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Zim:Security chiefs in $500k bribery scam
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Security chefs in $500k bribery scam
May 23, 2014 in News

TOP army and police officers are embroiled in a messy fight over the control of Mjingwe Ranch in Mwenezi amid reports that they were demanding $500 000 from the white owner, failure of which they threatened to evict him from the property, NewsDay has learnt.


The money, according to the group, was supposed to be part of their “shareholding dividends” from the wildlife farm since their reported invasion sometime in September 2012.

Mjingwe Ranch, owned by Darryl Collett and South African investor Alastair Forsyth, has an investment certificate from the Zimbabwe Investment Authority.

The settlers – armed with a 25-year lease from the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (Zimparks), demanded through their lawyers Chuma, Gurajena and Partners that the Mjingwe owners vacate the farm by May 19 2014 or else they would be evicted to pave way for them.

These were Brigadier-General Josphat Kudumba, Police Assistant Commissioner Elliot Muswita, Army Captain Solomon Ndlovu, headman Peterson Mhizha Mudumo, Raphael Shoko and Finger Tapera.

But Masvingo Provincial Affairs minister Kudakwashe Bhasikiti, who was recently tasked by the Zanu PF politburo to ensure all those offered 25-year leases in conservancies should be removed by May 30, has put his weight behind chiefs Mazetese and Maranda to represent communities in the business rather than the elite security personnel threatening to take over the property.

Bhasikiti said: “There is no reversal (about the 25-year leases). They were cancelled and now await Cabinet ratification this Tuesday.”

Cabinet could not ratify the Zanu PF politburo directive as President Robert Mugabe was not around to chair the meeting, and the matter will be discussed next week according to sources.

The Zanu PF politburo last week cancelled all leases and ordered the eviction of all party big-wigs who had taken occupation of the lucrative Save Valley Conservancy and elsewhere.

Despite the decision ordering the Zanu PF top brass and army chiefs out, it emerged deliberate attempts continue to take over the wildlife estates in the lowveld.

Collett, supported by traditional leaders, is now pleading with government to intervene and protect him.

Documents showed that Muswita, who in 2012 introduced himself as an Assistant Commissioner and his partners, wanted the money to allow them to continue operating in the area.

There have been reports of rampant killing of game in the property for meat which is being carried by army vehicles from Mbalabala School of Infantry.

On May 7 2014, Collett wrote to Brig-Gen Kudumba: “In early 2012, a South African registered motor car drove up the hill to my house. It had a single passenger who introduced himself as Assistant Commissioner Muswita of the ZRP stationed in Masvingo. On being asked what his business was, he told me he was my new partner sent to me by national parks.

“Muswita recently made a demand on us which was followed by a threat. The demand was that we agree to pay the partners
$500 000 (SAR5 000 000) or face the threat of being chased away. When I asked Muswita if that meant they would seek an order from the courts, he said they would not need it. We would simply be chased away.”

Collett said that upon request, he gave Muswita and his team 56 litres of fuel that they used to travel back to Masvingo seeking legal action to remove him from the property.

The lawyers wrote to Collett: “We are now instructed to demand that you vacate the farm and the homestead where you reside to enable our clients to effectively carry on the operations. To this end, we are instructed to demand as we hereby do, that you vacate said property 3:30pm on May 19 2014 failing which we have instructions to you for eviction. Be advised accordingly.”

Ndlovu also wrote a letter to Collett threatening to evict him “in less than 10 minutes” if he disregarded the May 19 ultimatum.

“And it cannot take us 10 minutes to drive you out, never, never. Remember Roy Bennett (MDC-T treasurer-general) your brother, he is now in South Africa, you are chasing yourself. So go, go, go we want to operate in piece (sic). Amen,” Ndlovu wrote signing off as the operations director.

Headmasters, teachers, councillors and other traditional leaders in the community however, said they were fully behind Collett as he was working well with them. They vowed to engage government to ensure the issue was resolved amicably for the benefit of the community “not looters”.

