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Dangerous Game - Curious if you guys think what I think
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Curious if I saw this right or wrong. If anyone watched DG last night on Zambia Crocodile the hunter Doug McNeil shoots a croc., then anchors it (notice it is not moving a twitch at this time) yet while they are standing there the Croc gets into the river and then they have to do an exciting search for it, wading, poking, etc. I think the kill and anchoring shot were real but the river action, wading was all staged for "hollywood" as I believe the croc was dead/dead as he put in the anchoring shot. It did not even twitch when he shot it. Curious if you guys think this part was staged. It does not detract from the fact that it was a great show and I enjoyed it a lot. Just a peek behind the curtains would tell a lot. This is not meant to be read as a negative commment on the show. Just a forum topic so don't jump on my ass too hard. LOL.

York, SC
Posts: 1151 | Registered: 13 March 2005Reply With Quote
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I saw this program also and was confused about the
part where they ran down river for another shot. I wonder if this was a second croc or if as you say, it was staged. I noticed in the first shot, Doug was using a scope, but later shots the rifle did not have a scope. Looks a little staged to me.
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I think the first run down the river was to anchor the croc shot first. I believe that was the same animal and I believe it was dead. I think he hammered it the first time.

The reason you saw a second unscoped rifle ( I think) was because he switched to a 450 Dakota which he says. Not sure about that part though.

All in all it was a good show especially hearing about the other PH's father being taken by a Croc. What a life they must have.

York, SC
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I didn't see the programme but flatdogs are funny things...... brain shoot one on the bank and they can still sometimes have the steam to get into the water....... I had a client shoot one last year that made it into the water and then went belly up....... The tracker & I did the normal checks, waded in and (with a lot of difficulty) dragged it up the bank. We spent a full 15 minutes pulling it about to get the pose right for the pics and the bloody thing suddenly opened it's eyes and started trying to get back into the river! Eeker - funny now, but it wasn't at the time!

I got the client to whack it again which did the job but even 24 hours later when the animal was skinned out the carcass was still twitching and rippling.

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I shot one on an island after pictures etc. it was a hour or so latter when we hoisted it into a 10' boat. 2 guys in the boat and the croc left the boat with about 1.5" out of the water. we had to get it back to a dam where there was a road, only problem was when it seemed to come back to life in the boat. I think it was fun!!!!! Confused
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I think that it happened the way it was depicted. Croc are tough SOBs.
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The way Doctari Robertson explains it in his book (he's a vet)is that this reaction is a result of the croc's muscle chemistry being different from that of mamals. When a dead croc's muscles start to decay immediately after death, lactic acid is released. This causes the croc's muscles to twitch, sometimes for extended periods, leading to dead crocs doing interesting things (or terrifying, depending on your proximity). This quirk of physiology led to the old hide hunter's adage "The croc isn't dead until the hide is in the salt, and then only maybe."


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Thank you all, I have learned something. I often doubt what has been heard, etc. but several of you guys have first hand experience with this so I guess it did happen the way it was. At any rate, it was a good show. Doug McNeil seems like a genuine good guy.

York, SC
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I find it hard to complain about this show I try to watch it every week last week they were hunting Elephant. I'm just glad their is a show on about hunting Africa. But with that mentioned your more than likely right, all videos are staged some more than others.

Posts: 847 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: 13 March 2005Reply With Quote
<Hunter Formerly Known As Texas Hunter>
I agree, it is an entertaining show. Plus, they offer closed caption. I wish more of the hunting shows would realize that a lot of us have popped so many caps in our ears we can't hear all that whispering on the stalk or in the leopard blind.
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I saw it as well and enjoyed it, as I have the others in the series. As for the change of rifle, He started with a .375 Dakota, scoped and took the first two shots. When they found the Croc again on the sand bar, the narrator states he switched to "the more powerful .4xx Dakotaâ€, which did not have a scope. I do not recall the exact caliber but it was over .40.

I’ve never hunted a Croc, but that sure looked like a big one! The local villagers sure seemed happy.

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Just watched it again, I tape everything so I can see it later.
Looks real, muscle twitching in reptiles will occure after several minutes and could cause it to drift into the the water. Yes on the rifle switch and the 450 D.

I particularly enjoy the show because of the hunter who is very real fellow. No stupid highfiveing or huff and puff whispers and his shooting is quite good.
I also enjoyed seeing Mr. Chipman. I have thought of him often after seeing Jaws of Simba with Wes Hixon. It is neat to see that he has continued guiding and is so well respected everytime anyone mentions his name.
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What channel and time is this show aired? I've never seen it before.

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I saw it today for the second time and think you could be on to something. There appears to be foot prints in the sand around the crock for the second shot. Hard to tell but if anyone has it saved they should be able to tell for sure. In any event the show was fun to watch.

R. Lee Ermey: "The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle."
We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, Which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a President, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke!!!!! 'What the hell could possibly go wrong?'
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I too thought it was a little odd....they shoot the croc, and begin discussing the shot, and the camera man just happens to catch the game guard/warden (African guy in uniform) who waves and shouts that the croc entered the water, then they show the spot where the croc was...with ripples in the water. Also, they are stalking so quiently they send the client on alone without the PH BUT the camera man happens to catch the initial shots from an angle in front of the hunter.....a recreation or the camera guy got out in front without making noise spooking the croc before the shot?


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