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Researching my first trip to Africa
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Gentlemen & Ladies,

I've been doing some research on a trip to Africa and you can get lost in the amount of information. So I'm asking the exerperts on here. I've started to do research on a trip for 2008 to hunt in Africa. The first question is tough I can not decide where to go I would like to Hunt Cape Buffalo and some plains Animals, Like one buffalo and four or five plains animals like the Gemsbuck or Kadu. I would not rather hunt on a ranch but would rather hunt on a concession. I kinda have a limited budget and really need look at what a trip like that would coast all inclusive except the airfare. Say 10 days. I see hunts that range from 7500 up to 20000 for such a hunt. The main purpose of the hunt would be buffalo. SO here are the questions?

Where would one really go for such a hunt? Secondly, how can you trust the booking agent and outfitter. I've booked other hunts with outfitters to Canada and got taken once but the guy was refferred to me by a friend!. I would really like to get a firm start on some solid research and start making the plans. I know it takes time.

WOuld like some recoomendations on PH and such as this would be a trip for 2 probaly

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Posts: 22 | Registered: 11 October 2006Reply With Quote
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The internet is a wonderful thing but there is nothing that can beat visiting with someone face to face. Go to some hunting shows and see what is out there. Ask for any information you need. No question is dumb. Be educated before you deposit or pay for a hunt. Like who you are using and then prepare yourself physically.

Global Sportsmen Outfitters, LLC
Bob Cunningham

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I have had three very rewarding trips and no major hangups...

Welcome to AR and you will find many answers to your questions...


Michael Podwika... DRSS bigbores and hunting " MAKE THE SHOT " 450#2 Famars
Posts: 6767 | Location: Wyoming, Pa. USA | Registered: 17 April 2003Reply With Quote
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I've been arond for awhile but have not posted anything, I think this was my second post.

I'm not really scared of being taken I'm trying to get as much info as i can before making a decision. It seems logical to first pick the animals I wish to take. Like plains animals, then pick a location and then a PH for the area I wanted to hunt, this is where I'm having some trouble. I would really like a nice cape buff, then some other animals to go along with the buff. I would like a Kadu and a gemsbuck, a wilderbeast, or maybe some others.

I'm first trying to pinpoint an area which will provide me with this. Any suggestions would help I know there is a lot of PH's on here and Outfitters and yes I have been to several sport shows for this purpose. I 've been to the Harrisburg, PA show, the Cleveland Show. LIke i said before you can get lost in all the information. And the different pricing some pay this and some include this and other do not. I seen where there is a flat daily rate for buff's and then a trophy fee and a fee for other animals which you take on the trip. but then you have to pay for dipping of the hides and pay for alot of other things. It can get confusion if you let it. I would like to find someone who could meet my needs which a great package all inclusive except tips and airfare. Or at least give me a real close estimate.

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Posts: 22 | Registered: 11 October 2006Reply With Quote
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338 pm sent


Michael Podwika... DRSS bigbores and hunting " MAKE THE SHOT " 450#2 Famars
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if you havent done so already i would suggest getting a copy of craig boddington's book - buffalo.
very informative and if you going to hunt em this would be good preparation. most guys here differ on opinion as to his hunting abilities, but his books are spot on.
please also take note that im green with envy for you to even be able to plan one as this would be a dream come true for me! enjoy every minute of it. and good luck with the hunting!

anticipation of fear is worse than fear itself
Posts: 62 | Location: Krugersdorp, Gauteng South Africa | Registered: 24 November 2006Reply With Quote
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In my admittedly limited experience, I have found that there are few areas that offer buffalo and decent plains game on the same hunt. One such area, however, is the Save Conservancy in the Southeast Lowveldt of Zimbabwe. There are several very good outfitters that hunt this area, most notably Shangaan Hunters. I have been to their ranch, and it is loaded with game. I have not hunted with them, but those on this board who have give them very high marks.
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Join SCI - Safari Club Intl or Dallas Safari Club and attend their show in January. Dallas is in Dallas, SCI is in Reno. Each show has it's advocates but either one should suit your purpose. Talk to outfitters at the show. Tell them what you are looking for, how much you can spend and ask for references.
Check trip reports here and talk to other hunters who have been there. There are gatherings for AR at each show. There are quite a few outfitters who can help you find the trip that you want. Start with those who frequent this board, don't worry, they'll find you now that you have posted your question.

Posts: 1903 | Location: Greensburg, Pa. | Registered: 09 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Since you want buffalo plus PG on a budget, you really have only one choice, and that is Zimbabwe. Every other destination will cost you quite a bit more. And since you want Gemsbok as well, that narrows the field down a lot more to southern or Western Zim - this is a species that likes the more arid areas. So it's not so hard after all.

Russ Gould - Whitworth Arms LLC, Large Calibers and African Safaris, Fine English, American and German Double Rifles and Shotguns, Varmint Rifles and Gear
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I do not have alot of trips under my belt but I have learned a few things. It is very easy to be enjoying your trophies on the wall years after the hunt and realize that you spent double your "budget".

Add up your airfare, your daily rates, your trophy fees. Now double this figure. This should safely cover all the extras, possibly some extra heat of the moment animals, your shipping, most taxidermy, your extra lodging costs, your tips etc..

The good news is that the second half of that budget can be spread out over a period of a year of more and that helps.

Enjoy planning your trip. You have allowed enough time to do all the homework you need to do. No matter what you spend, You will never regret going. Good luck.

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When you think you have an idea of who you want to hunt with, post it on AR before you sign up. Somebody here will have hunted with that outfit/PH and you will get feedback.

Zim have only 10 gemsbok a year on quota. If you wanted that combination you would probably need to hunt the bauffalo in Save conservancy (there are a dozen outfits in 1200 sq milesof the conservancy) and then go up to Causton for the plainsgame. Ron Oliver is the US agent for Cawston, one of the outfits in the Save and also the comercial arm of National parks in Matetsi Unit 5 (good buff but probably more expensive than save). He is a good man and posts regularly on AR. There are several others like him that vist here...
Posts: 3026 | Location: Zimbabwe | Registered: 23 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Here is a lot of advice on the topics that you need advice on;

The document needs some editing, but that will come next year. Feedback will be most welcome.

In good hunting.

Andrew McLaren

Andrew McLaren
Professional Hunter and Hunting Outfitter since 1974. The home page to go to for custom planning of ethical and affordable hunting of plains game in South Africa!
Enquire about any South African hunting directly from

After a few years of participation on forums, I have learned that:

One can cure:

Lack of knowledge – by instruction. Lack of skills – by practice. Lack of experience – by time doing it.

One cannot cure:

Stupidity – nothing helps! Anti hunting sentiments – nothing helps! Put-‘n-Take Outfitters – money rules!

My very long ago ancestors needed and loved to eat meat. Today I still hunt!

Posts: 1799 | Location: Soutpan, Free State, South Africa | Registered: 19 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the respones so far

Nothing beats a well placed shot
Posts: 22 | Registered: 11 October 2006Reply With Quote
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