Moderators: Saeed
Re: Second Report
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My congratulations to Ahmed!
Posts: 1903 | Location: Greensburg, Pa. | Registered: 09 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Great work Don!!
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Report #5 � August 18, 2004

Saeed called again about an hour ago�here is update #5:
  • They are very, very proud of Ahmed�s accomplishments in Athens. Saeed hasn�t managed to get a hold of him by phone yet, unfortunately, but is looking forward to seeing him in a week. Right about then, as Saeed is explaining this to me, I think Walter made a smart-aleck remark about the Al Maktoum�s and their shooting skills in the background, and then I could hear Ray shouting at him from his tent to go to bed already!
  • Saeed was having a little trouble with his throat at the beginning of the conversation, apparently because it is quite sore from all the laughing! He told me that the PH�s wife remarked that being in their camp is like watching a sit-com on TV that just gets more funny as it goes along.
  • Yesterday, after shooting up about half of Saeed�s ammunition, Walter finally connected on a walterhog. Unfortunately, he hit it poorly (in the stomach) and it ran off. They tracked it for about a mile until it escaped down into a hole. They spent a couple of hours trying to dig it out that evening but could not recover it. At camp, Walter explained his poor shot by saying that he is just trying to make this hunting more difficult and sporting! Apparently it is just too easy otherwise! Anyway, they went back the next day to try and recover it, but to no avail. Walter did get to redeem himself later in the day by making a good shot another wartie.
  • For those who have been following the exploits of Saeed and his crew over the years, this story will probably not be too surprising! Yesterday, Saeed and Pierr�e were driving through the bush looking for tracks or some other sign of buffalo when they happened to stumble onto a herd of them. They picked out a nice bull and Saeed quickly took care of it. They went over to the buffalo and after about 10 minutes, out from the bush comes Ray and his PH. Apparently they were tracking the same herd of buffalo! So, the next day Saeed and Pierr�e are out looking for more buffalo and come around a corner smack into another herd! They immediately spot a nice bull facing them and Saeed dispatches it. Before the dust settles they hear a commotion brewing, with people shouting, etc. It turns out that Ray was only 100 yards away this time and was just sneaking in on the herd to get a shot! I am sure you can imagine the reactions this time � one time was bad enough, but two days in a row! Saeed couldn�t believe it either�the concession is �ginormous� and they all head out in different directions in the morning. Typically they will drive to a high point, looking for tracks along the way, and glassing for buffalo once they get there. Once they have spotted some they plan away to get downwind and sneak in on them. Saeed figures the odds against this type of thing happening has to be enormous � it could only happen with them in camp!
  • They also had some fun and games with another herd of buffalo yesterday�.one of the trackers (I think) commented that they were �playing silly bugger� with these buffalo! The setting was a field about 200 yards across with really long grass, and herd of about 80 buffalo in it. They went into the grass to find the buffalo and ended up having the buffalo spook and run all around them in the tall grass. The buffalo apparently did not want to leave this field, and each time the hunting party would run one way, the buffalo would run the other and they would pass in and around each other in the grass. I am not sure now who it was, but Saeed said someone in the group decided to stand still with their legs clamped together because they didn�t want some buffalo to get the idea it could run in between them!
  • The game taken since the last report are: Ray � 1 impala; Walter � 1 warthog; Saeed � 3 buffalo.
  • No luck with the cat�s so far, but they still have a few days left.
< !--color-->

That�s it for this one. Saeed will probably call again on Friday for the next report.

Posts: 7122 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Blacktailer
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I bet Ray is REALLY grouchy about now
Hope his luck improves
Thanks again Canuck for the great reports
Posts: 3830 | Location: Cave Creek, AZ | Registered: 09 August 2001Reply With Quote
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Thanks again, Bryan
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Judge G,
Excellent reply, as are most after yours. Now retired, I served in the military and have more of a problem with some of our citizens and "allies" than I do with former combatants.
Posts: 3490 | Location: Colorado Springs, CO | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Don't sweat guys...
I've been all over America, and like anyone with an ounce of sense knows, almost all Yanks are kind, generous, big hearted people. Every country has got a few "citizens" who are embarrassing.
Banish him to the political forum and we'll kick his butt.
Posts: 4739 | Location: London England | Registered: 11 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Gerald, you give retired attorneys a bad name - and that takes some doing!
Posts: 1645 | Location: Elizabeth, Colorado | Registered: 13 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Lorenzo
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Thanks Canuck for the report, very funny things going in that camp!! Keep us informed!!
Thanks again
Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Whoa, you may not agree with G416 but censorship. I thought people could speak their mind here, it matters not right or wrong. I don't know this man, I will not condem him on one statement.
Posts: 5338 | Location: Bedford, Pa. USA | Registered: 23 February 2002Reply With Quote
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dear gerald416

Bigots have no place on a forum where race is not a denominator. AR is very obviously for people who are passionate about shooting, hunting & reloading.

