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Botswana was FANTASTIC!!! After having been there this past September, I cannot say enough good things about the country, Government Officials, and Johan Calitz Safaris. There is a list of available plainsgame on the attached link for your Father.

Best of luck on your search.


"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."
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Thank all for the advice, suggestions and for the PM's I've received. All good stuff. beer

At 71, he still works as a longshoreman on the waterfront 7 days a week so is in reasonably good shape. tu2 This June he and my mother will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary (has me beat by a bit over 20 years) so I can guaranteeeeeee he won't be allowed to go ANYWHERE around that timeframe. Probably lasted that long ONLY because he works on the docks every day so can't aggravate "she of the wooden spoon" too much.

Tomorrow night we (pop, my brother, cousin and friend - whitetail hunting group) go get our whitetail tags, have dinner and talk "hunting". Elephant hunting will be the "main course".

Thanks again everyone and don't let this post stop you from offerin yet more advise and direction.

NRA Lifer; DSC Lifer; SCI member; DRSS; AR member since November 9 2003

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Posts: 3464 | Location: In the Shadow of Griffin&Howe | Registered: 24 November 2007Reply With Quote
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The problem, in a nutshell, is that hunting trophy elephant is really a 1x1 endeavor involving lots and lots of walking. It doesn't lend itself to Dad tagging along to take a potshot at some other critters at minimal additional cost. But if you BOTH continue to hunt, then expect to pay full dailies for each hunter.

So you will need a second PH to take care of Dad. In which case he can hunt whatever he feels like and can afford. And you will pay a second set of daily rates.

If you decide to hunt PAC, there is no other game in those croplands to speak of. So Dad would have to be content hunting birds at best. Not exactly a booby prize.

If you decide to do a "management" elephant hunt in a Safari area, you can do that in a lot less time with a lot less walking. In this case, you can let Dad use the leftover days and if Dad shoots only plains game or birds, you may only have to pay one set of daily rates (plus an observer). If however he has any desire to shoot a sable, leopard, buffalo etc, he is going to have to pay a second set of daily rates for sure, as he is using up quota.

If you are serious, drop me a line, I may be able to organize something for you. I have an idea that may work for you guys.

Russ Gould - Whitworth Arms LLC, Large Calibers and African Safaris, Fine English, American and German Double Rifles and Shotguns, Varmint Rifles and Gear
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Some of the Botswana outfitters are offering 2 x 1 Elephant hunts where the first is a trophy hunt and the second a non trophy - each outfitter has his own criteria - uneven tusks - one tusker etc. In some areas now with higher quota you could also get late season hunt which have a set reduced price but you shoot what you see and if you bump into a big one lucky for you, in our area this year a lucky Huston family shot a 55 pound bull and a 68 pound bull on such a hunt but expect closer to the 45 pound range in late season hunts.
Most outfitters would be booked out for 2011 so you would need to get cracking for a good slot in 2012.
Last suggestion - when hunting elephant as a trophy - concentrate only on the elephant and time permitting add on the extras. Elephant dont like gun shots so its best to minimise the disturbance in pursuite of the big tuskers.
Posts: 473 | Location: Botswana | Registered: 29 October 2003Reply With Quote
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My opinion on what other game - Leopards?

I have only hunted leopard twice - and from my perspective that is a time-and-energy-consuming venture. There are many who post here that can vouch for that - as many have logged hundreds of hours checking baits, building blinds, and watching dead meat rot through a port hole in a grass blind.

I would think part of the attraction of hunting with your Dad would be seeing each other while you are there - but leopard hunting is early mornings and late evenings, which may not mesh well with your elephant pursuits (ships passing in the night). It seems to me that it would feel like two separate parties sharing the same camp.

I certainly wouldn't discourage anyone from pursuing a leopard, but it might not be the best alternative for your situation.
Posts: 434 | Registered: 28 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Russ and Graeme,
Thank you for your advice and insight. My plan would be that he accompany me on my elephant hunt and if successful and there were time left, he take some other game. No intention of shooting other game as we hunt elephant.
Russ, I am quite serious (actually, anyone who knows me complains that I am too serious) - I will PM you in a moment.

Acer - you are of course 100% correct in all that you posted. I brought that up only as he and I discussed leopard for our next safari when on our last in Zimbabwe.

Still working on him.

NRA Lifer; DSC Lifer; SCI member; DRSS; AR member since November 9 2003

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Posts: 3464 | Location: In the Shadow of Griffin&Howe | Registered: 24 November 2007Reply With Quote
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Go to ZIM in 2011!!

I believe the elections there to be in 2012 which may make it a good year to go elsewhere.

Oh well, off now to Pa. Paul. Wink

Deo Vindice,


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