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Letters from Don Heath
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Picture of juanpozzi
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Hi Juan

Two things- I recieved the first batch of jewlery made from those lion claws back today - wasn't impressed and too the rest of the claws back and also the "wish bones". I prommised one for your son and one for the shooting trophy. Would it be acceptable if I just posted you two clas and the wish bones and you get them made up there? I had a few made up some years ago from another man eater and gave them aways as gifts except for one I kept. They guy had this as a sample- but over a year for a third class job!

Please just re-send me your postal adress and contact Phone number and I'll send them oer.

Secondly, I have sold my buisness here and now work for Norma on a full time basis- but with very gernerous leave conditions to enable me to do the two lion hunts I get each year on my dads farm - and still have a holiday with the family. For you, I will take you hunting, but for your friends and clients I will need to pass them onto Bert who has taken over my operation or Dirk- a fantastic young (28) hunter- who was with me when I shot the man eater who's claws I want to get to you.


IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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I have had many more letters clasees and articlers sadly i lost most of them but in the future ill post photos and his articles . FULL PROFESSIONAL MEMBER OF IPHA INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL HUNTERS ASOCIATION .
IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Thanks very much for sharing these.
Posts: 441 | Registered: 05 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of bambazonke
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Very interesting read
please keep us up dated
thank you for sharing this info

Don was a fine gentleman R.I.P
Posts: 104 | Location: Zimbabwe somewhere | Registered: 31 August 2013Reply With Quote
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This in spanish ....Don was studying spanish in Sweden
Hola Juan

El AK fue ampliamente utilizado por las unidades, como los exploradores Selous Scouts, pero en el SAS sólo se utiliza la ametralladora LMG RPD y los exploradores llegaron a la misma conclusión con los exploradores blancos que llevaban un RPD o RPK y los exploradores negros (muchos de los cuales era ex guerrilleros) un AK con el que estaban familiarizados.

En los parques nacionales que había HK G3, fueron sustituidos por FN FAL cuando estuvieron disponibles (que llegó cerca de la parte inferior de la pila con las nuevas armas-la mayoría de las primeras batallas libradas entre los guerrilleros y la policía y los parques, los guaradparuqes y policias tenian ex Primera Guerra Mundial Lee Enfield P14 y en 0.303 british.)

Más tarde, ya que había se aceptado a tantos ex guerrilleros en el servicio de Parques recibimos constantes solicitudes de los de los hombres en el terreno ... y como nuestro presupuesto para la formación se convirtió en cada vez menos finalmente aceptamos los AK, conservando los FAL para los funcionarios y suboficiales que los querían. Cuando me fui del Gobierno en el año 2000 se me permitió comprar mi FAL –en realidad un fal de cañon pesado o FAP-, ya que oficialmente se retiraron todos.

Como ustedes saben he recogido dos heridas de bala de AK's el uno a través de la clavícula,que probablemente habría sido fatal si hubiera sido disparado desde un FAL, y casi con toda seguridad me habría puesto fuera de la lucha ... en vez de que, aunque Me sento al recibir el golpe, tuve la oportunidad de sacar mi pistola y disparar a los cazadores furtivos a uno en la cara a escasos cms de la mia-a este lo estaba devorando una hiena. El otro, a través de la pierna, tuvo un efecto mucho menor-me caí en el momento de golpear, pero el sargento-mayor se detuvo, me miró y dijo: "El señor en tus pies, los hombres necesitan verlo" Así que me puse de pie cojeando y con visión de un par de minutos más tarde, cuando estaba claro que los cazadores furtivos se había quedado, me detuve y con la ayuda del sargento-Mayor, obture la salida de la herida con un tampón, envuelto una venda alrededor de la pierna entera y wwith que me ayuda a caminar el kilómetro más o menos de vuelta a la camioneta ... Entonces me llevó al hospital el 5 horas mas tarde habiendo perdido mucha sangre.