Please get with the program.

Thank you.TM
Posts: 252 | Location: Singapore | Registered: 26 April 2004Reply With Quote
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JudgeG, excellent reply. Hunting is very important to me and I am sure most the posters here, whether it be in Africa, Alaska, or where ever. To me to bring bigotry into the hunting camp is to defecate on sacred ground. Bigotry has no place of exceptance in the world and especially not in the hunting camp. Gerald grow up!!!!>John
Posts: 725 | Location: Upstate Rural NY | Registered: 16 July 2004Reply With Quote
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D Hunter, that is your choice to ingnore but I am glad there are people like Judge G who will stand up to the ignorance of bigotry.>John
Posts: 725 | Location: Upstate Rural NY | Registered: 16 July 2004Reply With Quote
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A classy response Canuck. Well Done! No need to roll in the dirt with such ignorance.
Posts: 246 | Location: Argyle, TX | Registered: 16 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Working On Government service... I think.

Posts: 4739 | Location: London England | Registered: 11 May 2003Reply With Quote
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WOG comes from "Wealthy Oriental Gentleman" or some variant such as "Worthy... It has been in use in the East for many years. It has come to have derogatory connotations, but originally started as simple shorthand notation back in the days when everything was hand written.
Posts: 1645 | Location: Elizabeth, Colorado | Registered: 13 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Nope, On the evidence of his last post I will choose to use the most useful tool on this website. The choose to ignore button. I don't care to listen to anything else he has to say on any subject. "D"
Posts: 1701 | Location: Western NC | Registered: 28 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I must live a very sheltered existence...I don't even know what the term "wog" refers to... (please don't consider this a request for a definition...I really don't care what it means)

These reports are for the benefit of all those that are interested in how Saeed's hunt is going. If you are not interested, feel free to ignore them.

FWIW, I am doing this as a favor for a friend, simply because he asked. As an added bonus, I am having a great time doing it!

If you consider my enthusiasm for Saeed's brother's accomplishment to be sucking up, that's up to you. Personally, I find it to be a phenomenal achievement and am as excited about it as Saeed would be if it were my brother.

All the best, Mr. McMorrow.

Posts: 7122 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Marterius
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Gerald, my friend:

While the below is not about an Arab, it's about (as you call them....) a "wog". The last verse of Gunga Din has always made me think twice before I damn due to heritage.

Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!

Personally, I choose to judge a person, not a people. R. Kipling had it right, I think.

Thank you Judge.

Also many thanks to Canuk for these charming reports!

Posts: 2068 | Location: Goteborg, Sweden | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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A classy response Canuck. Well Done! No need to roll in the dirt with such ignorance.


The says it for me too! It's obvious that you're a gentleman. Well done.

-Bob F.
Posts: 3485 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 22 February 2001Reply With Quote
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This makes me think of how over the years I occasionally recieve e-mails asking so and so to be banned, or his post deleted due to the offensive nature of it. I have never done that, as I've always found the group at AR fully capable of subtly , or not so subtly letting the poster know that whatever it was that he said was in pour taste.

Canuck, keep up the good work. It is always entertaining to know what Saeed and wrecking crew are up to on the annual Safari. As a fellow hunter, I enjoy hearing about a good hunt, whoever it is that is hunting, and whatever it is that they are hunting.

I am also most happy for Ahmed! It is a wonderful achievement for anyone to win an olympic gold medal, no matter what what the event. It doesn't matter what country you come from, nor whether one is rich or poor. It means at that place and time, you were in the best in the world at that event, and the world applauds you for your success.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Name Gerald P McMorrow: Title One of us

Somehow I don't think this is true.

A few of your posts and your bio would suggest you are a bitter person. Some have suggested you chosen career path has made you that way or maybe living in New York has tainted your outlook on the world.

Your display of predudice for a people indicates ignorance and has no place in my world.

From my viewpoint you will never be one of us because I believe people should be judged only for their deeds and actions, not who they are.
Posts: 3014 | Location: State Of Jefferson | Registered: 27 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Damn , I have to stay away for awhile due to work ,get a chance to pop back in and see how the group is doing,and another thread is screwed up by HATE, there are enough forums out there to rant and rave on, leave this one to us who like to hunt and dream off going where MEN,like Saeed, and RAY,ect can go .
Posts: 1529 | Location: Tidewater,Virginia | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Any reports on who is a better shot at game in the field -Ray, Saeed or Walter?

