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Kenyan Ranger to Corey Knowlton
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Kenyan ranger’s moving (sic) letter to American rhino hunter

By Africa Geographic Editorial on January 23, 2014 in Hunting - Information provided by: Walk With Rangers


A Kenyan grassroots initiative, Walk With Rangers, has spoken out against the controversial rhino auction held by the Dallas Safari Club that saw the highest bidder, Mr. Corey Knowlton, cough up a staggering US$350 000 to hunt an endangered black rhino in Namibia.

“The sum is pittance compared to the value of our wildlife,” says Raabia Hawa, an honorary game warden with the Kenya Wildlife Service and founder of the Walk With Rangers initiative.

Ms. Hawa has published an open letter to Mr. Knowlton, expressing sadness at the threats he has received in heated debates on online forums. The open letter also addresses the conservation values of old rhinos which Mr. Knowlton contradicts in referring to the rhino as ‘too old to breed’ and deeming it valueless. Her views on this have been backed by world- reknowned wildlife biologist and documentary host, Ian Redmond.

Other conservationists speaking out through the initiative are Kuki Gallman, who has cited her personal 40 years of experience working with wild rhinos in Africa.

The initiative will be presenting a petition to Mr. Knowlton and the Dallas Safari Club signed by rangers and conservationists from the field in the coming few weeks, saying they are frustrated that the voices of those who really are saving species to the point of risking their lives, are too often ignored.

The open letter is available to read below. Walk With Rangers is an initiative that will launch in June 2014 aimed at raising awareness and funds to further enhance anti-poaching operations on the ground. The initiative is in collaboration with the Kenya Wildlife Service and its Tanzanian counterpart.

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From a wildlife warden to a trophy hunter.

Dear Mr. Corey Knowlton,

I hope this letter finds you and your family well in light of recent developments surrounding the Namibian black rhino hunt auction.

Mr. Knowlton, I had only just returned from anti-poaching patrols when I opened up Facebook and saw the flurry of posts and comments mentioning your name. I did not comment until a few days later (please see your page inbox) as I felt I really needed to understand this situation better.

I have watched several of your interviews and would like to start by apologizing for what your family must be enduring, I know how important family is and you must feel terribly threatened. Please do convey my apologies to your wife, and your children on behalf of myself and the scouts I just spent two weeks with fighting poachers and illegal loggers.

Sir, please know that we are protectors of life, not just because we are rangers and scouts, but because we are human. We must only take that which is sustainable and in a way that will not bring harm to the delicate balance of nature. This is our way, the way of true Africa.

Sir, I have struggled to understand why SCI and DSC continue to put prices on the heads of our wildlife. It is laughable that they even think they have any right. The wildlife of a nation remains the sovereign property of its people. Would this not mean then, sir, that privatizing such public property would, in fact, be a gross violation of the rights of the African people? I will let you ponder over that for a while.

We are in the wake of a crisis that has gripped our region. Poachers have decimated our herds, and Africa is no longer teeming with wildlife. You kind sir, have been duped into believing that your hunt will aid conservation in Africa.

It will not. Aside from gaining Namibia huge disrepute, it will go against the very fiber of what we are trying so hard to achieve – the protection and true management of our last wild things. It is also imperative to note here that local African communities do not eat rhino meat. Please ask Mr. Carter of DSC to stop shaming our people and insulting your intelligence.

Initially when questioned on the hunt, the response resonated ‘support for conservation and anti-poaching’ with specific focus angling towards ‘better training and equipping rangers.’ Mr. Knowlton, let me assure you that this is most discourteous and rather insulting. Is this what SCI and DSC have reduced the value of our wildlife to? A few boots and uniforms?

Please sir, I plead with you to understand what we are facing. Exactly a year and some days ago now, my colleague and good friend was shot by poachers. He stood right in between a rhino they were targeting. He took the bullet for the rhino. He didn’t ask it’s age, he didn’t ask if it was a breeding bull, he didn’t ask if it was male or female, white or black. He just saw poachers, and a rhino, and did what he knew he had to do. THAT, kind sir, is true conservation, management and protection that will ensure the survival of our precious rhino species.

By now you must think I’m just ‘another one of those bunny hugging antis’ and I am fully cognizant that you are probably not seeing any ‘conservation value’ in my words. So I will share with you the following;

“In forty years of close association with black rhinoceros, I have NEVER known of a free ranging wild old male past his breeding period targeting, and killing, rhino females and calves but, rather, the odd fights have only, in my own experience, occurred amongst breeding competing males, as is common in other species.

In Africa old age is respected: by extension, it is un-African and basically unethical not to allow an old male that sired many calves a peaceful retirement, in the same way as breeding bulls in the cattle world are put out to pasture, not sent to the butcher, once they stop being productive. It is equally unethical to use two sets of measures for poachers, who shoot a wild animal for financial gain, and are arrested or shot, and for a wealthy legal hunter who can pay a fortune for the pleasure to kill it, and is congratulated instead? In both cases a dead endangered animal is the end product. This auction is cruel, ill-timed, and to be condemned.

