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Smoke and Mirrors - the real story behind Corey Knowlton's Black rhino hunt
By LiveTrophy | Posted January 31, 2014

SMOKE AND MIRRORS: “This is NOT a specific bull they have in mind; the story of the old grumpy killer bull is just a sales strategy. They will target the most CONVENIENT bull that fits the PROFILE.

- This has been confirmed by Corey Knowlton in a discussion between us on 27 January.”

Currently, the public, anti and pro on the hunting debate, seem to have very little information to make educated decisions on in this on-going debate, so I will attempt to clarify a few things here.

What has been very strange is the deafening silence from conservation groups inside Namibia itself to come to the fore regarding this.
At the onset of this debate, some people at first attacked Save The Rhino Trust (SRT) Namibia as it was very erroneously thought that they would be the recipients of the money raised in this auction.

I quote the key of their response to this: "We do not directly receive money from hunting, we have nothing to do with hunting, and we have not at all been approached in this regard either, so to say that we will be receiving money from a rhino hunt is entirely inaccurate. We are not responsible for hunting and we are not associated with hunting. Our job at Save the Rhino Trust is to save rhino and that is exactly what we do every waking hour of our lives."

So let’s first put some numbers into perspective. The hunter thinks he is bidding for one out of about 5000+ black rhino in the wild. This is not true. Black Rhinos are subdivided into distinct subspecies, that conservationist try very hard not to interbreed.

- Eastern (D.b.michaeli) around 799 left, mostly under armed guard and not hunted.

- South Central (D.b.minor) around 2 000 left mostly in South Africa. Currently under heavy threat from this recent wave of poaching that claimed over 1000 rhino lives in 2013 (black and white) CITES approved limited trophy hunting as well.

- South Western (D.b.bicornis) numbers from various sources differ, and is secret for security reasons. Between 1750 and 1900? Poaching still minimal so far, only one free-range animal lost last year, but we expect the rate to massively increase this year.

Now we are getting closer to reality. Of these say 1750 individuals, around 1000 lives inside of protected National Parks and selected private sanctuaries, where they are hopefully more safe and can promote better manage breeding.

So this leaves us with around 750 animal that is the last of the free ranging black rhinos in Africa, roaming wild in a mostly wilderness desert area of 25,000sqkm. About the size of Belgium. It is one of these lone desert bulls that will be hunted by Corey Knowlton.

These bulls cover huge territorial home-ranges, and are loners. With female ranges overlapping those of various bulls for optimal breeding opportunities. When a young bull gets to breeding age he will be pushed out to establish his own territory, as old bulls fiercely defend theirs. Fighting in the wild does occur, but as they are not fenced in, and there is ample room for expansion, it is very seldom to the death, like sometimes happen in fenced parks. In the wild it is counterproductive to kill each other; it is merely a question of domination.

And never in the wild would a rhino aggressively target other species besides predators, including man if they feel threatened. As with other species, each rhino "personality" differs. Some are grumpy as youngsters, and stay that way as old adults. And, there is very little known about the age a rhino bull actually stop breeding. To actually dart an old bull to test his sperm is just not feasible in free ranging populations

The fact of the matter is that this small free-range population is far from back into all their original Home-ranges from the pre 80's poaching that nearly wiped them out. Only radical intervention from the SRT and MET saved them from total annihilation. This means their current number of 750 is still not close to having the desert population back to the numbers there should be, and actually each one should be under armed guard in the current poaching crisis!

So why hunt this, or any desert bull? (And knowing how the system works, I can assure you, it will be a very random bull likely to be shot! This is NOT a specific bull they have in mind; the story of the old grumpy killer bull is just a sales strategy. They will target the most CONVENIENT bull that fits the PROFILE.)
- This has been confirmed by Corey Knowlton in a discussion between us on 27 January 2014.

The sad fact for the rhino bull, black or white, is just this: NOBODY WANTS A BULL. Just like with cattle, you need cows and one good breeding bull if you want to breed more animals quicker. So the desert bulls have become conveniently expendable in the bigger conservation scheme that has worked so successfully in South Africa and Namibia.
So the Hunter had been cheated by smoke and mirrors by turning this story into an elaborate con of a "once of opportunity" not to be missed. The sad reality is that if you take the HORN value out of the equation this bulls open market value is close to US$50,000.

So the breeders and parks don't need bulls, the only place where they are desperately needed is in areas where you don't necessarily only need numbers to increase, but also expansion of territory. Where you need to fill the voids created by poacher guns with lone bulls ranging out and settling in new areas where their ancestors roamed. And where the bulls go, the females eventually follow. And the last area on this planet left for that to happen is the vast wilderness area of the North West Namib desert.

So let’s look through the smoke and mirrors:

- YES, it makes for good conservation and faster breeding of a critically endangered rhino to allow some hunting of older bulls in a MANAGED and fenced breeding area.

