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Zimbabwe- for better or worse
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Picture of shakari
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I should start by saying that perhaps I'm the wrong person to comment because I'm British by birth & English by the grace of God & perhaps this subject would/should be better addressed by a white Rhodesian who lived through the experience but FWIW, here's my take on it:

Of course, we can't turn back the clock but as I see it, you're blaming Smithy for a lot of things you shouldn't be.

I have to say that he, like everyone else was a product of his times (as we all are) and although his beliefs were not politically correct by today's standards, most would agree & IMO, history has proved that he wasn't wrong. Everything he predicted (& more) has come to pass.

I think if we're looking to allocate blame for the dreadful depths to which the country has sunk, we need to look at the original causes & the truth is the western world, particularly, the British Govt of the day got a massive dose of what we now call Political Correctness.

It was them that decided the indigenous populations of the Empire should have independent rule & them that gave it to them as quickly as they possibly could & without pausing to consider the implications for the ordinary people of the country (of all colours) & whether the new Govt(s) were equipped to deal with the power etc...... and the speed of the handover was (IMO) the biggest possible mistake they could have made.

In the case of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, the British Govt, (esp) with the support of the Americans and other western powers, forced Smith into a position where he was between a rock & a hard place and then they continued to squeeze. As I see it, he had no other choice but to declare UDI & if anything, he left it too long before doing it.

It was the Brit Govt who decided who would take over & when & it was them who ignored Smith's (and others) warnings that it would be one man, one vote, once.........

As an example of how unqualified the new Govt was, the first President (Canaan Banana) felt it necessary to pass a law against anyone making jokes about his name. That in itself shows how ridiculous & laughable the regime was right from the start.

The whole story of Rhodesian/Zimbabwean independence is one of Great Betrayal & the book of that title is well worth a read.

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by shakari:
I should start by saying that perhaps I'm the wrong person to comment because I'm British by birth & English by the grace of God & perhaps this subject would/should be better addressed by a white Rhodesian who lived through the experience but FWIW, here's my take on it:

Of course, we can't turn back the clock but as I see it, you're blaming Smithy for a lot of things you shouldn't be.

I have to say that he, like everyone else was a product of his times (as we all are) and although his beliefs were not politically correct by today's standards, most would agree & IMO, history has proved that he wasn't wrong. Everything he predicted (& more) has come to pass.

I think if we're looking to allocate blame for the dreadful depths to which the country has sunk, we need to look at the original causes & the truth is the western world, particularly, the British Govt of the day got a massive dose of what we now call Political Correctness.

It was them that decided the indigenous populations of the Empire should have independent rule & them that gave it to them as quickly as they possibly could & without pausing to consider the implications for the ordinary people of the country (of all colours) & whether the new Govt(s) were equipped to deal with the power etc...... and the speed of the handover was (IMO) the biggest possible mistake they could have made.

In the case of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, the British Govt, (esp) with the support of the Americans and other western powers, forced Smith into a position where he was between a rock & a hard place and then they continued to squeeze. As I see it, he had no other choice but to declare UDI & if anything, he left it too long before doing it.

It was the Brit Govt who decided who would take over & when & it was them who ignored Smith's (and others) warnings that it would be one man, one vote, once.........

As an example of how unqualified the new Govt was, the first President (Canaan Banana) felt it necessary to pass a law against anyone making jokes about his name. That in itself shows how ridiculous & laughable the regime was right from the start.

The whole story of Rhodesian/Zimbabwean independence is one of Great Betrayal & the book of that title is well worth a read.[/QU

tu2Very well stated.jc

Posts: 1138 | Registered: 24 September 2011Reply With Quote
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I would like Harris, Kpete, Nakihunter, or SteveGI or all to list the top 10 things that were bad/wrong with Rhodesia under colonial then Smith rule.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

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This is what has, is and will be going on in Zimbabwe and really in Africa ably supported by the previous communist blocks and now the the PROC together with a large percentage of the World's do-gooder liberals.
Posts: 3297 | Location: South of the Equator. | Registered: 02 August 2009Reply With Quote
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And then there's the Matebele genocide in the 80s of course.....

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Nakihunter
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When you fail to regard fellow human beings as such and then start categorising them on the basis of race and levels of technological advancement etc., the debate is already on the slippery slope.

The fact remains that the British and Smith did not have the best interest of the local people in mind during their rule. That was the colonial paradigm & value base. You cannot expect the colonial value base to last for ever. You have to expect a backlash.

Hence my comment that terrorists and despots will breed worse terrorists and despots.

The fact remains that the British and Smith together had more than 150 years of opportunity to build a great country and develop ALL its people but failed to do so.

When you take a pre-industrial tribal society and impose clonial rule on it, you cannot hand over independence without first equiping them to manage the new systems and environment.