If the person bidding to shoot the rhino bull has that spare cash available, why not DONATE it to the cause and leave the poor rhino alone? The old rhino does not deserve a bullet.

- Kuki Gallmann; Conservationist, author, founder of The Gallmann Memorial Foundation and honorary game warden.”

Sir, we on the field do not understand the logic in this matter. For us, every single one is absolutely critical to the survival of the species, to the sustainable development of the ecosystem they are a part of, and most of all, to the well being and protection of our culture and heritage.

You seem to be a pragmatic man, which is why I’m writing to you. I note your concerns for your family and hope you see our concerns as conservationists and protectors of those we love as our own, the wildlife our friends have fallen trying to protect (I’m also quite sure my colleague would have taken the bullet if you were on the other end of the gun instead of a poacher).

Hunting never has been, and probably never will be, in the true interest of the African people or nations. I appeal to you to spend some time with us to see this for yourself. It is not conservation, and the government officials that continue to allow such ‘fun hunts’ on endangered and critical species, must be ashamed. Indeed they know our great herds are gone, and the more this continues, the more we will fall into the abyss of misery and I’m sure, kind sir, that you do not wish such a ferociously merciless fate for us.

Mr. Knowlton, as I write this I am reading the news from neighboring Tanzania. Poachers have killed one black rhino, and now there are just 35 remaining. Do you think perhaps that DSC would be willing to use the us$350 000 you gave them in good conservation faith, to do a translocation? I know the ‘old bull past breeding’ excuse was thrown around, but I share with you the sensible words of Dr. Ian Redmond, a world-renowned and respected conservationist and biologist, “An old male self-evidently has a good immune system and may carry the genes giving immunity to the next epidemic which might kill some apparently stronger young males. In such circumstances an older male might resume breeding and pass on those important genes.”

Words worth considering don’t you think?

Wildlife protectors and conservationists don’t usually get to air our views Mr. Knowlton, rangers are too busy on the field, protecting wildlife and often don’t have access to world news. I see SCI and DSC have taken full advantage of this, which isn’t really fair.

You deserve a balanced view on this matter, so I will soon be sending you a petition, signed by conservationists and rangers from as many outposts as possible.

Again, I thank you for your time.
With respect and kind regards,
Raabia Hawa
KWS Honorary Warden,
Founder, Walk With Rangers.
Twitter: @raabiahawa

:: :: :;

Note: I only posted this because I know a lot of you guys have a lot of free time on your hands. Cool Personally I couldn't care less about it. Smiler
Posts: 861 | Registered: 17 September 2009Reply With Quote
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They obviously missed the point that the money is going to Namibia not to DSC and SCI.
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Picture of tendrams
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Ya, let's all listen to KWS when it comes to issues of wildlife conservation...and an "honorary" ranger at that.
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Yup. Kenya, the shining example of how to wreck your wildlife populations.
Posts: 12105 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Sooooo many errors... What's more Corey actually took the time to reply to these people but has had nothing back since.

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I am confident he wrote the letter alone and not at the insistence or instigation of any one else . . . Roll Eyes

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Picture of Thunder Head
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I couldn't even finish the letter for fear of puking on my computer.
I wonder if the idiot even realizes the namibian govt. has done this for the past several years and that there are 4 more tags for this year.

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Picture of Gayne C. Young
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I work for DSC and have deleted this letter off our Facebook page probably 20 times. What a load of crap

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Oh brother...Listening to KWS types spout conservation practices is like giving Dracula the keys to the blood bank... A heart and boots in the right place are both good things, but this phony letter was penned in this guys name by the types who run the anti hunting joint. A waste of time to respond to.

Dave Fulson
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Corey is seeking suitable rhino recipes, by the way... just in case the locals really dont want to eat it.

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Originally posted by Matt Graham:
Corey is seeking suitable rhino recipes, by the way... just in case the locals really dont want to eat it.

I don't know if you're kidding, but I'd be interested in any rhino recipes you may come across. I figure there'd be at least ...

Rhino biltong - heavily seasoned
Grilled Rhino
Rhino stew (very slow-cooked)
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Originally posted by SteveGl:
Originally posted by Matt Graham:
Corey is seeking suitable rhino recipes, by the way... just in case the locals really dont want to eat it.

Rhino stew (very slow-cooked)
That was my suggestion, like a 72-hour slow cook!!

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Picture of boarkiller
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There is always people in African countries, that will cry wolf when there is no more money, they will run to Western countries and just tell them they need more or...
It is sickening, plain and simple.
We the hunters are carrying the bulk of financing for wild life and never seem to get any credit
Go figure

" Until the day breaks and the nights shadows flee away " Big ivory for my pillow and 2.5% of Neanderthal DNA flowing thru my veins.
When I'm ready to go, pack a bag of gunpowder up my ass and strike a fire to my pecker, until I squeal like a boar.
Yours truly , Milan The Boarkiller - World according to Milan
PS I have big boar on my floor...but it ain't dead, just scared to move...

