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DSC AR Friday dinner and DSC convention photos
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Picture of retreever
Well I have to say I love the DSC and meeting new AR members every year.

Mrs. Mike 458, daughter, Mike 458,Kwan, Karl, crew from North Fork technologies, Ron Oliver

Lto R Joyce & Frank Beller, Mike 70560standing black shirt, Diane and hubby butchloc, DOJ ed, Interested

Saturday nite
Diane , butchloc, Joyce, judgeg, Frank's back and DOJ black shirt

Mrs. Retreever, Cherie and Mac 37

Hospitality room for AR thanks to DSC
ddrhook aka Ed and camshaft green nd white shirt names help

Retreever at PVT booth and Postdriver aka Dennis

L to R Terry wife of Lee440 green shirt glasses, standing Antlers

l to R Jerry Huffaker, Kebco, Postdriver, to Karl

MJines, Kelly Gill at the show

Before doors opened AR guys Retreever, Craig, Ivan, Dan Wildlife Gallery

Every day at 3pm we met in the hospitality room for hellos Antlers and KPete

L to R Butchloc, DOJ, KPete, brown shirt Mike B, Frank Beller, & Joyce

TerryR, DOJ, Joyce, KPete, and Biebs

More AR friends Will and Buzz

Hospitality room Richardo, Postdriver, Camshaft, Bill , Frank, DOJ, Africanhunter

Cherie, Lee440, wife Terry Saturday nite

Friday nite need help hereL to R KPete, Antlers & wife, next 3 I forget, black shirt Ezrider

Top Judgeg and friend,Jim Sherman, SBT, Mrs. Ledvm, Ledvm, RB hunt and wife, Terryr, glasses on left Larry Biebs, brother.

Saturday nite L to R 577, Chris, BobC, MVR

Saturday nite L To R Kwan red patch, Mike 458, L David Keith green hat.

Wonder what football team M Lindsay likes?

Mighty Joe, wife, and prof242 aka Max

Maddog, Will, & CrossL, thanks Mike

Jerry Huffaker and Wendell and some of Jerry's finished buffalo fantastic looking.

From front Judgeg white hair, His friend, Tan shirt SBT, Wife of Ledvm, RBHunt, TerryR, friends on the end HKittle, Pam SBT's wife, Judge's daughter.

Michael Podwika... DRSS bigbores and hunting " MAKE THE SHOT " 450#2 Famars
Posts: 6771 | Location: Wyoming, Pa. USA | Registered: 17 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Yeep it just keeps getting better every year!! I even meet a couple of nice Yankees!!!! imagine that shocker
Posts: 3818 | Location: kenya, tanzania,RSA,Uganda or Ethophia depending on day of the week | Registered: 27 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Thank you for posting the great pictures.

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Picture of Antlers
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I think that's JimAtCat to the left of my sweet wife Teresa.

Thanks again to Ed, Frank, Joyce, and DSC for a great Friday evening! Looking forward to next year. tu2

Double Rifle Shooters Society
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As usual, your postings have refreshed the memories of the event. Thanks for all you did.

.395 Family Member
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Picture of retreever
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I just keep trying to remember all AR members I met and I apologize if I forgot your name.


Michael Podwika... DRSS bigbores and hunting " MAKE THE SHOT " 450#2 Famars
Posts: 6771 | Location: Wyoming, Pa. USA | Registered: 17 April 2003Reply With Quote
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the guy with will and maddog is Cross L.
Posts: 3818 | Location: kenya, tanzania,RSA,Uganda or Ethophia depending on day of the week | Registered: 27 May 2009Reply With Quote
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