- NO, it does not make the slightest sense to hunt such a bull in a free-range area where the populations is still slowly clawing their way back from near extinction, and has only filled less than 25% of their pre 80's range.

There are numerous private reserves and sanctuaries that currently have no rhinos that would happily cover the cost of darting and relocating a free-range bull to retire gracefully, or start the nucleus for a new breeding population. One of these is the renowned conservation lodge called Okonjima that has an area of 22 000ha set aside and fenced in with rhino proof fencing already.

So once again, we extend out Invitation to Mr Corey Knowlton to keep his Trophy of one desert dwelling rhino bull alive. To help us create a trophy he can revisit year after year, and maybe even one day show his own children the offspring his trophy could still provide.
And be proud...


Anton Louw
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So many assumptions, inaccuracies, hypocracy and utter nonsense in that. The bottom line is that these people do not have the info about the herd or the hunt location, or any specifics about the animal/s to be hunted... as the article says about the numbers - "and is secret for security reasons". They would sure love to know the truth about how this is going to go doown... for now they can only speculate and try to pass it off as truth.

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Really??? What a crock!!!! Corey and I spoke on the phone just after he talked to these clowns - funny how he told a whole different version of the conversation.

Although not shocked, he was a little surprised at their complete lack of fore-thought into their proposal - and their even more complete lack of knowledge regarding the entire issue.

Shocker!!! Roll Eyes

Aaron Neilson
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He is just another one of us.
Just paid a bit more for the hunt.
What's wrong with that?

" Until the day breaks and the nights shadows flee away " Big ivory for my pillow and 2.5% of Neanderthal DNA flowing thru my veins.
When I'm ready to go, pack a bag of gunpowder up my ass and strike a fire to my pecker, until I squeal like a boar.
Yours truly , Milan The Boarkiller - World according to Milan
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Originally posted by boarkiller:
He is just another one of us.
Just paid a bit more for the hunt.
What's wrong with that?
Correct - and there is nothing wrong with it.

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Originally posted by Aaron Neilson:
Really??? What a crock!!!! Corey and I spoke on the phone just after he talked to these clowns - funny how he told a whole different version of the conversation.

Although not shocked, he was a little surprised at their complete lack of fore-thought into their proposal - and their even more complete lack of knowledge regarding the entire issue.

Shocker!!! Roll Eyes

That is exactly why I refuse to talk to the media. ANY media.

The number of times I have been approached for an interview, I have always stipulated I will right the agreement, and THEY have to sign it.

Otherwise there is no interview.

Every single one of them - from TV stations to newspapers, have backed out.
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The fact is though that sometimes "we" too overdramatize situations. "We" need to always be 100% factual.

In this case..."we" over played the line that the "old bull is too old to breed and is traumatizing younger bulls."

What should have been said is the exact truth which is: "In this herd of black rhino and area of habitat...there are some older bulls that do not contribute or contribute minutely to population increase. In order for the rhino to contribute to their own conservation which in turn can lead to self-sustaining populations...the decision was made to sell off some of the old bull stock to the highest market. Free market principles were used to ensure the maximum dollars returned to the herd conservation account. Bidding is open to all and should someone be willing to buy it...they are free to do as they wish with the long as they pay all costs and assume all risks with payment for the rhino up front."

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

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Well if you wanted to be long-winded I suppose!!

I do not believe live capture and relocation was an option with the auction sale and 'disposal' of this animal. It was to be sold, to be hunted.

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Originally posted by Matt Graham:
Well if you wanted to be long-winded I suppose!!

I do not believe live capture and relocation was an option with the auction sale and 'disposal' of this animal. It was to be sold, to be hunted.

Accuracy is the key. Stating something embellished will always bite you in the ass.

I have no idea about the capture thing. However...One thing I find always to be true...if you have ENOUGH MONEY...ALMOST ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
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Originally posted by ledvm:
Originally posted by Matt Graham:
Well if you wanted to be long-winded I suppose!!

I do not believe live capture and relocation was an option with the auction sale and 'disposal' of this animal. It was to be sold, to be hunted.

Accuracy is the key. Stating something embellished will always bite you in the ass.
So what you are saying is that you are not sure that what you wrote above is the "exact truth" as you claimed??

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Originally posted by Matt Graham:
Originally posted by ledvm:
Originally posted by Matt Graham:
Well if you wanted to be long-winded I suppose!!

I do not believe live capture and relocation was an option with the auction sale and 'disposal' of this animal. It was to be sold, to be hunted.

Accuracy is the key. Stating something embellished will always bite you in the ass.
So what you are saying is that you are not sure that what you wrote above is the "exact truth" as you claimed??

No...I believe it was. Exactly...which part are you referring to???

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
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Bidding is open to all and should someone be willing to buy it...they are free to do as they wish with the long as they pay all costs and assume all risks with payment for the rhino up front

"Bidding is open to all and should someone be willing to buy it...they are free to do as they wish with the long as they pay all costs and assume all risks with payment for the rhino up front"

A belief is not necessarily the exact truth. Just as Corey has only repeated what he has been told, by folks on the ground - in reference to the animal/s to be hunted. Same as with how the money will be spent to conserve the animals - he can only restate what he has been reliably informed - there are no guarantees of anything. Conservation hunting is an imperfect science/activity.