All the talk of leaving a wealthy nation with food crops, roads, schools etc is fine. You also have to include what else the colonials left behind - an indegenous people without the skills or capabilities to manage the colonial infrastructure and trying to sort out their own identity as a people. They also left behid a lot of discontent and humiliation of human dignity! Easy to brush that under the carpet.

Many European communites are today rebelling against the influx of Eastern immigrants with education & skills! Immagine if they were colonised by the Eastern peopel and robbed of property & any social equality!

Edited: Also add the into the mix the cold war and how Zim was caught in the middle of the West and the Soviets struggling for influence & control in Africa! A no-win situation for the local people.

Yes, violence & genocide did & does happen. But what happens to the 95%+ locals who have no part in the conflict except being victims?

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Posts: 11243 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 02 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by shakari:
And then there's the Matebele genocide in the 80s of course.....

DAMN GOOD POINT STEVE! most people here are unaware of what happened when Mugs sent in the Fifth brigade into Matebeleland and had them slaughter thousands of innocent men, women, children just because they were Ndebele and not Shona. tribal warfare/revenge at its African best! i have personally talked to a number of survivors who remember it quite well- and still hate the Shona as a result. black on black violence has killed far more Africans than white on black violence EVER did. think about Ruwanda,Congo, Nigeria, Sierra Leone- the list is endless- and growing.

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Posts: 13433 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 28 October 2006Reply With Quote
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Naki dimwit, straight-up. you are an ignorant twisted liberal toss. You have never been to Africa, the only knowledge of Africa you have is what you have chosen to believe. Talk to any of the older generation Black Zimbaweans. You will find well spoken folk with a good command of the English language. Probably, at that time the best educated in Africa. They were not educated by the likes of you but had their country destabilised by the likes of you, ably assisted by the East Block. You have the damn gall to sit in New Zealand and spout liberal drivel, when India, your birth place, is a seething cesspool of social inequality, which I suppose in your blinkered mind was caused by the British Colonials. Why have you not returned to help straighten out that mess. When you have done, you might have room to crow.
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tu2 tu2 tu2
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Originally posted by Nakihunter:
When you fail to regard fellow human beings as such and then start categorising them on the basis of race and levels of technological advancement etc., the debate is already on the slippery slope.

The fact remains that the British and Smith did not have the best interest of the local people in mind during their rule. That was the colonial paradigm & value base. You cannot expect the colonial value base to last for ever. You have to expect a backlash. The backlash worked well for them huh? They voted themselves right into the sewer where they have the right to be starved into voting the way they're told, the right to be tortured and murdered and the right to have their entire country flushed down the toilet and their entire national wealth stolen

Hence my comment that terrorists and despots will breed worse terrorists and despots.

The fact remains that the British and Smith together had more than 150 years of opportunity to build a great country and develop ALL its people but failed to do so. How did they fail? - They took a country that had absolutely nothing and turned it into one that was a gross exporter, built roads & infrastructure, schools, hospitals, railways, farming & industry. They created a currency where one of their dollars was worth more than one USD. It was only when the country was handed over that it went from that to the direct opposite!

When you take a pre-industrial tribal society and impose clonial rule on it, you cannot hand over independence without first equiping them to manage the new systems and environment. You need to check your history. They didn't hand it over, take everything from taps to light bulbs and walk away as happened in the Congo, they stayed behind, left the infrastructure in place, working and gave as much support as they could.

All the talk of leaving a wealthy nation with food crops, roads, schools etc is fine. You also have to include what else the colonials left behind - an indegenous people without the skills or capabilities to manage the colonial infrastructure and trying to sort out their own identity as a people. They also left behid a lot of discontent and humiliation of human dignity! Easy to brush that under the carpet. At the time of independence the black Zimbabweans were some of the best educated blacks anywhere in Africa and that generation is still evident now if you visit and talk to that older generation and there's considerably more humiliation of human dignity under Mugabe than there ever was under Smith

Many European communites are today rebelling against the influx of Eastern immigrants with education & skills! Immagine if they were colonised by the Eastern peopel and robbed of property & any social equality! That comment has absolutely no validity whatsoever because you're comparing apples to oranges

Edited: Also add the into the mix the cold war and how Zim was caught in the middle of the West and the Soviets struggling for influence & control in Africa! A no-win situation for the local people.

Yes, violence & genocide did & does happen. Oh well. That's alright then. There was me thinking it was a serious issue! But what happens to the 95%+ locals who have no part in the conflict except being victims? We've see what happens. They have their national wealth stolen by their leaders, tortured and murdered and..... oh no. I've already covered that haven't I. Silly old me!

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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People can spew hate and filth and thus exhibit their basic nature.

The fact remains that these are all Colonial perspectives and Western perspective - assuming that what is good for the west is good for tribal societies etc.

Steve, to claim that Zim had nothing before the British came is very rich indeed. Why did the British go there if the country had nothing?

