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I had the great good fortune to break a few bones recently and have spent the last few weeks at home. My wife decided that I might enjoy watching the TV (never have before!) so she ordered the hunting/fishing channel from the satellite company and I've been looking at quite a few programs. I won't rehash the old argument about how downright embarrassing most of them are, but I noticed something quite interesting. In almost all cases where the hunter is accompanied by a guide or PH (rather than sitting alone in a tree all day like a buzzard) when the time comes to shoot, the PH/guide NEVER SHUTS UP!!! Many of these hunters take a looooong time to make the shot, often missing the best opportunity and taking a shot when the presentation is much poorer. But, always, in the background, there it is: "...wait...wait...wait for me to tell you...don't shoot...wait..."

Or perhaps: "...wait till he yet...okay,now...NO, WAIT!...not until he comes out from behind that there's one behind him...wait..."

Occasionally, the tune changes: "...wait...wait...okay, now...shoot...shoot him...shoot him now...he's gonna leave...he sees've gotta shoot...shoot now...shoot NOW..."

One guy (who "trusts his life" to every binocular, gun, pair of socks, ear-hair clipper or key-chain fob that he owns) was going through this wait, wait, wait litany with his client, who did indeed wait. Then when Mr. S. said "Okay..." with the obvious intention of imparting some more cogent wisdom, the client fired a single clean, killing shot, dropping the critter in its tracks. The noted guide turned to the hunter in astonishment and exclaimed "I didn't say to shoot!" The animal had presented a clear, motionless, broadside target...of course the hunter shot! Sorry, Mr. S...did you not get quite enough video footage, at the risk of the hunter's prize?

I've only hunted Africa once, with 2 different PH's, as well as a very few guides here in Canada. None of them behaved this way. The PH who guided me to my buffalo made a few terse, hissed recommendations at the moment of truth, which were absolutely needed and appreciated. Never have I felt that I was being spoken to like some sort of idiot child, but I see it dozens of times a week on WildTV. Do many PH's/guides actually do this?

Or am I just suffering from cabin fever? Any comments?

Posts: 1028 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 01 December 2007Reply With Quote
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how downright embarrassing most of them are,


J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 37811 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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You miss one important overriding factor: All of that "wait, wait, not yet, wait until he clears that bush, in just a minute, wait, NOW" is stage direction for the benefit of the CAMERA. The primary goal is not to make a clean shot on a trophy, but to get a great shot of a trophy on film and for a substantial length of time (something to fill the time between commercials for scent cover, camo, and Viagra), as well as being sure to get the actual rifle shot and the trophy animal in the frame, preferably at the same time. My understanding is that a lot of good shot opportunities by "TV" hunters are foregone simply because the camera didn't have a good view of the animal, or wasn't yet ready.

I don't watch those shows all that much (bad for my blood pressure), but when I do my wife will often hear me from the other room as I shout at the TV, "for God's sake, SHOOT THE SUMBITCH". She knows exactly what is happening and simply ignores it.
Posts: 13243 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001Reply With Quote
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One other thing: I felt cheated when I hunted Africa because no rythmic drum music accompanied my hunt as I had come to expect from watching Boddington.
Posts: 13243 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001Reply With Quote
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One guy (who "trusts his life" to every binocular, gun, pair of socks, ear-hair clipper or key-chain fob that he owns)

"between commercials for scent cover, camo, and Viagra"
Oh, the cynicism! You mean this isn't how it's really done?

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Originally posted by Stonecreek:

"for God's sake, SHOOT THE SUMBITCH".

Having grown up in a ranching family...I carried my rifle around in the pick-up ALL the time.

Mostly to shoot coyotes...etc.

If I heard the above words once...form either Dad, Uncles, or Grandad...I have heard it a thousand times.

When Nigel says OK...I pull the tigger.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 37811 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Stonecreek:
One other thing: I felt cheated when I hunted Africa because no rythmic drum music accompanied my hunt as I had come to expect from watching Boddington.

Posts: 11731 | Location: London, UK | Registered: 02 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ledvm:
Originally posted by Stonecreek:

"for God's sake, SHOOT THE SUMBITCH".

Having grown up in a ranching family...I carried my rifle around in the pick-up ALL the time.

Mostly to shoot coyotes...etc.

If I heard the above words once...form either Dad, Uncles, or Grandad...I have heard it a thousand times.

When Nigel says OK...I pull the tigger.

tu2 Amen Brother

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And don't forget, it doesn't take much of an angle to make a huge difference between what the PH sees in his glasses and what the client sees in his scope. Add thick bush between the client and the target, and it gets worse.

Posts: 1753 | Location: Prescott, Az | Registered: 30 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Don't forget the vast majority of Client do not have a lot of experience, let alone experience with trophy animals from an unusual land.
I have seen some of the problems when hunters do not listen (often due to excitement) to instructions from their paid guide.
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Originally posted by Ghubert:
Originally posted by Stonecreek:
One other thing: I felt cheated when I hunted Africa because no rythmic drum music accompanied my hunt as I had come to expect from watching Boddington.


