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Re: ZCTF names-names in Zim Poaching
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Picture of Oldsarge
I sent SCI HQ the entire article Kathi posted with the pre-script "All right, guys, get on this . . . NOW!!!" Let's see what happens. Cabela's should be ashamed. In fact, if the Cabela brothers were still in charge, they would be!

Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Same man. One of the founder group ofSelous scouts, turned Rhodesia Party (socialist) politician turned Mugabe admirer. Now based in the states. His partner, Tommy Orford objected to his actions and was driven off waterford ranch and is now dead.

Money, prestige and power corrupt
Posts: 3026 | Location: Zimbabwe | Registered: 23 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Ganyana is 100 % right ! I hunted with Tom Orford on Waterford in 1984 & where I shot my buff. I met Allen & I thought he was an asshole then & I have not changed my mind yet.Tom was a good man & got a raw deal.
Posts: 265 | Location: south texas | Registered: 30 November 2001Reply With Quote
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I wonder if this is the same Alan Savory in question, has anyone an idea how old he might be now !!!

Just a longshot BUT some of our Zimbabwe experts from the past may know ??

Below is an excerpt from past historic Counter Insurgency work in the then Rhodesia days during the bush war ...

( excerpt )

Nevertheless, as already indicated, the Rhodesians were heavily dependent upon black servicemen and police who were forthcoming in sufficient numbers to maintain voluntary enlist�ment until 1979, at which point black conscription was introduced as a political measure by the transitional government. Equally noteworthy was the successful use of pseudo forces, by which members of the Security Forces as well as captured guerrillas �turned� by the former, were utiised to infiltrate guerrilla organisations.

A pilot scheme was attempted in October 1966 by Senior Assistant Commissioner Oppenheim of the BSAP CID and others including Lieutenant Alan Savory, who had exper�ience of working in the game parks] and Lieutenant �Spike� Powell who had worked with British pseudo-gangs in Kenya during the Mau Mau emergency of the 1950s.

( end of excerpt )

Another more recent 2002 excerpt below ....

Even the most casual observer in Zimbabwe can see that Mugabe�s assertions that his regime seeks to protect the environment for present and future generations are patently untrue. In an open letter to Mugabe coinciding with the summit, Zimbabwe-born ecologist Allan Savory, who lauded the Zimbabwe leader in the early years after 1980 independence, finally revealed 22 years of fruitless behind-the-scenes dealings with him on environmental issues. Reflecting painful disenchantment, Savory protested at the "path with tragic consequences" on which he said Mugabe has set Zimbabwe. The ecologist, now based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, urged Mugabe "to reverse our most serious problem � desertification"; not "act as a short sighted politician". If Mugabe notices the letter, it is likely to be with a fleeting, derisive giggle. As a member of Parliament in Ian Smith's Rhodesian Front party, Savory crossed swords with fellow white legislators. On environmental issues, he advocated acceptance of his entire Holistic Resource Management approach. Savory's political views have varied, supporting first the Rhodesian Front and then Mugabe. But many of his pronouncements on ecological issues remain extremely relevant.

Mugabe has been barnstorming round the country urging his supporters to seize irrigation equipment from fleeing whites, and promising a massive programme of dam-construction to free them forever from the threat of drought and famine. Back in 1970, Savory, now 68, warned that vanished civilisations wasted vast labour and resources thinking irrigation works would meet their exploding agricultural needs. These works quickly became worthless, silted-up malarial death traps as catchments were destroyed by bad pastoral and cultivation practices, and once-reliable river flow became erratic in consequence. In his open letter to Mugabe, Savory revealed how in 1984 "I informed you I had finally discovered a way to reverse the land degradation�I requested your government have the matter fully investigated as most officials in Zimbabwe opposed my views - you agreed to my request, saying: �We have no more serious problem than our rising population and deteriorating land� (your exact words)." Savory said he eventually wrote to Mugabe "in desperation" in April 1994, saying the ability to reverse land deterioration was being held up by civil service inertia, and adding that millions might by now have been resettled "without displacing a single farmer, disrupting our economy, or causing massive unemployment." What Savory may now realise is that Mugabe and his associates were never interested in resolving environmental problems: they wanted to exploit them to gain and retain power. Thus it still is today.
Posts: 3331 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Correct me if I'm wrong but this is a brief assessment as I see it from afar !!!

After visiting the ZTO Zimbabwe Tourism website it is my understanding one needs to registered to operate in Zim's.

I dont see either Out of Africa or Nyati Safaris registered under hunting operators at all !! that is an issue that may or may not be relavent.

The three associations below represent the hunting industry in Zimbabwe.

1) The Zimbabwe Professional Hunters & Guides Association

2) The Zimbabwe Association of Tour and Safari Operators (ZATSO)

These two associations share offices and have combined staff.

Telephone: (263 4) 702402 or (263 23) 316739


3) The Zimbabwe Hunters Association

Telephone (263-4) 707306

It would be interesting to dig a bit deeper and help chaps like Mr. Johnny Rodrigues whom has the fortitude to expose and work towards weeding out any alleged illegal entities that are spoiling the hunting industry for those bona fide hard working Outfitters operating under trying circumstances and still respected in Zim's

Recent article of interest

Info how [ THE ZIMBABWE TOURISM AUTHORITY SET UP ] and other relavent bodies interface within the system

Regards, Peter
Posts: 3331 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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You are going to have a hard time seperating SCI from Cabelas from OOA.

SCI and Cabelas have a joint membrship drive for SCI going where each pay $25.00 of a $50.00 gift certificate.

Cabelas books for and recommends OOA hunts in RSA and Zimbabwe.

OOA is a huge donor to SCI both at the Chapter and the International level of hunts in RSA and Zimbabwe.
Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Anybody can publish anything on the Internet, and they frequently do.

I think it will require government action in RSA and Zim to "...separate SCI from Cabelas from OOA". After all those governments are the people in charge in the two countries.

Over here we expect a court of competent jurisdiction to rule before we all declare the parties guilty of whatever. The Johnny Rodriguez article sounds bad to us, but why isn't his government taking action? Perhaps it is because if you pull out the unsubstantiated allegations you are not left with much.

Posts: 4166 | Location: San Diego, CA USA | Registered: 14 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Kathi.....I know Trisian and I find it hard to believe he is operating at the level inferred.

His speciality is hunting leopard with dogs and his dogs have been specifically trained to trail only leopards....if they followed anything else they wouldn't be much use for hunting leopard. If there aren't any leopard in evidence in Matetsi 1 do you think it could be because the animals they prey on have been poached.

I know that the elder Cabela and his wife hunted with Tristan last year and both took very large cats...I don't know the area they hunted.

There are many who think it's not sporting to hunt leopard with dogs and they are welcome to their opinion but I'd like some evidence before a young PH's name gets smeared. I might also add that I believe most of the leopard his clients kill are those that have become "problem" cats that prey on livestock which is one of the reasons they are so big.

I'd like more evidence of any wrong doing than the "fact" he took Dick Cabela and his wife leopard hunting.
Posts: 4360 | Location: Sunny Southern California | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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