If colonialism was so successful then why is the US and the UK struggling right now?

The facts are pretty simple - conquering and invading countries have left behind a big mess many times in history. They have never succeeded in convincing others that the invasion was good for everyone concerned.


Look at it another way. If Smith & the British had really cared about the locals, they would have shared power in the 30s and 40s and gone to full free domocracy in the 50s. Mugabe would have remained unknown and all the violent nationalist regimes would never have started in the first place.

Steve - that is how they failed! They did not care about the long term future of the locals when they imposed their Western and colonial system on the locals.

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Posts: 11243 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 02 July 2008Reply With Quote
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you gotta love when when someone who has NEVER been to Africa assumes he knows more about the on-the-ground situation than people who have lived there- or at the very least, spent considerable time there. when the sum total of your knowledge about a place comes from what you read on the internet, you are simply asking to look like an idiot. here we call them ARMCHAIR QUARTERBACKS- or just arrogant, ignorant fools.....

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Originally posted by Nakihunter:
People can spew hate and filth and thus exhibit their basic nature. Where the hell have I spewed hate and filth? - All I've done is put forward what most would see as a reasoned argument and stated my opinion that black African politicians couldn't run a piss up in a brewery and have stuffed up every country they got their hands on.

The fact remains that these are all Colonial perspectives and Western perspective - assuming that what is good for the west is good for tribal societies etc. I've repeatedly said that African problems can't be solved by western solutions.

Steve, to claim that Zim had nothing before the British came is very rich indeed. Why did the British go there if the country had nothing? What did the country have before the Brits arrived? - I wasn't there but don't remember reading anything about the place having schools, roads, hospitals, railways or anything else. To the best of my knowledge, it was just bush with a few locals running around...... (Locals incidentally, who had pushed the previous occupants out). As to why the Brits went there in the first place. That is very well recorded & I'd recommend you do the relevant research if you don't know.

If colonialism was so successful then why is the US and the UK struggling right now? I don't see what one has to do with the other. A far better question would be if independent rule was so desirable, why has it been such a failure throughout Africa?

The facts are pretty simple - conquering and invading countries have left behind a big mess many times in history. They have never succeeded in convincing others that the invasion was good for everyone concerned. I think that's a matter of perspective and the criteria one measures success by. It could equally be argued that colonisation benefited the colonised countries immensely and in many ways.

Alternatively, how successful would you say those countries that haven't had the benefit of European colonisation have been? I'd hardly call Liberia and Ethiopia a resounding success and am bloody sure most, if not all here would agree with that.

Perhaps you could name an African country that has been previously colonised and is better off with regard to infrastructure and what we now term civilisation after independence?


Look at it another way. If Smith & the British had really cared about the locals, they would have shared power in the 30s and 40s and gone to full free domocracy in the 50s. Mugabe would have remained unknown and all the violent nationalist regimes would never have started in the first place. The opinion at that time was that if given independence, it wouldn't have succeeded and IMO, they were right. In fact, even when they were given it, history has proved they stuffed it up.

Steve - that is how they failed! They did not care about the long term future of the locals when they imposed their Western and colonial system on the locals.
You have a point there but not in the way you mean. What they should have done is said, yes, we'll give you independence but only after we've educated at least a generation and only when you have the human resources and skills to deal with it properly. At the very least, they should have tried to do what Tz tried to do and at least breed some of the tribalism out of the local populations...... but quite honestly, you probably don't know anything about that either and that is the root cause of the problem with all your arguments.

I said in an earlier post that "I should start by saying that perhaps I'm the wrong person to comment because I'm British by birth & English by the grace of God & perhaps this subject would/should be better addressed by a white Rhodesian who lived through the experience"

The reason I said that is because I'm not sure I'm qualified to offer an educated and fully informed opinion on the whole thing but I am bloody sure, that you're not. Wink

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Originally posted by jdollar:
... if you choose to comment, please indicate if you have actually been there or live there.

Originally posted by Nakihunter:
When you fail to regard fellow human beings as such and then start categorising them on the basis of race and levels of technological advancement etc., the debate is already on the slippery slope.

The fact remains that the British and Smith did not have the best interest of the local people in mind during their rule. That was the colonial paradigm & value base. You cannot expect the colonial value base to last for ever. You have to expect a backlash.

Hence my comment that terrorists and despots will breed worse terrorists and despots.

The fact remains that the British and Smith together had more than 150 years of opportunity to build a great country and develop ALL its people but failed to do so.

When you take a pre-industrial tribal society and impose clonial rule on it, you cannot hand over independence without first equiping them to manage the new systems and environment.

All the talk of leaving a wealthy nation with food crops, roads, schools etc is fine. You also have to include what else the colonials left behind - an indegenous people without the skills or capabilities to manage the colonial infrastructure and trying to sort out their own identity as a people. They also left behid a lot of discontent and humiliation of human dignity! Easy to brush that under the carpet.