...and what about all that dancing around after the whatever is brought back to camp????


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Originally posted by Stonecreek:
...All of stage direction for the benefit of the CAMERA...

Okay, now don't I feel stupid?! I hadn't really considered that. I realized that they were stretching out the event to get good footage, but the visibility of the target by both shooter and videographer never occurred to me. Makes it understandable, although no less irritating. I'm glad I'm not a TV hunter...I don't think I could tolerate that.

Now all I need is that folding toothbrush upon which I can trust my life.

Posts: 1028 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 01 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jwm:
Originally posted by Stonecreek:
...All of stage direction for the benefit of the CAMERA...

Okay, now don't I feel stupid?! I hadn't really considered that. I realized that they were stretching out the event to get good footage, but the visibility of the target by both shooter and videographer never occurred to me. Makes it understandable, although no less irritating. I'm glad I'm not a TV hunter...I don't think I could tolerate that.

Now all I need is that folding toothbrush upon which I can trust my life.


I met Shockey two years ago whilst on safari in the Kafue. Hell of a nice guy and a complete contrast to the man you see on film.

I cannot watch his films and like you cannot tolerate all the boulder dust.

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Originally posted by fairgame:
Originally posted by jwm:
Originally posted by Stonecreek:
...All of stage direction for the benefit of the CAMERA...

Okay, now don't I feel stupid?! I hadn't really considered that. I realized that they were stretching out the event to get good footage, but the visibility of the target by both shooter and videographer never occurred to me. Makes it understandable, although no less irritating. I'm glad I'm not a TV hunter...I don't think I could tolerate that.

Now all I need is that folding toothbrush upon which I can trust my life.


I met Shockey two years ago whilst on safari in the Kafue. Hell of a nice guy and a complete contrast to the man you see on film.

I cannot watch his films and like you cannot tolerate all the boulder dust.

Fairgame, I could be wrong but I think the "Mr. S" he was refering to was Mr. Sullivan!

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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No it isn't! Fairgame hit the nail on the head.

I've only read about Sullivan here on AR...I have never seen a video or read a book of his.

Shockey's shows, especially "The Professionals", are two of the very few that I actually enjoy. In contrast to most of the others, his shows are beautifully videographed, they don't sound like Metallica albums, they are set in interesting places and show hunts I would love to do...not a tree-stand or game-feeder to be seen. I also like "Canada in the Rough" Smiler and don't mind "Petersen's Hunting". We don't get Craig Boddington's shows up here, but I know I would watch them as well.

I understand that they need sponsors, and that the sponsors need exposure, but most shows are just too "in your face" when it comes to that exposure for my taste.

I didn't mean to sound like I was taking a personal shot at Jim Shockey. I trust my life to his show! Big Grin

Posts: 1028 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 01 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ozhunter:
Don't forget the vast majority of Client do not have a lot of experience, let alone experience with trophy animals from an unusual land.
I have seen some of the problems when hunters do not listen (often due to excitement) to instructions from their paid guide.

X2. I have guided up here in Canada for several yrs, while its not Africa...they are the same clients.

Much like another post where, guides/PH's need to watch a client shoot his gun, he will also gather info during the hunt that will determine how much "coaching" that certain client will need....lots of clients need lots of coaching. Others need minimal coaching, and that is part of the guide/PH's job to figure that stuff out, prior to the moment of truth.

I have had several videos (professional & non) shot during some of my guiding days, I didnt dramatize things for the camera or anyone else, I had/have a job to do & I'll do it, I disnt much care if a leaf was in the view finder when the shot was fired.

One must also remember when hearing/watching these shows (I am guilty of it too), the view the camera guy sees, is seldom the view that the shooter sees.


"A hunter should not choose the cal, cartridge, and bullet that will kill an animal when everything is right; rather, he should choose ones that will kill the most efficiently when everything goes wrong"
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I find it interesting about PHs or guides (don't believe they are the same) checking out the hunter. I also do the same i e check out the other party if this is the first time I have hunted with them, much can be learned from this exercise.
Especially NA "guides" wow. One must also remember appys are just that learners and don't be to upset when they don't perform like a good PH.
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John, I am with you, brother.

I have found that PHs have widely varying skills when it comes to making themselves understood at the moment of truth.

And make no mistake, if communication goes haywire shortly before, or at the moment when, the shot must be taken, things can go to hell in a hurry.

Among other outcomes, the wrong animal can be shot; the shot can be badly placed; the shot can be rushed and missed; or the shot can be delayed until the opportunity to shoot is missed.

A PH who can communicate well and clearly when it's time to shoot is crucial, and more PHs should pay attention to this, IMHO.


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Sounds like some here should cancel their subscriptions to Outdoor Shows or stop hitting the channel button for these activities. Complaining on AR won't change the content of any of these shows. If you don't like um don't watch um. Confused

Larry Sellers
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