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The first hunting day of 2007: 160 pound leopard. Ongoing.......
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Picture of David Hulme
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West Nic produces some great cats. Do you have a picture of your leopard?


I have just heard that PH Richard Tabor's client has taken what could be a 60lb elephant bull in Chewore, as well as a large lion. I shall get hold of pictures ASAP and post them. Things are hotting up! I shall be starting an elephant/buffalo hunt with PH Tabor in the Zambezi Valley early next month.


Posts: 2270 | Location: Zimbabwe | Registered: 28 February 2007Reply With Quote
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I posted a hunt report with pic's of my cat, titled "Zimbabwe Leopard hunt with Georgia Safaris".
I hunted with John Hunt and David Amyot.
Posts: 6080 | Location: New York City "The Concrete Jungle" | Registered: 04 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of cjworldtrek
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Just to give credit where credit is due....the hunts for all of these fellows was arranged through SAFARI OUTFITTERS, INC.. We work very closely with Roger & Guy Whittall and have represented their operations for many years and have many, many happy hunters return from their operations in Zimbabwe.

If you have an interest in a hunt of this nature, please contact us -
(307) 587-5596 or e-mail:

Yours for Good Hunting!

Posts: 95 | Location: The World from Cody, WY | Registered: 25 August 2006Reply With Quote
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I booked through Adventures Unlimited- John Barth from Texas.
Posts: 6080 | Location: New York City "The Concrete Jungle" | Registered: 04 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of David Hulme
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Good day

We have been hunting kudu and bushbuck the past couple of days. The kudu are coming into rut now and bulls are beginning to materialize from the woodwork – we are seeing more and more each day. A kudu bull is an impressive sight at any time, but right now they look most spectacular, all puffed up with engorged necks and acting hard. On a couple of occasions, we have observed bulls dueling over cows – pitting pushing strength and clattering horns. We have seen many kudu bulls but not as many bushbuck rams as we would have liked. Yesterday evening, however, Rick connected with a fine bushbuck that measured 15 inches. Unfortunately, the picture that I am posting was taken by me back at camp after dark. Rick took photos with his camera earlier, but I cannot download from his memory card. I’ll make a plan and send the better pictures ASAP. Rick was using his .270 again, and made a perfect lung-shot on the buck.

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I went out hunting with Captain Bob’s team this morning. As we were crossing the Turgwe drift at sunrise, the Captain spotted spiral horns in amongst a small group of young waterbuck bulls, on a sandbar about 500 metres upstream. It was confirmed that the horns did indeed belong to a big kudu bull and a stalk was initiated. Stalking through the head-high reeds that line the riverbank, we closed the gap rapidly. The kudu and waterbuck were across the river from us, and given no other choice, the Captain was forced to take a long shot over the water. Later we ranged it at 197 yards. The lone kudu bull knew that something was amiss and began walking towards the bush-line as Lymon set up the shooting sticks. Guy called out over the river and the kudu stopped, looking back over its shoulder at us. With the bull quartering away, the Captain let drive, hitting exactly where intended – just in front of the hips. Propelled by 300 grains, the Swift A Frame slug angled through the bull’s length, exiting the left shoulder. The bull hunched tellingly before leaping off into the brush and dying within 30 yards. In fact, that bull died as the Captain’s bullet hit it. It just didn’t realize it was dead until it covered 30 yards. It was a great shot and the Captain was deservedly rewarded – the bull measured an excellent 55 inches. Captain Bob is well pleased with his classic shape kudu trophy and so he should be. We too are well pleased with the Skipper’s trophy. I am posting a few pictures of the Captain’s kudu, from different perspectives.

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Monster waterbuck are laying low but nobody is overly concerned about it at this stage. After being led on a merry dance by that huge waterbuck a few days ago, Rick is only interested in taking something similar and something similar will be hard to find. No matter – as stated nobody is under any pressure to do anything right now. We are just cruising along, picking off the few plainsgame trophies that the Captain and Rick still want. Rick took a wildebeest bull this evening with another perfect shot and high spirits are the order of the day. Actually, high spirits have been the order of this entire hunt. Rick does really want a kudu bull and the Captain may take a bushbuck if we come across a big one, but other than that and possibly a warthog or two, the hunt is concluded. There are still 5 days remaining and it is highly probable that we spend at least one of those days fishing. The Captain is the only one not too keen on the fishing. Earlier on today, he growled that he has spent 35 years at sea on a fishing boat and doesn’t really feel the need to be in another boat at this stage! The Captain is a funny man and great fun to be around. We are having a fantastic hunt.