Many European communites are today rebelling against the influx of Eastern immigrants with education & skills! Immagine if they were colonised by the Eastern peopel and robbed of property & any social equality!

Edited: Also add the into the mix the cold war and how Zim was caught in the middle of the West and the Soviets struggling for influence & control in Africa! A no-win situation for the local people.

Yes, violence & genocide did & does happen. But what happens to the 95%+ locals who have no part in the conflict except being victims?


I notice you didn't bother to post whether you have actually been to Zimbabwe or Africa at all.

Obviously because you haven't got any personal first hand experience.

Read some books, watch more fictional TV and internet posts and learn some more "expert" opinions.
Posts: 10138 | Location: Wine Country, Barossa Valley, Australia | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I have only been to Zimbabwe in 1988, 1994, 2002 and 2006.

Wasn't there when Smith was in gov't so have no idea. Do have friends who were there, Rhodesians and also some Aussies who lived there at the time and during the civil war.

In 1988 the place was OK but not all that prosperous. Still had an edge to it at times. Probably because the killing of the Matabele by Mugabe was only over a couple of years before. As a personal note I almost got robbed in one of the main streets in Harare. But otherwise not too bad. Walked all over the city, including the 10 kms into the city from where I was staying.

In 1994 I travelled all over the country for five weeks. The place seemed safe and more prosperous. Things seemed to be booming.

In 2002 after the during the worst of the farm invasions, the place was a basketcase. Even the curio selling stands at tourist places were non-existent. Fuel was hard to get. Those who hard it

2006, even worse. The drive from Bulawayo to Kariba showed showed the farm desolation. Derelict farms. Even the subsistence farms looked like wastelands.

I imagine six years later it is far worse. Mugabe and his crooked cronies have been looting the country even more, having stolen farms, private houses, tourist businesses on public lands, and worse, now they are targeting the parts they have not ffffed up, hunting businesses, and private businesses.

Better off than Smith?

Well several million blacks and most of the whites have left Zimbabwe in order not to starve. I don't think that happened under Smith. So I guess that is one answer.


John H.

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My comments about hate & spewing was not about you. If you look up the posts you will see who was hating and spewing.

Some other people make comments here on AR but refuse to debate the issue with me objectively and openly on their own website. Such people with hidden agenda do not deserve any replies.

In your case Steve, you clearly have a Colonial mindset and think that "tribalism should be bread out of the people"!! How arrogant and ethnocentric can one be in the 21st century. On the other hand you talk of whites and blacks. How about breeding the ethnocentrism out of yourself! Or at least educating yourself enough to know not to categorise people based on ehtinic origins and associate some social and historical conclusions on that basis - it is plain ignorant. Yes I very well educated on that count, despite your erroneous assumptions.

How about just taking a simple human perspective and looking at the whole situation in that light.

How about looking it from even a Christian perspective. Faith, Hope & Charity (love) were the Cristian principles that were often used by the British hierarchy. While colonial rule and values had some faith and a lot of hope, there was very little love.

If the West was so good for Africa, how come the West cannot manage its own economy properly even now?

If you used the hunamistic values to debatre this issue rather than an ethnocentric paradigm, I believe you will get a far better undrstanding.

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Posts: 11243 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 02 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Naki, spell check is your friend- use it unless you want to look illiterate. and i didn't realize NZ was immune to the worldwide( excepting perhaps China- a real bastion of personal freedom) economic slump. good to know things are going so well down under. bottom line is still that you have never been to Africa much less Zim. and thus have absolutely NO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OR FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE OF THE SITUATION THERE......

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There is a lot of comments from those who have never experienced being an opressed majority in their own country for close to a century.

We all think that our personal beliefs and cultures - derived from our upbringing - is THE only way to measure civilizations' advancement or success.

As always, there are 3 sides to every story; mine, yours and the truth lies somewhere in the middle. No difference in this debate.

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Well, i admire your tenacity but unfortunately, you still don't know what you're talking about. so to quote the Bard; "once more into the breech dear friends" etc.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nakihunter:

My comments about hate & spewing was not about you. If you look up the posts you will see who was hating and spewing.

Some other people make comments here on AR but refuse to debate the issue with me objectively and openly on their own website. Such people with hidden agenda do not deserve any replies. Then don't reply to them.

In your case Steve, you clearly have a Colonial mindset and think that "tribalism should be bread out of the people"!! How arrogant and ethnocentric can one be in the 21st century. until that happens, africans will vote tribally and (even in the unlikely event of a free & fair election) nothing will improve. On the other hand you talk of whites and blacks. How about breeding the ethnocentrism out of yourself! Or at least educating yourself enough to know not to categorise people based on ehtinic origins and associate some social and historical conclusions on that basis It's those very things that involve tribalism & unless that mindset is altered, things will continue as they are now - it is plain ignorant. Yes I very well educated on that count, despite your erroneous assumptions. I don't have a colonial mindset at all. If anything, I'm a rebellious little bastard and have spent a large part of my life avoiding such people. If i'd been involved in the Anglo Boer wars, you can bet your life, i'd have been on the side of the Boers. Your problem is that you fail to even begin to understand tribalism OR Africa.