In a letter to Environment, Water and Climate minister Saviour Kasukuwere, Bhasikiti said: “Following our telephone conversation on the above matter, I would like to refer Mr Collett and his partners, Chief Maranda and Chief Mazetese to your office for assistance.

May I also explain that as Masvingo province, we believe the option two, you gave the 49/51 ownership in safari operation will benefit majority of people and also enhance community development if sitting operators partner the community through their traditional leaders, the chiefs.”

Bhasikiti added: “We have since sent word around to all those holding 25-year leases with A2 farms on the other hand to wait for finalisation of the new thrust.”

The letter was also copied to Zimparks director-general Edson Chidziya. Although Muswiti and his team had threatened to drive Mjingwe owners from their property on Monday, they backed off after realising that the community was heavily involved in the project.

A senior official yesterday said the matter was being handled by Bhasikiti.

Yesterday, Muswita said: “We don’t work on assumptions, ours was not affected and not mentioned in the directive that was given and we can’t work on speculation.

“We were relocated in 2008. We are going to have a hand-over-take-over soon, after failing to do so on May 19 because of other commitments. We have re-planned. We are not worried about the position taken [by Zanu PF politburo]; we are not worried about anything.”

On the $500 000, Muswita said: “That is false, it was a meeting in good faith and that we demanded $500 000 is untruthful. During one of those meetings, he opted to buy cars for directors that were never bought. The other thing was they had worked for five years and suggested to say, $100 000 per year for five years which translates to $500 000.”

He said they could not wrest the ranch this week because of the funeral of the late Brigadier-General John Zingoni who was buried at the national shrine on Tuesday.

“Another issue is we have the lease agreement, we have the hunting quarter and permit. We have everything legal with us. We could have taken over violently but we can’t do that,” Muswita added.


"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."
Posts: 9486 | Location: Chicago | Registered: 23 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Interesting Kathi,

I was there in 2012 when the car drove up. Demanding the money and a new land-rover. Darrel Collett wanted to know where the money would come from. And that no new vehicle would be bought.

They failed to mention that they seize the Collet's bank accounts at the same time. Right after this meeting.

Also failed to mention that they had already taken 1/2 (51%) of the ranch and it was being fenced off as we hunting. I am thinking that they lost 7,500 Hectors. The fence was to separate the squatters from the land retained. I forget what the cost of the new fence was, however it was in the $100,000 USD or more range.

The article is right in that the local counsel and Darrel do work together. The Collett's employ many employees and they provide monthly game meat to the various counsel's, for distribution. The counsels receive around 4,000 to 5,000 pounds of game meat monthly, from a few game ranches.

If memory serves me on this, Further more the Collett's ranch had 2 large reservoirs prior to the ranch being split. The property was split so that both sides had a dam holding water. The Collett's maintained the one on their property and the one on the squatters half was not taken care of and washed out.


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More of the same from these greedy, no good bastards! thumbdown
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What would it be next year?
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Kasukuwere summons security chiefs over wildlife sanctuary

Posted on May 28, 2014 by ZimSitRep

via Kasukuwere summons security chiefs over wildlife sanctuary May 28, 2014 by Moses Matenga NewsDay

ENVIRONMENT, Water and Climate minister Saviour Kasukuwere has reportedly summoned security chiefs and owners of Mjingwe Ranch in Mwenezi to resolve a wrangle over the ownership of the wildlife sanctuary.

This followed the disturbances that rocked the sanctuary when a group led by the security chiefs Police Assistant Commissioner Elliot Muswita and Brigadier-General Josphat

Kudumba threatened to take over the property in defiance of a directive by the Zanu PF special politburo meeting chaired by President Robert Mugabe recently ordering them to vacate the conservancy.

Although Kasukuwere was not immediately available for comment, impeccable government sources said the meeting would be held in Harare on Friday.

“The Mjingwe conservancy community committee and the 25-year lease holders have been summoned to Honourable Kasukuwere’s office so that the government policy made at the politburo meeting can be spelt out,” the source privy to the matter said.

