Moderators: Saeed
One of Us
One of the most renowned (if not the) elephant hunters alive today used to post on this forum. A man who could have brought a staggering amount of wisdom and knowledge to the table and who is revered by today's current crop of PH's. He no longer does. Why?

Just read the bullshit that is being thrown about regarding Mark Sullivan and you will have the answer. A bunch of arm chair experts/wankers, making baseless accusations about a man they have never met, much less hunted with and who would probably piss their pants if they were faced with a full on charge from something that can hit back.

If I were Mark I would give this forum a wide berth, as did the other gentleman. You can't flog a dead horse.

Of course, we, the members, are the losers. Roll Eyes
Posts: 581 | Registered: 08 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of laredo kid
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So who is this elephant hunter????????
Posts: 159 | Location: Pasadena Texas | Registered: 18 October 2002Reply With Quote
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heck with that, who's this new arbiter of value judgments john frederick? Seven months here, and he has self-certified himself as judge and jury.

How's about posting some pictures of your last DG safari? I will admit to being curious.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bill C
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One of the most renowned (if not the) elephant hunters alive today used to post on this forum. A man who could have brought a staggering amount of wisdom and knowledge to the table and who is revered by today's current crop of PH's. He no longer does.
John, I believe Bill Stewart still posts. I know he at least lurks. Big Grin
Posts: 3153 | Location: PA | Registered: 02 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I too thought he was refering to Bill S.


Posts: 19545 | Location: The LOST Nation | Registered: 27 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Rich, don't take this the wrong way but I bet when you were young your mother had to tie a bone around your neck to get the dogs to play with you.

Man you are opinionated rotflmo

Posts: 1366 | Location: SPARTANBURG SOUTH CAROLINA | Registered: 02 July 2008Reply With Quote
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if you have fought in two wars, been to Africa twice, de-nutted over a hundred 350-400lb bull calves and slapped hot iron on them in a single fourteen hour day, been married twice, lived with a woman Psychiatrist for two years, got drunk on ensilage whiskey, and fathered over a dozen children without becoming highly polarized and opinionated by time you are sixty... you weren't taking nearly enough notes.


Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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ived with a woman Psychiatrist for two years,

Wow, bet she got some real "on the job" experience!!!!
Posts: 20157 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Sevenxbjt
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
, de-nutted over a hundred 350-400lb bull calves and slapped hot iron on them in a single fourteen hour day,


14 hours to stretch out a couple hundred calves? Were you alone? And on crutches?

BTW I see MS has made his post.
Posts: 1851 | Registered: 12 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
heck with that, who's this new arbiter of value judgments john frederick? Seven months here, and he has self-certified himself as judge and jury.

How's about posting some pictures of your last DG safari? I will admit to being curious.


Must have hit a painfull nerve with that one.

Hey Cinderella, if the slipper fits, wear it.

I can tell you now, I have met a tad more African PH's than yourself and your profile is exactly the one that they hope will not show up at their camp fire. wave
Posts: 581 | Registered: 08 January 2010Reply With Quote
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"hit a painful (one "L", work on your spelling) nerve? Gosh sakes, a Buffalo Tick causes more of a stir than you ever could.

Back to business:
Does this mean you have no Safari experience to relate? There are a lot of you wanna-be's at DSC and SCI each year. Collecting catalogs and price lists, and any other freebies that are out there.

What PH's hope will show up at their camps is a client who can shoot. I have done that, twice. They also hope that client can stand a charge. I have killed all my game, cleanly, without assistance; so we don't know about that yet.

What you have done here, to date, is flap your gums extensively, and not had any Safari stories/pictures to share.

So; tell us all about your African hunting experiences...


Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Scott King
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Originally posted by John Frederick:
One of the most renowned (if not the) elephant hunters alive today used to post on this forum. A man who could have brought a staggering amount of wisdom and knowledge to the table and who is revered by today's current crop of PH's. He no longer does. Why?

Just read the bullshit that is being thrown about regarding Mark Sullivan and you will have the answer. A bunch of arm chair experts/wankers, making baseless accusations about a man they have never met, much less hunted with and who would probably piss their pants if they were faced with a full on charge from something that can hit back.

If I were Mark I would give this forum a wide berth, as did the other gentleman. You can't flog a dead horse.