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Originally posted by Matt Graham: A belief is not necessarily the exact truth.

Belief has nothing to do with truth, and is often the biggest obstacle in finding it (not that that's relevant here). Smiler
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Originally posted by Matt Graham:
Well if you wanted to be long-winded I suppose!!

I do not believe live capture and relocation was an option with the auction sale and 'disposal' of this animal. It was to be sold, to be hunted.

tu2 spot on mate. Corey bought the right to hunt a Rhino. Darting it and moving it does not fall within the content of the hunting permit.If the antis want to buy and move Rhinos they are welcome to contact the Namibian authorities and make such a request.

Jan Dumon
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First and foremost...I am in full support of Corey hunting that rhino. I would gladly stand up and defend his right to do so anywhere anytime.

That said...if somebody stepped up to the plate with enough money to make it (dart and move) happen...and bought the permit...I will bet their money would have been taken...and rightfully so. Nothing quite speaks like cash on the table.

My other comment was about staying accurate with what we state as hunters and not to embellish our stance.

IMHO...too much was overstated about how the rhino "NEEDED" to be removed from the population due to it "HARMING" it's own herd.

Should have just been stated honestly that the old bulls are expendable and that the good of the herd needed the cash they are worth.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
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Originally posted by ledvm:

First and foremost...I am in full support of Corey hunting that rhino. I would gladly stand up and defend his right to do so anywhere anytime.

That said...if somebody stepped up to the plate with enough money to make it (dart and move) happen...and bought the permit...I will bet their money would have been taken...and rightfully so. Nothing quite speaks like cash on the table.

My other comment was about staying accurate with what we state as hunters and not to embellish our stance.

IMHO...too much was overstated about how the rhino "NEEDED" to be removed from the population due to it "HARMING" it's own herd.

Should have just been stated honestly that the old bulls are expendable and that the good of the herd needed the cash they are worth.
I 'believe' that the destructive nature of those earmarked was ONE of the reasons that the permits are being issued for those particular animals. The fact that the antis dispute this - with zero actual knowledge or evidence - is not 'our' problem. They will latch on to any point and try and make something of it.... why should we buy into that nonsense?

Any embellishment was on the part of the antis and the media. Corey engaged many of them - though he sure didnt have to. Let's stick with the known 'facts' as presented by the Namibians (to Corey and Co). If you have info of substance to dispute anything that the hunt buyer has presented Lane - let's hear it! Corey stated that he met with Namibian officials (and others involved) - and he was relaying what he was told.

As for the dart and move idea - I think you are just guessing on that ...

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I don't really want to argue with you at all. I support Corey...always have...always will.

In general statement...we hunters do try to embellish our our detriment sometimes.

In regards to the rhino...I don't think that in a free-range situation that there is any good data that suggest that old bulls really do any harm...just not that useful. I am aquainted with probably one of the worlds leading black rhino experts...Raoul DuToit...lives down the road from one of my best friends in Harare.

Just saying...keep it accurate...then you never have to back pedal. No offense meant.

On the other subject...have you ever known of enough money not prevailing??? For enough money...I am 100% sure...the bull/bulls could be darted and moved.

But...that is part of what we should be saying...NO ONE antied up! And Hunters paid the way!

Again...I am on your side.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

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Im not aruging mate - but you need to accept that 'they' have said that in 'this' area these 5 earmarked bulls are a threat to other rhino. What rhino experts say may not apply to this situation.

Yes of course I know of plenty of situations where 'more mone' has not prevailed. It happens every day in the hunting industry. A hunting program is established and someone blows in and offers more money. Smart landowners invaribly tell the blow-in to kindly 'take a walk'.

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Originally posted by Matt Graham:
Im not aruging mate - but you need to accept that 'they' have said that in 'this' area these 5 earmarked bulls are a threat to other rhino. What rhino experts say may not apply to this situation.

Yes of course I know of plenty of situations where 'more mone' has not prevailed. It happens every day in the hunting industry. A hunting program is established and someone blows in and offers more money. Smart landowners invaribly tell the blow-in to kindly 'take a walk'.


Your experience differs from mine. And the rhino thing does not pass the common sense test or match other data for me. But you play it as you wish.

Again...I am in full support of Corey.

Cheers mate. Hope you have a good show in Vegas. beer

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

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Thanks Lane!! tu2

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My take on articles like the one above would carry more weight if the groups making them would simply raise the money for the conservation and apply it to conservation instead of applying it to their staff bank accounts they would be more believable!

IMO, most so-called conservation groups are simply scams designed to amass fortunes for it’s members, not to save even one stray dog, much less a black rhino!

Hunting that one rhino will help the rest survive and that is what counts!
............................................................... old

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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