Mi mejor amigo Charlie HALEY recibió un impacto de una explosión de una PPR que le quebró el fémur ... si las balas había mostrado ningún efecto herida más explosivas que se han cortado la arteria femoral y el que lo golpeó en el hueso de la cadera que han destrozado que en lugar de rebote ... Resultado ... finalmente amputada la pierna Charlies justo debajo de la rodilla en febrero de este año ... Los cuatro gooks que le dispararon? Nos detenemos y meamos en las tumbas cada vez que vamos a una barbacoa en la gran montaña a las afueras de Harare (hay un cementerio Gook pequeños cerca del fondo y los cuatro que Charlie abatio después de que fue herido están enterrados allí).

Hay varias características de la AK que no me gustan-Uno de ellos es la seguridad, los exploradores Selous aprendieron a perforar un pequeño agujero en la palanca y poner un anillo de plástico en ella ... por lo que podría tirar de la saliente "antes de empujarlo hacia el fuego ... se mantiene en secreto y la "Klack 'de un AK ser empujado fuera de seguros salvado muchas troopie Rhodesia ... y en peligro las operaciones de varios exploradores, hasta que aprendió el truco. En los parques que no se preocupe ... sobre todo el "Klack ayudó a ahuyentar a los animales y los malos y los exploradores que no eran partidarios de tratar con cualquiera.

Mi hermano gastó un montón de dinero en 'modificar' su AK. Tenía el anillo en el cierre de seguridad, pero también quería una mayor precisión y un mejor efecto de la terminal, por lo que tuvo un nuevo barril compuesto, con una cámara alterada y con un cuello corto y de tamaño correctamente. Él belw a los casos de latón ligeramente para mejorar tanto la cantidad de polvo y concentricidad y cargó los puntos blandos 110grn para el Carnine .30 M1 .. se acerca 2600fps si mal no recuerdo hace 30 años. En la corta distancia que la mayoría de nuestros contactos se llevó a cabo la velocidad extra y el punto suave trabajado e incluso en tomas más largas (por no decir 200 metros) si se utiliza un programa balístico podrás ver que el pequeño 110grn redonda nariz a 2600fps brotes más plana que la 123grn más simplificado en 2300fps ... menos era la precisión a 200 metros que les preocupaba. La mayoría de los AK que he usado dan un 6 "patrón a 100 metros de mis hermanos disparo 1,5" grupos.

En la otra mano en el trabajo forense llegué a prueba de disparar todo tipo de fusiles que habían sido escondidos o se ha caído en los pozos y ríos, etc para ver si acertaron los casos sin resolver el crimen. A) Siempre se puede conseguir un fusil AK al fuego ... incluso si se trataba de una masa de óxido con el stock carcomido que no sólo el fuego, pero a menudo se repite ... Un FN necesita mucho de la limpieza antes de que el fuego y la atención de un buen armero antes de que el ciclo de forma fiable. El G3 CETME de que había ... sobre todo que teníamos que volver a montar los barriles en otro receptor para disparar ni un tiro de prueba y nada tendría que trabajar de nuevo si había sido arrojado en un pozo o enterrados sin estar debidamente engrasado por más de unas pocas semanas.

Cuando el ejército zim finalmente (en 1999) decretó que había que cambiar de nuestro FAL a AK para el servicio rifle partidos Charlie organizar un juicio masivo que tuvo 200AK de todas las marcas que encontramos-ruso, húngaro, búlgaro Chino rumanos, coreanos egipcia etc, y casos de todas las marcas de municiones que había disponibles y les dispararon para el tamaño del grupo a 200m.

Alemania del Este o rifles Yugoslava con munición húngaro o cargan a mano se puede ... cerca de 8-9 "tamaño de los grupos de 200m ... las cosas fueron cuesta abajo desde allí a Corea del Norte o con Egipto munición de Corea del Norte no ser lo suficientemente preciso para golpear de forma fiable un objetivo fig12 a 200m .

En veraniego-El AK es un arma campesinos adecuado. He visto exploradores juego sentados en sus fusiles, arrojándolos fuera de la parte trasera del camión, etc-absuse que matar a un FAL o M16 en el corto plazo. Llevan a cabo muy rápidamente, el sistema de gas es muy violenta y martillos de la acción -, pero nada de esto es un problema si no son miles y miles de rondas de disparos en la formación y no tienen capacidad real o la inclinación para mantener su rifle muy limpias. Sin duda, tiene su lugar-pero en general no es la marca de un campesino un profesional. (Nota: en Afganistán la Chetchens que son los mejores de las tropas del "enemigo" todos llevamos RPD. RPK o de PKM). El hecho de que un campesino sin necesidad de herramientas o materiales puede que siga funcionando es lo que hace que sea peligroso ... el campesino no puede disparar bien a quién le importa si el rifle es fijar el punto exacto? Él es tan susceptible de chocar con un disparo salvaje objetivo de un fusil inexacta a partir de un estado del sistema de francotirador de arte ... y que va a despedir a un montón disparos más salvaje de un AK de un sistema de francotirador.