Of course, we, the members, are the losers. Roll Eyes

Come now! That kind of behavior suprises you? In the short time I have been reading and participating on AR I have seen client hunters, ph's, booking agents, and even wild game unfairly maligned. Why? Because the posters can! There are no repurcussions, there are no ramifications for the posters who feel so comfortable sullying good names. "One of Us" can for example un fairly bash the living daylights out of some ph and booking agent for a trophy shipping snafu, turn off the computer, walk out on their front porch and literally nothing negative for the original poster comes of it. Its just easy to use the internet to post a smear for thousands to read and then go out for a bacon cheese burger with a smile on your face.

It'd be nice if just once someone like Mark Sullivan would fly up to Idaho, knock politely at the door and when ISS answers greet it with a "Marky Mark huh?" and deck its blowhard ass. Undoubtedly we won't hear about it. No doubt ISS will take umberage at my reference to it as a blowhard, but I won't mention in advance the next time and place I'll be in Idaho, it will certainly never visit Dillingham to punch me in the nose so there we are. No repurcussions.

It seems a bit hypocritical for the original poster to complain given its posting history.
Posts: 9422 | Location: Dillingham Alaska | Registered: 10 April 2006Reply With Quote
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I believe you would make it a point not to let me know when and if you visit...
If I were you I would too.

in case you change your mind, just PM me and I'll put a pot of coffe on.


Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Of course I'd make it a point to not see you. I travel to Idaho to hunt, visit good people and generally enjoy my free time. Bumping into you has all the appeal of a visit to the doctor to have warts removed.

See? The up or down side of internet posting. Apparently ISS did infact not appreciate my acknowledgemet of his obvious character trait, (blowhard,) and now I'll not be stopping by for coffee.
Posts: 9422 | Location: Dillingham Alaska | Registered: 10 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of JBrown
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
There are a lot of you wanna-be's at DSC and SCI each year. Collecting catalogs and price lists, and any other freebies that are out there.


I have been biting my tongue because I don't want you or anyone else to think that I am taking pot-shot at you, but do you really think two safaris and one single dangerous animal impresses anyone on the African forum? Some of us have 4X your experience and can't really call ourselves journeymen yet.

You are at the apprentice level. No need to take shots at the novices. No need to shove your two hunts down our throat.

There are a bunch of guys on this forum who have 20X your experience hunting in Africa.

Try to relax a bit. This is supposed to be fun.


"You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core."

Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure.

-Jason Brown
Posts: 6838 | Location: Nome, Alaska(formerly SW Wyoming) | Registered: 22 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is an open forum.

We try to do as little "moderating" as we can to let our members express themselves.

Each member gets exactly the same treatment, whether he is the greatest hunter alive today or a newbie asking questions about is very first hunt.

Throughout the years, we have had very few people who have complained of being harassed by other members.

In some instances we have found some of these complaints justified, and a private discussion with the individuals involved, has solved the problem right there and then.

On rare occasions, some of the individuals involved seemed to be hell bent on being very disruptive - I am sure those of you who have been on AR for a while have seen this.

In this case we do what I really hate to do.

Ban an individual.

Years ago I used to get some flack for banning someone, as some members, wrongly, assume it is their RIGHT to be allowed to behave as they see fit.

The fact of the matter is, AR is privately owned and operated, and ultimately we decide what should and should not be allowed.

And after being in operation for a number of years, I think we have managed to keep a reasonably fair hand on how things are run.

Ultimately, you, as indivudual members, have put AR where it is today.

Each one of us, regardless of his or her own experience, learns something from reading the answers and experiences of others.

And like many of you, AR has been a source of meeting many new, and great friends.

A few weeks ago I was up in the Swiss Alps, hiking with my family. When I got back to our challet, I found a PM from a new member on AR.

It was from an old gentleman, who has just learnt to operate a computer.

He said he used to hunt all over the world, and due to health reason is no longer able to do that.

He likes to read hunting books. And someone in his family apparently knows someone who is a member of AR. Who suggested that he takes a look at the HUNT REPORT FORUM.

He said he was so amazed at the hunt stories posted there, that he spent hours each day reading the reports, and looking at the pitures. He said he had resisted using a computer before, because he really did not find any use for one.

Our Hunt Reports made him change his mind.

