Since Moz ivory isn't importable into the US because of the lack of their certification by CITES, I question if it's importable into Canada who is also a signatory to CITES.
I personally know of a Canadian hunter who has imported Mozambique ivory into Canada. I believe the reason this ivory can not be imported into the U.S. is that USFW have chosen to disregard CITES with respect to Mozambique ivory.
I keep waiting for USF&W to change their position on this issue, but it is sure slow in coming. I understand they do not allow the ivory because they feel Moz doesn't have a responsible and effective elephant conservation plan, am I correct in that?
I Know that canada is a cites member which is why I asked the question in the first place. Unfortunately I'm not sure which govt agency to get ahold of to ask the question govt agencies are quite convoluted here at least in the US you can cal usfws & possibly get the correct answer I'll keep querying & post my findings Regards Tony