Cuando los campesinos con el golpe de AK en tropas profesionales ... que siempre va mal. Disciplinado, el fuego Dirigido desde Auto semi latidos del aerosol y el tiempo de rezar todos. Un ejemplo clásico de esto es el fmous 'batalla de Chinoyi ... 7 gooks con AK y una RPD frente al 4 reserva de la policía con la Primera Guerra Mundial SMLE vintage. Una Gook recibió un disparo con el apoyo de helicópteros dispararon unos a los otros 400rnds a la policía, la policía disparó siete rondas atrás.La puntuación de ... 7 nula para nosotros.

Dr. Don Heath D.Sc.
Gerente de Soporte Técnico
Norma AB precisión
670 S 40
IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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HI Juan

I will send you a couple of articles for Magnum – you will have to translate them, but have a variety that I original wrote for Soldier of Fortune magazine- but I had a fall out with the boss and they were never used.

Also, Norma are considering the following two firms as agents/distributors. Do you know them? Are they any good or can you make some other recommendations?

This year I will have some cheep elephant left over. I will put together a short survival course with a couple of the old Selous Scout instructors and then a PAC elephant. Cost should be around US$5000 all in- still awaiting a quite from the two instructors. They are the best in the game but oh boy! Trying to pin them down.

IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Hi Juan

I’ll ask Carin to email you the details. I leave tomorrow to take wayne van zol from guns and ammo hunting elephant. He has bought 5! So I will be basically out of communication from tomorrow until Monday 4th May.

I have no clue where I will be in July – but let me know dates you will be in south Africa and perhaps we can tie in you coming up to the old selous scout training camp and meeting the instructors etc.

Also The lad who has bought my hunting operation is offering tuskless/ PAC elephant hunts for US$ 5000 – hard to beat that deal. There are crop raiders in the fields right now…


IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Hi Juan

I can send you several articles and provided they are published in Spanish only, the magazines I write for in the states won’t mind.

The truth about Easter Monday 1992 – guy fire 15-18 rounds at me with an AKM (7,62x39) from a range of about 3m. He was lying in a slight hollow and I was walking forward. I had five holes in my clothing but only one in me – you’ve seen the scar. Hit right clavicle, shattering it and turning the bullet about 80°, and it exited low down on the shoulder blade. I sat down hard, drew my revolver (S&W M58 in .41 mag) worn as per regulation, butt forward on left hand side, and shot him just above the left eye.

The problem was then policing up the battle field (we got 13 in the first couple of seconds ), Getting me to hospital when there was only one other man in the stick who could drive. Seven hours drive to hospital and then another day before A surgeon turned up to clean me up, dig the bone fragments up etc, Found a fair sized bit of clavicle in the rt lung which was why I was still coughing blood.

I have a few articles that would suit a Semi Military magazine- problem animal control in the middle of a war that I can let you have for free. I have a lot if somebody is going to pay me for them.



Dr. Don Heath
Marketing Specialist
Norma Precision AB
S 670 40
IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2015 04:30:48 +0200
Subject: SV: SV: SV: war days
Hi Juan

Clem used a double .465 for the first 4 shots and then two Draganovs after that. While he was shooting one rifle the other was being reloaded by a scout. A second scout reloaded and carried a double. Mike La Grange started using F.N. FAL’s with Horniday 220grn solids. When we captured a pile of new US M1 Garands he upgraded to 30-06. Mikes personal rifle to open the cull with was a 500 A Square. He used a .500NE before Art gave hijm the rifle and my dad made him a sensible stock ( My dad did an aprentership as a stockmaker at the end of WWII but got a scholarship to be an engineer after Korea, and he altered or made new many rifle stock as extra cash.