If you research the history of (for example) South Africa, you'll find that various tribes pushed each other out of their home territories and took the land for themselves so firstly, original ownership can only be really decided by pulling names out of a hat but more importantly, one has to consider tribalism in the context of how the different tribes regard & treat each other. The previous events i've mentioned made murder, rape, kidnapping & genocide a regular occurance & those memories & hatreds still run deep in those affected & let's not forget these things are still happening. Rwanda being one example and the Matabele being another example.

Theese things mean the tribes often don't like each other, will often kill each other at the slightest opportunity & most certainly won't usually vote for a member of a different tribe. Even in the unlikely event of a free & fair election in Africa, they vote for the tribe not for the policies or the individual.

In Tz, when Julius Nyere came to power, he tried to reduce this effect by making marriage within the same tribe difficult andI think it must have worked to some extent because a lot of Tanzanians (not the Masai) now seem to consider themselves Tanzanians first and whatever tribe second. tribalism is still there but it's effect is probably not as strongly felt as in other parts of Africa.

You're right. i do talk in terms of black & whites because that's exactly what they are. It might not be politically correct but it is accurate. Note, my point throughout this debate isn't that all blacks are stupid, it's that all black african politicians have proved themselves to be incapable of running a country properly. not only have they failed to improve a single economy or infrastructure in a single country, they've not even been able to prevent a single thing from declining.

You accuse me of ignorance when the reality is that it's you that's ignorant. You're ignorant of the history of Africa, the politics of Africa & you're ignorant of the social understandings, frameworks & real life situations of Africa. I might be not politically correct and possibly seem rude to some because of that but I'm not halfway as ignorant as you are when it comes to this particular subject.

How about just taking a simple human perspective and looking at the whole situation in that light.

How about looking it from even a Christian perspective. Faith, Hope & Charity (love) were the Cristian principles that were often used by the British hierarchy. While colonial rule and values had some faith and a lot of hope, there was very little love. Where have I said that colonial rule was all sweetness & light? - i haven't...... but I have said that when Africa was under colonial/white rule, things worked and that's true. Economies were strong, ALL of the infrastructures were constantly improved and crime was relatively low. I've also said that since independence those things have ALL gone into decline in ALL African countries and whether you like it or not, that is ALL true.

You also failed to explain to me why those countries that were never colonised failed to build their economies & infrastructures etc. Liberia & Ethiopia for example have always been independent and yet they also failed to advance by any criteria that modern man might use...... Again, I ask, why do you think that is?

If the West was so good for Africa, how come the West cannot manage its own economy properly even now? As I said before, I don't think one has anything to do with the other but if it does, perhaps it's because the west gives so much of it's hard earned income to Africa in the form of foreign aid....... Also as I said earlier, a better question might be, if independence was so desirable, why has it been such a failure throughout Africa?

If you used the hunamistic values to debatre this issue rather than an ethnocentric paradigm, I believe you will get a far better undrstanding. it's not me that fails to understand Africa boet, it's you. I've kicked around the continent on & off for 32 years & in a variety of countries. I've encountered everything from drugged up generals with an AK in his hands & a battalion of drunk troops at his command to recent genocide to tribal battles to bribery to staggering stupidity to kindness, unbelievable friendship, beauty, corruption, crime, flood, fire, drought, starvation, poverty, plenty and a variety of buggers trying to put holes in me at different times.

You on the other hand have never even set foot on the continent. Who do you think might have a better understanding of the fucking place? Roll Eyes

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jdollar:
simple poll- please consider standard of living, job opportunities, health care, education- if you choose to comment, please indicate if you have actually been there or live there.

I voted YES ( they are worse off ) and Im in the minority MMmmmm.
So Voting for WORSE OFF

Dave Davenport
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Posts: 980 | Location: South Africa | Registered: 06 December 2009Reply With Quote
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Excellent Mr. Robinson, the only problem is that you are dealing with a liberal who cannot, will not and has never accepted anything other than his own convuluted horse wallop as truth. The sad thing is that his brand of crap spreads to others of like minds [huh??] who then like vegans and other assorted missfits, propagate their fungal beliefs for others to be poisoned.
Posts: 3297 | Location: South of the Equator. | Registered: 02 August 2009Reply With Quote
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Your post ios full of contradictions.

When you say [Qote]
"Where have I said that colonial rule was all sweetness & light? - I haven't...... but I have said that when Africa was under colonial/white rule, things worked and that's true." ..there are many contradictioons there.