The elephant bull taken by Richard Tabor’s client in Chewore weighed in officially at 66 and 60 pounds respectively! Think about that, all those who say Chewore no longer produces big elephant. I shall get details and photographs when I begin a hunt with Richard in about a week’s time. Probably only be able to get the photos to you a couple of weeks after that, as the hunt is in the Zambezi Valley and there is no broadband internet there! Hang on – the chances are I’ll team up with Rich in Harare the day before we drive out together and I’ll try to post the ele pictures then. And the lion pictures, of course.

Throughout this thread, I have failed to mention that the Captain, Rick and Brent have another hunting buddy named Jeff who is also hunting with RWS at this time. He is hunting with PH Magara Dirapenga in Chewore. News from Chewore has been erratic and I have only had a thorough update recently. The news is that Jeff has taken a buffalo, leopard, kudu, waterbuck and bushbuck, and that they are all good trophies. Again, I shall post pictures ASAP.

This hunt is winding down, as is this thread. I shall submit another update or two and then I shall take you across the country, to the Zambezi Valley, where I will be accompanying an elephant bull hunt. Unforunately, I will only be able to post the report of that hunt upon its conclusion. I hope you are enjoying these hunt reports - I am trying to make them as bearable as possible. I should get better as time goes.

Good hunting friends

Posts: 2270 | Location: Zimbabwe | Registered: 28 February 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of David Hulme
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Good day

You guys thought you’d lost me to page two eh? No such luck I’m afraid. Did I write that this hunt was winding down yesterday? My apologies – nothing could be further from the truth, if the events of today are anything to go by.

Later than usual this morning, with no pressure whatsoever (as if there ever was any), the hunters set out with nothing particular in mind. Rick still wanted a kudu but that was about it, unless a monster waterbuck or hog put in an appearance. And, well, with five days still to go as of this morning…..

Anyway, a monster hog did put in an appearance and the Captain dispatched it with an incredible offhand shot through brush. What a trophy it is, with one tusk going 15 inches and the other just shy. The warthog was encountered whilst the Captain and his guides were making a slow stalk down the Turgwe River, along a stretch where much warthog sign has recently been observed. The hog was in relatively thick bush and heading into thicker stuff. The Skipper knew he didn’t have any time to waste, and not even waiting for the sticks he shouldered his rifle and let fly, hitting the huge hog flush on the shoulder. What a rush and what a monster warthog.

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Rick and Pete also stayed at the party today, taking a fine 53 inch kudu bull. Rick has been holding out for something a little bigger, but who in his right mind is going to turn down the bull he took this morning? I don’t know whether Rick will be pleased to know that he has been adjudged right of mind by this somewhat unbalanced scribe! The taking of the kudu bull meant more than taking another great trophy to Rick, for it was trailed from the very same pan that the hunters tracked Rick’s buffalo bull from about a week ago. At midmorning today, Rick, Pete and co found themselves in fever tree alley not far from said pan, and decided to detour slightly and check spoor at the pan. The detour resulted in the discovery of extremely fresh kudu bull spoor, and even though the tracking was not going to be easy, they decided to give it a bash. With Rindai and Pete working together, progress was made on the lone bull and they came up on him within two kilometers. From sixty yards the bull stared at the men, presenting a full frontal, his chest exposed above brush. Pete informed Rick that it would go 53/54 inches and Rick’s .270 had its say again, the bullet striking the bull where neck meets chest. Done and dusted and another excellent trophy was added to those already taken on this fantastic safari.

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This afternoon, chill mode really set in and the hunters enjoyed a leisurely afternoon tea session with Roger and Anne Whittall, and Jimmy the rhino. Earlier on, the Captain, Rick and Brent were introduced to another orphan – buffy the buffalo. Yeah, I know the name is not very original but I am not to blame for that one!

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I wonder what will be in store tomorrow. Something, I’m sure….

Posts: 2270 | Location: Zimbabwe | Registered: 28 February 2007Reply With Quote
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