He asked if he could buy some of our hunting videos. I told him we never sell them, but, I happily send him a few DVDs.

He wrote back after getting them, basically wondering how an individual, who he has never met, half way across the world, was kind enough to send him something of value without expecting anything back.

That is the whole spirit of AR.

Each one of you is giving something.

Mark Sullivan or anyone else, is welcome to AR. He will get the same treatment as anyone else.

And unlike SCI, anyone who is banned gets to know exatly why he is going to be banned.

As walter says, "there is no appeals court here. It is dictatorship! Pure and simple! Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. But I have learnt not to question the Big Boss's decision."

There you have it.

From the mouth of the greatest genious I have ever met. I have known him for over 35 years. And he has been a constant source of amazement to me throughout these years.

I have tried to understand his behaviour for a few years, then just had to give up, and accept him as he is.

We have just over two months left before we head over to Tanzania on our next hunt. And he is busy planning all sorts of nasty tricks he wants to play on Roy and Alan.

Thankfully, I seem not to have been placed on ths list of recepients of his nasty tricks.

He says "You have no sense of humour any more. You play nasty tricks back on me, and everyone helps you"!

The poor man does not know that I am his best friend in the hunting camp.

Last year I found out there was a plan to play a really nasty trick on him.

They wanted to tie large bones to ropes, pass the ropes under his bathroom, and tie the ends to different parts of his tent. We had hyaenas in camp almost as soon as we had dinner. So I can imagine how little sleep he was going to get.

I persuaded them not go ahead with their plans.
Instagram : ganyana2000
Posts: 68628 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by JBrown:
Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
There are a lot of you wanna-be's at DSC and SCI each year. Collecting catalogs and price lists, and any other freebies that are out there.


I have been biting my tongue because I don't want you or anyone else to think that I am taking pot-shot at you, but do you really think two safaris and one single dangerous animal impresses anyone on the African forum? Some of us have 4X your experience and can't really call ourselves journeymen yet.

You are at the apprentice level. No need to take shots at the novices. No need to shove your two hunts down our throat.

There are a bunch of guys on this forum who have 20X your experience hunting in Africa.

Try to relax a bit. This is supposed to be fun.

Well said Sir.

I think you broke his little red wagon. Cool
Posts: 581 | Registered: 08 January 2010Reply With Quote
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I sold the little red wagon to your dad so he could stop dragging you around by the collar.

It's a Dodge Cummins, or the Jaguar convertible these days.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
I sold the little red wagon to your dad so he could stop dragging you around by the collar.

It's a Dodge Cummins, or the Jaguar convertible these days.


How many times is it now that you have felt compelled to tell the members here that you own a Jag. Roll Eyes

Whoopy do.

It may come as a shock to you, but no one gives a flying fart what you drive. coffee

Or for that matter the fact that you have killed one buff. dancing
Posts: 581 | Registered: 08 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of Will
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Originally posted by Bill C:
One of the most renowned (if not the) elephant hunters alive today used to post on this forum. A man who could have brought a staggering amount of wisdom and knowledge to the table and who is revered by today's current crop of PH's. He no longer does.
John, I believe Bill Stewart still posts. I know he at least lurks. Big Grin

Indeed, but I am just a self-proclaimed expert. Smiler

Will Stewart / Once you've been amongst them, there is no such thing as too much gun.
and, God Bless John Wayne.

NRA Benefactor Member, GOA, N.A.G.R.

"Elephant and Elephant Guns" $99 shipped
“Hunting Africa's Dangerous Game" $20 shipped.

Hoping to wind up where elephant hunters go.
Posts: 19359 | Location: Ocala Flats | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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without becoming highly polarized and opinionated by time you are sixty... you weren't taking nearly enough notes.

Now that is a quote among quotes. Most excellent. Big Grin

Will Stewart / Once you've been amongst them, there is no such thing as too much gun.
and, God Bless John Wayne.

NRA Benefactor Member, GOA, N.A.G.R.

"Elephant and Elephant Guns" $99 shipped
“Hunting Africa's Dangerous Game" $20 shipped.

Hoping to wind up where elephant hunters go.
Posts: 19359 | Location: Ocala Flats | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of JudgeG
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I've met a whole bunch of folks (in person) that I first met virtually on AR.