A top government official also said: “Nothing has changed (on the Zanu PF order) and the meeting with Kasukuwere will quickly end the current conflict.”
Kasukuwere’s meeting would be preceded by a community meeting with some war veterans in Mwenezi today.

The security chiefs embroiled in the fight to control the sanctuary defied the Zanu PF politburo directive to stay off the wildlife conservancy, threatening to evict white owner Darryl Collett, who is in a partnership with local traditional chiefs and South African investor Alastair Forsyth.

Collett is also expected to attend the meeting after reportedly fleeing to Bulawayo for his safety.

The group at the centre of the fight also includes Army Captain Solomon Ndlovu of Mbalabala Infantry School, headman Peterson Mhizha Mudumo, Raphael Shoko and Finger Tapera.

Informed sources told NewsDay that following the disturbances over the weekend, some 1 000 villagers from the local community gathered to protest.

The security chiefs want Collett and his partners out so that they take over the ranch.


"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."
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Just sent the Collett family e-mail showing support and to see how they are doing...


"You've got the strongest hand in the world. That's right. Your hand. The hand that marks the ballot. The hand that pulls the voting lever. Use it, will you" John Wayne
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Are these the same Collett's that have the taxidermy business in Bulawayo?
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Yes it is that is the youngest son.

Originally posted by larryshores:
Are these the same Collett's that have the taxidermy business in Bulawayo?


"You've got the strongest hand in the world. That's right. Your hand. The hand that marks the ballot. The hand that pulls the voting lever. Use it, will you" John Wayne
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I have not heard how things went.

All Jonathan had to say, they were holding out for the best, with a lot of local tribal support.

1 or 2 tribal chief's would be at the meeting on Friday.


"You've got the strongest hand in the world. That's right. Your hand. The hand that marks the ballot. The hand that pulls the voting lever. Use it, will you" John Wayne
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Soldiers take over wildlife sanctuary

Soldiers have been deployed to secure Mjingwe Ranch in Mwenezi, Masvingo, in a virtual military takeover of the wildlife sanctuary – in defiance of a politburo order to leave the conservancies alone.

by Staff Reporter

Environment Minister, Saviour Kasukuwere is reported to have summoned the occupants of the conservancies at Mjingwe, but no meeting has taken place, indicating the power still enjoyed by the military in Zimbabwe.

Sources in Mwenezi told The Zimbabwean that the soldiers, acting on instructions from their bosses who want to take over the sanctuary, were sent to Mjingwe last week. “Scores of soldiers from the Airforce of Zimbabwe and ZNA (Zimbabwe National Army) are now on the ground. We have gathered that have been sent to intimidate the owner and protect the ranch so that top military guys can effectively take it over,” said one source.

The soldiers have reportedly told the game scouts at the sanctuary to report to them for instructions on anything they may wish to do. “The main people behind this deployment are bosses in both the Airforce and ground force, hence the nature of deployment,” added another.

The army generals recently moved in to take control of the ranch from Darryl Collett, who is in a partnership with local traditional chiefs and South African investor, Alastair Forsyth.

The Zanu (PF) politburo has ordered invaders to leave the conservancies in Masvingo alone, but the decision is yet to be ratified by cabinet. Most of the occupiers, who were initially given 25-year leases, are army generals and have vowed to stay put until a comprehensive land audit is conducted.

Police bosses are also eyeing the sanctuary, with Assistant Commissioner Elliot Muswita among those threatening to forcefully occupy the property. Army spokesperson, Alphios Makotore, was not reachable for a comment while Kasukuwere was not responding to calls.


"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."
Posts: 9486 | Location: Chicago | Registered: 23 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Thank you Kathi for the up date.

trying to check on this update...


"You've got the strongest hand in the world. That's right. Your hand. The hand that marks the ballot. The hand that pulls the voting lever. Use it, will you" John Wayne
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