Did Ray try out that .470 to see if it works?
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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... These reports are for the benefit of all those that are interested in how Saeed's hunt is going. ...

Hey Canuck, I'll probably never get to go to Africa, but I'm also really enjoying the reports. Especially where you include the "small details" like being able to hear the footsteps on the African soil over the phone - awsome indeed!

Swapping good hunting stories has been going on I'd guess since the old shaggy fellows(no not Mr.Ray and Saeed - the cavemen) were out slaying supper for the folks at home.

So, thank you and Saeed for allowing us to share some of it as close to first hand as we can get through the net.

Please pass on "Good hunting and clean 1-shot kills!" to all of them from old Hot Core if you have the opportunity.

Thanks again.
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Apparently there are too many "retired" attorneys in this world, but that is an oxymoron, as they should all be "retired" and get together to teach gerald some manners.

I am still alive and well and reading the updates. Thank you Canuck. Big hurrah for Ahmed's Gold. Cheers!
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Just my humble opinion, Ed, but what Gerald posted went beyond speaking his mind and ventured into the realm of bigotry. If the gentleman does not like certain types of people, that is his right. Like you, I might not like what he said, but will defend to the death his right to say it and make an a$$ out of himself in the process. He did just that.

What Gerald posted was certainly speaking his mind, what little there is of it, but it was also out of line. I don't condone censorship, but I also don't believe he shoud get a free ride without any criticism. While it is difficult to do so, he gave attorneys a bad name. In that I agree with others who said that.



ps: Congratulations, Ahmed. I can only imagine what it would be like to be the best in the entire world at anything. I applaud your achievement.
Posts: 853 | Location: St. Thomas, Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: 08 January 2004Reply With Quote
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It turns out that Ray was only 100 yards away this time and was just sneaking in on the herd to get a shot! I am sure you can imagine the reactions this time � one time was bad enough, but two days in a row!

Aah one of those small button GPS tracking devices is giving him the 'jump' on ol'Ray.

(Gerard, showing his usual level of 'class')
Posts: 10138 | Location: Wine Country, Barossa Valley, Australia | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Report #4 � August 16, 2004

Just got off the phone with Saeed and here�s the scoop�.
  • The hunt has been going wonderfully and everyone is having a great time. Time is flying by and they only have one week of hunting left.
  • Pierr�e managed to do the �near impossible� today�he managed to guide Walter to the successful harvest of an impala! To motivate Walter they threatened that he would not get to eat until he brought something back for the pot, so they spent the day hunting hard with Walter. First off, Walter missed one impala and hit a log behind it, so they made him carry his log back to the truck. Then he went on to miss another few impala and a warthog. Of course he was blaming Saeed�s rifle, which he claims to have modified to make it more accurate (we�ll have to ask Saeed for details on that one, since Saeed also managed to miss a couple of animals with the �modified� rifle!!!). Finally, Pierr�e managed to get Walter close enough to an impala that he finally connected with one!
  • Since the last report, Dwight has taken another buffalo, a kongoni and an impala. Saeed has taken two buffalo and two wildebeest, and Walter has got his impala.
  • The lions and leopards have still managed to give them the slip. They are seeing leopard tracks regularly, and have continued to see and hear lions daily (females and young males only, however).
  • I confirmed that Ray is in camp. He has been helping to annoy Walter, etc, but did not start hunting until today. (John: I also passed on your message about the rifle)
  • Saeed and crew have been creating mass confusion and disruption in camp, in large part due to the continued antics of Walter. But by no means can Saeed be excluded from blame! Apparently, one of the Game Scouts has an old .404. I guess he noticed that Saeed was shooting both 404 and 375 Dakota headstamped ammo from his 375/404! He could not figure out how Saeed could shoot two different bullet sizes from the same gun! I can only imagine how Saeed and Walter took advantage of that opportunity. Pierr�e says that poor Scout will probably be confused for life now.
  • I also confirmed that Saeed�s brother Ahmed is shooting trap in Athens tomorrow. They all have their fingers crossed and are praying that he will have a good match. Apparently Ahmed came in 13th in the Sydney Olympics and has been having a really good year this year winning the World Championships and a few European Championships. Saeed�s cousin Saeed is also shooting in the skeet event. Needless to say Saeed is eagerly anticipating an update from Athens tomorrow night. I passed on all of the well-wishes that have been expressed on AR for both Ahmed and Saeed.
< !--color-->

Well, that�s it for this report. Saeed says he will give me a call in another couple days.

Posts: 7122 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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