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Originally posted by larryshores:
They obviously missed the point that the money is going to Namibia not to DSC and SCI.

No Larry.

They KNOW full well where the money is going.

They just cannot get over the point that others have a choice of what to do in legal matters.

They just want to push their stupid, convoluted agenda down our throats!
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Picture of jdollar
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Kenya- a great example of wildlife conservation. Namibia- a great example of greed resulting in decimated wildlife populations. OOPS, I ERRED. IT'S THE OTHER WAY AROUND. WHAT A LOAD OF POLITICALLY CORRECT RHINO SHIT! THE WORST PART WAS THE STATEMENT ABOUT HOW IN AFRICA, OLD AGE IS RESPECTED. anyone here ever heard of young male lions standing aside so the old male to continue leading his pride???? the stupidity is simply mind boggling. no wonder one of the bleeding hearts is name Kuki>>>>

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Picture of Safaris Botswana Bound
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Firstly Africans eat Rhino unless it's a tribes totem , secondly Kenya has the worst track record in Africa for preserving wildlife with a loss of almost 85% , thirdly the most important aspect of this group is to raise funds to service life styles and administration , they won't get it unless they play the anti hunting card . Sadly this will appeal to the masses of anti hunters and fence sitters as it seems to be the voice of the simple African trying to save rhinos. Hunters forget they are the silent ones , anti hunters are very vocal and are winning the hearts and minds of the people. More than half the world will agree with the sentiment if the hunter has the cash why does he not just donate it , we need to take the time to repeatedly repeat the story of the fisherman and fishing rod , if every hunter took 15 minutes a day to surf the web and fight the lies spread by anti hunter organizations , we would start to gain ground , currently we are fighting this war backing up. Please guys don't laugh them off , don't think that the crap they spew is not absorbed by the unenlightened , every one of us must react to this , answer every letter like this , because the only way to close them down is to tell the truth and show the examples , they then go away. Africa is closing down because of the anti hunters strength and powerful media, politicians don't care about the truth , it's where the money and votes are.
Posts: 473 | Location: Botswana | Registered: 29 October 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Safaris Botswana Bound:
Firstly Africans eat Rhino unless it's a tribes totem , secondly Kenya has the worst track record in Africa for preserving wildlife with a loss of almost 85% , thirdly the most important aspect of this group is to raise funds to service life styles and administration , they won't get it unless they play the anti hunting card . Sadly this will appeal to the masses of anti hunters and fence sitters as it seems to be the voice of the simple African trying to save rhinos. Hunters forget they are the silent ones , anti hunters are very vocal and are winning the hearts and minds of the people. More than half the world will agree with the sentiment if the hunter has the cash why does he not just donate it , we need to take the time to repeatedly repeat the story of the fisherman and fishing rod , if every hunter took 15 minutes a day to surf the web and fight the lies spread by anti hunter organizations , we would start to gain ground , currently we are fighting this war backing up. Please guys don't laugh them off , don't think that the crap they spew is not absorbed by the unenlightened , every one of us must react to this , answer every letter like this , because the only way to close them down is to tell the truth and show the examples , they then go away. Africa is closing down because of the anti hunters strength and powerful media, politicians don't care about the truth , it's where the money and votes are.
Yes - a lie told often enough becomes the truth!!!

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They KNOW full well where the money is going.

They just cannot get over the point that others have a choice of what to do in legal matters.

They just want to push their stupid, convoluted agenda down our throats!

Agree 100%!
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I saw a post on a facebook page the other day by a well known Tanzanian Professional hunter who basically said that the letter is a sham.
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Old age respected??? Dugga Boys forced out of the herd, old male lions forced out...etc. and the kicker...isn't it the Masai who don't (or didn't) bury their dead, they took/take their dead and dying out into the bush to be eaten.
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From Linked-In (This was sent to me via private email so I don’t feel comfortable revealing the author).

Hello Steve,

I couldn't agree more with all your points. However, I want you to know that this person, Ms. Hawa, is not even a ranger; she is a journalist and a rabid activist. While she might have good intentions, I believe she is a back-seat conservationist and won't listen to any arguments. I have tried to reason with her many times --through her other group, Kenyans for Wildlife, on conservation issues like hunting or re-introductions, at no avail. Disappointed that Africa Geographic allowed her blog to appear to be written by a real ranger.

Anyway, just a heads up. I can't even get involved in this topic as all my comments would be directly associated with the XXX XXX XXX, an organization I've been associated with for 13 years, and which has received plenty of Raabia's wrath in the past.

Warm regards,
Posts: 861 | Registered: 17 September 2009Reply With Quote
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