Erik is coming here Friday so I will bring up you and your men with him face to face _ especially as he is on the scrounge for frangible training ammo.



Dr. Don Heath
Marketing Specialist
IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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ey Double is a Krieghoff

Always used Plastic points on gooks!

Dr Don Heath D.Sc.
Manager, Research and Development
Norma Precision AB
S 670 40
+46 571 315 05
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Från: Juan Pablo Pozzi []
Skickat: den 9 oktober 2013 12:46
Till: Don Heath
Ämne: RE: SV: SV: leoupold scope

Excuse me Don your double is a krieghoff .....
Did you used plastics on gooks ....

Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2013 07:11:20 +0200
Subject: SV: SV: leoupold scope

Hi Juan

You used plastic points – same thing I use on leopard or following people into caves- we all carried a mag of plastic point- they don’t ricochet and put people down faster than anything else.

I prefer ejectors – but my own rifle has extractors only. With nickeled cases or clean brass it is no hinderance.



Dr Don Heath D.Sc.
Manager, Research and Development
Norma Precision AB
S 670 40
+46 571 315 05
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Från: Juan Pablo Pozzi []
Skickat: den 5 oktober 2013 1:23
Till: Don Heath
Ämne: RE: SV: leoupold scope

Dear friend just 2 questions ,what type of NORMA AMMO I USED IN POLAND and second .Extractors on doubles your opinion .
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2013 08:11:47 +0200
Subject: SV: leoupold scope
Hi Juan
Trust you are well- have sent out your hunting list to several outfitters here.

My 9,3 is a Dumolin from Belgium with a Kevlar stock. Scope is a Leupold VX VI 30mm 1,5-6

I use 4 loads.
Woodleigh 286grn Solids (elephant)
Swift 286grn A frame (Buffalo)
Norma 286grn Oryx (lion)
which all shoot together at 100m

Speer 270grn downloaded to 2300fps which shoots 1” high at 100m without adjusting the scope and I use for general plainsgame hunting

I have qd mounts and can clip the scope off and replace it with a Aimpoint Micro in case I have to follow up wounded game.


Dr Don Heath D.Sc.
Manager, Research and Development
Norma Precision AB
S 670 40
+46 571 315 05
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IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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thank you Juan.

i met Don few decades ago in Zim and we exchanged some times emails.

thank you to bringing the memory.

Posts: 2058 | Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. | Registered: 21 May 2006Reply With Quote
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Here's the last post I received from Don. It was in response to my asking him if he had found some relief from the headaches he was suffering.

Bill Quimby

posted Jul 7, 3:31 AM
Hi Bill

Sadly none of the top specialists and I have seen two, independantly, talk of minimising the effects rather than a cure. The ammount of Scar tissue in the brain isn't excessive but they have no idea why it has suddenly got worse - get at leat 3 and usually 4 migrains per week, pluss all the rest of the funny simptoms like falling half asleeep and unable to function for 5 -10 minutes and then returning to normal.

That RPG blast was 35 years ago next month - but the bastard who fired it got blown apart by a Golf bomb and the remaining bits fried in the napalm strike a few seconds later, so I cannot even go and take a dump on his grave like I do every new year with the bastard who shot me in the shoulder in 1992

Posts: 2633 | Location: tucson and greer arizona | Registered: 02 February 2006Reply With Quote
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IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Gracias, Dr. Pozzi. Great reading.

I meant to be DSC Member...bad typing skills.

Marcus Cady

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Thanks for the memories Juan.

I last met Don in 2012 when he visited my shooting club at Bisley, to give a talk on his exploits in Zim.

My good friend then drove him to his parents' home in Cambridge; Don had some tales to tell!

I was due to take a tour around the Norma factory, but he sadly passed away beforehand.

What a life he had led! RIP Don.

“A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition” ― Rudyard Kipling
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i only regret to dont have all the mails we exchanged ,some would be very interesting .He would came to hunt here with a group from Norma and would be there for several work regarding hunting ,guns and security ... FULL PROFESSIONAL MEMBER OF IPHA INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL HUNTERS ASOCIATION .
IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Facinateing. Thank you so much for posting.
Posts: 1280 | Location: The Bluegrass State | Registered: 21 October 2014Reply With Quote
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Hi Juan

The AK was widely used by units such as the selous scouts but the SAS only used the RPD LMG and the scouts came to the same conclusion with the white scouts carrying an RPD or RPK and the black scouts (many of whom we ex guerrillas) carrying the AK’s they were familiar with.