That statement is purely a colonial perspective which assumes that what is good for the European is good for the African tribals. This fails to respect the tribal cultures and people for their heritage, values and right to grow and develop in the way they want to, without being forced to conform by the colonials.

I do not need to set foot on any specific country to discuss and debate about the colonial mondset and its impact on history. I do not need to visit any specific country to debate about basic human rights and values.

Steve, while you condemn African tribalism, you yourself practive Eurpean / colonial triablism. As I said you do not consider yourself Arican and equal to all Africans. You identify yourself with the European tribe and claim that your tribe's ways are better and the right way. THAT is the problem.

If you have not understood the paradigms involved, then you never will.

Enough said.

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Posts: 11243 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 02 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Nakihunter:

Your post ios full of contradictions.

When you say [Qote]
"Where have I said that colonial rule was all sweetness & light? - I haven't...... but I have said that when Africa was under colonial/white rule, things worked and that's true." ..there are many contradictioons there.

That statement is purely a colonial perspective which assumes that what is good for the European is good for the African tribals. This fails to respect the tribal cultures and people for their heritage, values and right to grow and develop in the way they want to, without being forced to conform by the colonials.

I do not need to set foot on any specific country to discuss and debate about the colonial mondset and its impact on history. I do not need to visit any specific country to debate about basic human rights and values.

Steve, while you condemn African tribalism, you yourself practive Eurpean / colonial triablism. As I said you do not consider yourself Arican and equal to all Africans. You identify yourself with the European tribe and claim that your tribe's ways are better and the right way. THAT is the problem.

If you have not understood the paradigms involved, then you never will.

Enough said.


By the standards you suggest are for the good, the things that are happening in the countries under discussion are for the better....... In effect, you're condoning murder, rape, genocide, theft, corruption and torture......and I can think of a good many Africans (both black & white) that would take great delight in explaining the errors of your beliefs on a face to face basis.

Quite honestly, if you believe that, you'll never understand Africa

As for your comments about tribal cultures, I've forgotten more about those than you'll ever know.

Oh and I notice YET AGAIN that you've failed to answer any of the questions I keep asking you. The most pertinent being:

If independence was so desirable, why has it been such a failure throughout Africa?


Why is it that the African countries that have always been independent such as Liberia and Ethiopia have also failed completely to advance by any criteria that modern civilisation would apply?

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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You continue to misunderstand or deliberately misconstue what I have said.

I have repeatedly said that violence, terrorism etc. and all the other inhuman and evil deeds that go with it are not right. I have also said that terrorism and despotism breeds more terrorists and despots. How hard is that to understand?

It is you who understates the evils of the Smith regime and their assault on human dignity and human rights. You fail to recognise the start of the problem - the conflict of paradigms when a tribal society is imposed with a technologically more developed culture.

That is the reason why independence fails in such communities. The circumstances have changed, the rules have changed. The context has changed. But the cultural values have not been adapted to such fundamental & rapid change in the economy, politics and social structure.

The tribal system is not geared to work in a Western capitalist environment just as the western system fails to operate successfully in a tribal environment. The rights, values and entitlements of the two paradigms are essentially in conflict with each other.

Don't be too quick to judge what I know and do not! It is you who does not understand the "European tribe" mind set that you bring to this debate! You cannot have it both ways.

What has happend in Zim and some other countries is that the very identity and cultural heritage of the people has been lost or so radically altered that it has lost most of its meaning in a capitalistic environment.

Ethiopia is not as tribal in its traditions as most of Africa. The communist regieme and its impact would probably explaing some of those problems. But then you can have better undrestanding when you also appreciate that ancient Ethiopea was part of mainstream civilizations in Egypt and the meditarannean.

As for Liberia & Siera Leone, just read about their history. If you relocate former slaves into a new territory and ask them to rule themselves, do you expect a model democratic society? Add the mix of the diamonmd wars, where the gems had little relevance to the locals except the attraction of adventurers - and what do you have but total chaos.

Now please do not tell me that the diamond explorers and traders had the best intentions for the people of Liberia or Siera Leone!

It is a very similar issue to Zim - people from other countries with better technology and a desire for the natural resources come in and wave a few coins and expect to walk away free. They take no responsibility for the huge changes to the total situation that they have contributed.

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Posts: 11243 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 02 July 2008Reply With Quote
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i think you may as well give up Steve- some people are just to blind to see that most African counties have made a big mess of freedom from colonial rule- THEY ARE TRULY WORSE OFF THAN BEFORE "INDEPENDENCE" AND CERTAIN POSTERS WILL NEVER ADMIT IT. best example i can think of is the DRC- simply an absolute shithole 30 years after the Belgians left with no end in sight. Zim wallows under a dictatorship and quite likely will until well into the future. you can lead a whore to culture but you can't make her think.

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No one is disagreeing with the current situation being worse. The issue is who takes responsibility? Just the Africans or the colonials as well? THAT is the real issue!

