Over three years after I fired the shot, my buffalo trophy from Mozambique has finally arrived and is sitting in the back of my truck waiting for a run up to the taxidermist next Saturday. As near as my outfitter can figure, when the trophies were transhiped from Moz to RSA the Customs gremlins opened my box and another hunter's at the same time and then, in a fit of utter bumbling, switched the lids! Thus Peter Ulmer of Stuttgart, Germany ended up with my horns and I with his. Being the more experienced and savvy hunter, Herr Ulmer was at the taxidermist when the box was opened and when he saw the wrong trophy, had the lid put back on. Not the Old Sarge! This innocent had the horns fully pedestal mounted before he ever saw them. We won't go into the painful details of each hunter trying to locate his buffalo and of trying to get the shipping company to show some honor and correct the error . . . 'cause they didn't! Peter and I had to do it ourselves, though we have been promised recompense from his outfitter. In any event, NOTE TO ALL: Always be at the taxidermist or other receiving point when the boxes come in so you can make sure what's in them is yours!
Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001
To make it happen correct and no mixup I had my Ph make sure my name and address was on top and each end of carton all items arrived finished eight months later...
Posts: 6771 | Location: Wyoming, Pa. USA | Registered: 17 April 2003
It doesn't just happen in Africa. I had a set of Nilgai horns show up at my taxidermist from Texas. They were considerably shorter than mine. I managed to get it straightened out with the guy in Texas with a couple of phone calls.