In Parks we had G3’s which were replaced with F.N. FAL’s as they became available (we came near the bottom of the pile for new weapons- most of the early battles fought between gooks and police/parks , the good guys had ex WWi Lee enfields and P14’s in .303)

Later, because we had accepted so many ex –guerrillas into Parks service we received constant requests for them from the men on the ground…and as our budget for training became less and less we finally accepted the AK’s, retaining the FAL’s for those officers and NCO’s who wanted them. When I left Government in 2000 I was allowed to buy my issue FAL as they were officially all decommissioned.

As you know I have picked up two bullet wounds from AK’s- the one through the collar bone would probably have been fatal if it had been fired from an FAL, and almost certainly would have put me out of the fight…instead of which, although I sat down on being hit, I was able to draw my handgun and shoot the poacher. The other, through the leg, had even less effect- I fell down on being hit, but the Sergeant-major stopped, looked back at me and said-‘ On your feet sir- the men need to see you’ So I stood up and limped forward- A couple of minutes later when it was clear the poachers had run, I stopped and with the Sergeant-Majors help, plugged the exit wound with a tampon, wrapped a bandage around the whole leg and wwith him helping me walked the kilometre or so back to the truck…I then drove myself the 5hrs to hospital.

My Best friend Charlie took a hit from a burst from an RPD which shattered the femur…if the bullets had displayed any better explosive wound effect they would have cut the femoral artery and the one that hit him on the hip bone would have smashed that instead of bouncing off…Result…they finally amputated Charlies right leg below the knee in Feb this year…The four gooks who shot him up? We stop and piss on their graves every time we go for a braai on the big mountain just outside Harare (there is a small gook cemetery near the bottom and the four Charlie shot after he was hit are buried there).

There are several features of the AK I don’t like- One is the safety- the Selous scouts learned to drill a small hole in the leaver and put a plastic ring in it…so you could pull the leaver out before pushing it onto fire…it kept it quiet and the ‘klack’ of an AK being pushed off safe saved many a Rhodesian troopie…and compromised several scouts operations until they learned the trick. In Parks we didn’t worry…mostly the ‘klack’ helped scare off both animals and bad guys and our scouts were not keen on dealing with either.

My Brother spent a lot of money on ‘modifying’ His AK. He had the ring on the safety catch but he also wanted more accuracy and better terminal effect, so he had a new barrel made up, with a altered chamber and with a short throat and correctly sized. He belw out the brass cases slightly to improve both powder amount and concentricity and he loaded the 110grn soft points for the .30 M1 carnine about 2600fps if I remember 30 years ago. At the close range which most of our contacts took place the extra speed and the soft point worked and even on longer shots (to say 200m) if you use a ballistic programme you will see that the little 110grn round nosed at 2600fps shoots flatter than the more streamlined 123grn at 2300fps…at it was accuracy out to 200m that Les was concerned about. Most AK’s I have used give a 6” pattern at 100m- my brothers shot 1,5” groups.

On the other hand- in the forensic work I got to test shoot all sorts of rifles that had been hidden or dropped in wells and rivers etc to see if they matched outstanding crime cases. A) You could always get an AK to fire…even if it was a mass of rust with the stock eaten away it would not only fire but often repeat…An F.N. needed quite a lot of cleaning before it would fire and the attention of a good armourer before it would cycle reliably. The CETME G3’s we had…mostly we had to remount the barrels on another receiver to even fire a test shot and nothing would get them working again if they had been tossed in a well or buried without being properly greased for more than a few weeks.

When the zim army finally (in 1999) decreed that we had to switch from our FAL’s to AK’s for service rifle matches Charlie arranged a massive trial- we took 200AK’s of every brand we could find- Russian, Hungarian, Bulgarian Rumanian Chinese, Koreans Egyptian etc and cases of every brand of ammo we had available and we shot them for group size at 200m.