Then comes the explanation of why the Africans or any tribal society cannot easily and quickly adapt to modern democracy & capitalism! Well if the western capitalist democracies cannot manage tribal societies well, how can you expect tribal societies to manage capitalist democracies?!!

Regarding your comment about whores, let me remind you that it was the colonials who introduced prostitution to many tribal societies including the Maori in NZ! Yes the colonials did not always bring good culture after all!

Originally posted by jdollar:
i think you may as well give up Steve- some people are just to blind to see that most African counties have made a big mess of freedom from colonial rule- THEY ARE TRULY WORSE OFF THAN BEFORE "INDEPENDENCE" AND CERTAIN POSTERS WILL NEVER ADMIT IT. best example i can think of is the DRC- simply an absolute shithole 30 years after the Belgians left with no end in sight. Zim wallows under a dictatorship and quite likely will until well into the future. you can lead a whore to culture but you can't make her think.

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OK, Let's see if I've got this right now.

According to your arguments:

Smith committed mass murder, genocide, torture and destroyed his entire national economy whilst 'new' Govts who have been in charge for decades can't be blamed for any part of their various and comprehensive declines in every aspect of their society because their tribal cultures excuse their behaviour and it's all the fault of the white man...... despite the fact that the white Govt stepped down decades, not years but decades ago?

Or is it that Mugabe committed mass murder, genocide, torture and destroyed his entire national economy and because the tribal cultures of the blacks or more accurately, the black politicians excuse their behaviour and it's therefore still all the fault of the white man..... despite the fact that the white Govt stepped down decades, not years but decades ago?

Liberia that was formed about 50 years after the United States of America can't be blamed for having the bicycle as the limit of their technological mastery whilst the USA have managed to put a vehicle on Mars?

And you, without having ever set foot on the continent know more about Africa, it's history, it's tribes and it's cultures (both black and white) than I or anyone else here does?

faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faint faintfaint faint faint faint faint

If you don't think the various declines and abuses aren't entirely the fault of the blacks, or more accurately, the black African politicians, you must be truly deranged!

Let me remind you of these words:

One can build the Empire State Building, discipline the Prussian army, make a state hierarchy mightier than God, and yet fail to overcome the unaccountable superiority of certain human beings.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Wink

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There we go, but, I'll bet a shovel full of horse wallop to a camel that the silly twat still won't get it. I wonder if the SOB has had a spinal fusion in his neck, can't look up or down, only left, not right?? Roll Eyes
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Naki, sorry my whore comment was misunderstood. it was a paraphrase of an old expression-" you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink". in this case, the whores are black African politicians who are incapable of good governance. i know, i know- it's whitey's fault. maybe in another 50-100 years, things will improve- or not. i am guessing the "or not"....

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When you have convinced yourself that you some how are superior to some other ethnic race, nothing will ever make you change that view.

Scriptus, you can spew abuses all you please. They only reflect your character and your limitations.

When you have both have learned to read and understand simple English without misrtepresnting the facts or distoring the issues, we might have a more polite debate.

Good bye!

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Are you going to liberate the Maoris from the colonial yoke as well?

Damned if we know why you left India in the first place - place is full of capitalists taking advantage of the poor downtrodden masses!
Posts: 2731 | Registered: 23 August 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by fujotupu:

Are you going to liberate the Maoris from the colonial yoke as well?

Damned if we know why you left India in the first place - place is full of capitalists taking advantage of the poor downtrodden masses!

tu2 tu2 tu2

There we go, but, I'll bet a shovel full of horse wallop to a camel that the silly twat still won't get it. I wonder if the SOB has had a spinal fusion in his neck, can't look up or down, only left, not right?? Roll Eyes
Originally posted by the Naki wallah:

Scriptus, you can spew abuses all you please. They only reflect your character and your limitations.

When you have both have learned to read and understand simple English without misrtepresnting the facts or distoring the issues, we might have a more polite debate.

Strangly enough, I was taught to both read and write English, and I am grateful to all who laboured at this task, by some excellant and dedicated teachers, including my Mother, right there in New Zealand. Further, my sense of humour was learnt there too, as well the Kiwi's manner of recognising a tosser. Cool
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Naki is just a plain moron, a Pakistani refugee that can't stand the fact that his ethnic group have accomplished so little in the last century.

It's always "whiteys" fault, never the the poor downtrodden........

He is so far left he can only walk in a circle.

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How long did it take the Europeans to come out of the Dark Ages? How many centuries or even millenia? And you now want to insult all other ehtnic groups!

I am amazed that people cannot debate these issue without bringing in the race card.

What makes you guys so insecure that you need to put down another ethnic group to make you feel better?