East German or Yugoslav rifles with Hungarian or handloaded ammo were ok…about 8-9” groups size at 200m…things went down hill from there to North Korean or Egyptian with North Korean ammo not being accurate enough to reliably hit a fig12 target at 200m.

In Summery- The AK is a suitable peasants gun. I have seen game scouts sitting on their rifles, throwing them off the back of the truck etc- absuse that would kill an FAL or M16 in short order. They wear out very quickly- the gas system is very violent and hammers the action – but none of this is a problem if you are not firing thousands of rounds in training and have no real ability or inclination to keep your rifle spotlessly clean. It certainly has it’s place- but generally it is the mark of a peasant not a pro. (NB in Afghanistan the Chetchens who are the best of the ‘enemy’ troops all carry RPD. RPK or PKM’s). The fact that a peasant without tools or materials can keep it working is what makes it dangerous…the peasant cannot shoot well so who cares if the rifle is pin point accurate? He is just as likely to hit with a wildly aimed shot from an inaccurate rifle as from a state of the art sniper system…and he is going to fire a lot more wild shots from an AK than a sniper system.

When peasants with AK’s bump into professional troops…it always goes badly. Disciplined, Aimed fire from semi Auto beats spray and pray every time. A classic example of this is the fmous ‘battle of Chinoyi…7 Gooks with ak’s and an RPD vs 4 police reserve with WWI vintage SMLE’s. One gook was shot from the support helicopter- the others fired some 400rnds at the police- the police fired 7 rounds back. Score…7 nill to us.

Dr Don Heath D.Sc.
Manager Technical Support
IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Hi Juan

Rifa courses have, sadly stopped since I stopped running them. Various people have talked about starting theings up again, but of the three main instructors, Ian Henderson is dead, Charlie Haley has got married and has a wife and kid to look after and I am based in Sweden.

I will ask if you can come on the PH proficiency exam- 1st week of October.

I’ll work out an IPSC stage for you and send it


IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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I can contribute by saying that while I never met Don, I corresponded with him a bit after reading his story 'The hunted game' on the internet. I was also familiar with his articles published in Magnum and he was incredibly knowledgeable and proven as brave. He also seemed a really decent bloke and it is certainly a tragedy that he died so young. It is also a great pity that he didn't get that book published. If anyone ever finds the manuscript and is able to publish it, I would like to buy a copy - Juan you must knows his family, perhaps they could help? Here is a copy of one email I sent him and his reply:-

Hi Don,

You may recall we exchanged a few emails quite some years ago while you were still in Zim and after I read your story ‘The hunted game’?

Well, I was browsing the NitroExpress website this week and came across your story again which I re-read and printed out to send to a friend. It also said it was from your book ‘The end of an era – the death of Zimbabwe’s National Parks’ by Ganyana. I recall you telling me that you planned to publish a book with that story in it and was wondering – is that the book and if so, how can I obtain a copy? If there is another book however, please can you also let me know.

Hope you are enjoying life in Sweden (my wife’s daughter lives there and it sounds too bloody cold for my liking!) and I look forward to hearing from you.


Ps – what conclusion did you reach about who the protector at the gate was that stormy night?

From: Don Heath
Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2012 5:06 p.m.
Subject: SV: Your book

Hi from the dark and soggy north

Last time it rained day and night for 40 days , noah called it a disaster- we call it a Swedish summer.

Book hasn’t progressed. It is still 90% done and just needs finishing up loose ends and tidying up- the other 90% of the work. It is the price of working full time and having a young family- and being new so that we have only ourselves to interact with. It is getting better- Sheila is making friends and Jo has friends from school. Iain starts at kindergarten next week so his Swedish will rapidly improve and then perhaps he will interact with others more easily, but it is very much the case that when I get home from work the family are waiting for me to talk to/play with etc and my leave has been spent hunting and trying to earn the extra to pay for ’starting up’ almost from scratch.

At the gate? I take the stance that it was an angelic presence. I was not a Christian at the time, but have subsequently become one. I have never felt that degree of protection or even ‘presence’ since but I have seen the hand of God in too many other ways to ignore it. If you are interested I recently found a little book called God in Zimbabwe Rhodesia which documents a fair number of very similar incidents.



Dr Don Heath D.Sc.
Manager Technical Support
Norma Precision AB
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