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damn it Naki- USE SPELL CHECK!! you just continue to portray yourself as illiterate at best and a moron at worst..... it's free with any computer operating system

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Originally posted by Nakihunter:

I am amazed that people cannot debate these issue without bringing in the race card. That's exactly what you're doing when you blame the white man for everything when he's been out of power for DECADES! Roll Eyes

All we're doing is blaming those who are responsible for the decline of ALL countries in Africa SINCE THEY WERE GIVEN INDEPENDENCE who all happen to be black politicians........But by your standards it's racist to blame a (black) ethnic group for the mistakes they make when they're in power but not racist to blame a (white) ethnic group for the mistakes made when they're NOT IN POWER! bewildered HTF does that work & HTF is it me/us and not you that's playing the race card?

Originally posted by Nakihunter:

When you have both have learned to read and understand simple English without misrtepresnting the facts or distoring the issues, we might have a more polite debate.
I think what you meant to say was "when you have learned to both read and understand simple English" etc. Your error suggests that my understanding and indeed mastery of the English language is somewhat better than yours Wink but it's not me that's misrepresented (note the spelling) the facts or distorted the issues, it's you that's consistently done that and where have we (as you and I) had an impolite debate?

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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I take it you don't agree with this either then?

Australians call for sanctions against SA

The new South African government's racist policies and affirmative action has led to calls for sanctions against SA.

The National Chairman of the Australian Protectionist Party, Andrew Phillips called upon both the Federal Labor government and the Opposition to unanimously support the re-introduction of sanctions upon South Africa.

"It is becoming increasingly clear the situation in South Africa warrants international attention once again", Phillips said. "Despite noble announcements by the African National Congress (ANC) of its intent to make South Africa an egalitarian society in which all people could live in harmony and have equal opportunity-the reality is quite different."

His calls follow Woolworths SA asking that only "African Black candidates" apply for certain posts in job advertisements and South African Airways saying it will only appoint black pilots to its cadet pilot training programme.

Phillips said "Australia is dragging its feet in recognising the reality of the New South Africa. Euro MPs Barry Madlener and Lucas Hartong have already called for the EU to cease giving millions in aid to South Africa and have already raised the issue of what can only be described as cultural genocide in that country." See our story "EU take on SAA in pilot racism".

The Australian Protectionist Party recognises the right of all people, irrespective of racial, cultural or religious background to a safe homeland, self determination and the opportunity to control their national destiny in an increasingly globalised world.

"With the advent of so-called majority rule, minorities such as the Afrikaner communities are experiencing ever increasing disadvantage and persecution based on the colour of their skin" Phillips said.

"The South African government has done little to protect the lives of the nation's farmers and their families, actively promotes the on-going Anglicisation of the nation's government sector with the current debate of the "Languages Bill" and has reduced an estimated 10% of the nation's Afrikaner community to the poverty line through the introduction of a race based Affirmative Action policy - a situation President Zuma described as both "shocking and surprising", yet has done nothing to address".

"Australia was quick to take the moral high-ground against South Africa decades ago, now is not the time to expose our hypocrisy by refusing to re-introduce sanctions and apply meaningful diplomatic pressure upon the ANC regime," Phillips said.

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Just read carefully. I have not used the term "White people" or similar in attributing cause or reason to the above issues. I have all along said Europeans or Collonials! That means Europeans or colonials of all races! Yes there were diverse ethnic groups within those categories!

The terms "Black" and "white" in this context are themselves wrong and have no scientific basis. They are just used to claim positions of superiority or to denegrate people groups. For example, you are no more "white" than I am or for that matter Mugabe is! You may be a lighter complection but that does not really make you "white". The terms "White" or "Black" or "yellow" etc. are politically flavoured when used to describe ethnicity & race.

That is why any debate on ethnicity and race gets so emotional and quickly degenerates into a pointless rant.

Look back at history and you will see that people of all races raped and plundered all over the world. ....Some more than others or for a longer period. But you will also see that Europeans over the last 500 years were responsibile for institutionalising their domination and oppression.

When a country gets independent after centuries of domination, I wonder if it is possible to attain modern democratic capitalisitc standards in a few decades? Hence my question - How long did it take the Europeans to come out of the dark ages? That should give you some perspective. If it took Europeans over 1000 years to come out of barbaric civilization, why do you expect African tribals to do so within 30 or 50 years? Further more, you totally deny the residual impact of the domination of one type of civilization over another! How ridiculous!

Look at other aspects of history and tell me which are the two current major nations that have recovered from devastation within 50 years? Go and read about the socio economic recovery of Germany & Japan after WW2 and see the reasons the experts attribute to this recovery. You will see the reasons are largely the lack of colonial oppression and the retaining of the same paradigm and technological infrastructure.

When there is a major paradigm shift, you cannot predict what the outcome will be. You will get change but it can easily be chaotic change. Look what has happened after the Arab Spring! That has been prooved right through history.

Bye bye! I have better things to do than keep responding to this nonsense!

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