While their internet persona might have led me to expect them to be someone I'd want to avoid getting to know, I have been pleasantly surprised to find something to like about every single one of the folks when face to face.... and some of those folks are now among my best friends. (Cats excepted, right, Jorge!) Smiler

The internet is fun and informative, but it just ain't like shaking a guy's hand.

JudgeG ... just counting time 'til I am again finding balm in Gilead chilled out somewhere in the Selous.
Posts: 7694 | Location: GA | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I'm not saying that all the discourse about some people on this forum of late has ruined it BUT I have spoken to several people who have reduced or completely stop coming to this site due to the blatant character assassination by the uninformed rumor mongers and out and out liars. I hope and do ask members here to please refrain from this childish tirade. That bring nothing of value to this great forum. sofa
Posts: 3818 | Location: kenya, tanzania,RSA,Uganda or Ethophia depending on day of the week | Registered: 27 May 2009Reply With Quote
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i seldom if ever verse an objective let alone any opinion for fear of having my character assassinated. but that doesnt mean i dont read the comments and enjoy the thread. some of these antagonanistic people should pause and smell the roses before their trip on this space ship called earth is over. i guess ive versed an opinion[dam] just near 80 yrs. of inexperience and still enjoy people
Posts: 237 | Registered: 14 December 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:

if you have fought in two wars, been to Africa twice, de-nutted over a hundred 350-400lb bull calves and slapped hot iron on them in a single fourteen hour day, been married twice, lived with a woman Psychiatrist for two years, got drunk on ensilage whiskey, and fathered over a dozen children without becoming highly polarized and opinionated by time you are sixty... you weren't taking nearly enough notes.



Rich, My hats off to any person that serves this wonderful country we are blessed to live in. That said some of the other atributes you list are well... enought said.

Me only one wife and one daughter, yes been drunk more times than I am proud of. Africa I leave for my 11th trip in 7 days. I still learn something on every trip and know more than some and less than others.

You are so quick to judge others, You with very little african experience. Chill out a bit...

Posts: 1366 | Location: SPARTANBURG SOUTH CAROLINA | Registered: 02 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Saeed:
Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is an open forum.

We try to do as little "moderating" as we can to let our members express themselves.

Each member gets exactly the same treatment, whether he is the greatest hunter alive today or a newbie asking questions about is very first hunt.

Throughout the years, we have had very few people who have complained of being harassed by other members.

In some instances we have found some of these complaints justified, and a private discussion with the individuals involved, has solved the problem right there and then.

On rare occasions, some of the individuals involved seemed to be hell bent on being very disruptive - I am sure those of you who have been on AR for a while have seen this.

In this case we do what I really hate to do.

Ban an individual.

Years ago I used to get some flack for banning someone, as some members, wrongly, assume it is their RIGHT to be allowed to behave as they see fit.

The fact of the matter is, AR is privately owned and operated, and ultimately we decide what should and should not be allowed.

And after being in operation for a number of years, I think we have managed to keep a reasonably fair hand on how things are run.

Ultimately, you, as indivudual members, have put AR where it is today.

Each one of us, regardless of his or her own experience, learns something from reading the answers and experiences of others.

And like many of you, AR has been a source of meeting many new, and great friends.

A few weeks ago I was up in the Swiss Alps, hiking with my family. When I got back to our challet, I found a PM from a new member on AR.

It was from an old gentleman, who has just learnt to operate a computer.

He said he used to hunt all over the world, and due to health reason is no longer able to do that.

He likes to read hunting books. And someone in his family apparently knows someone who is a member of AR. Who suggested that he takes a look at the HUNT REPORT FORUM.

He said he was so amazed at the hunt stories posted there, that he spent hours each day reading the reports, and looking at the pitures. He said he had resisted using a computer before, because he really did not find any use for one.

Our Hunt Reports made him change his mind.

He asked if he could buy some of our hunting videos. I told him we never sell them, but, I happily send him a few DVDs.

He wrote back after getting them, basically wondering how an individual, who he has never met, half way across the world, was kind enough to send him something of value without expecting anything back.

That is the whole spirit of AR.

Each one of you is giving something.

Mark Sullivan or anyone else, is welcome to AR. He will get the same treatment as anyone else.

And unlike SCI, anyone who is banned gets to know exatly why he is going to be banned.

As walter says, "there is no appeals court here. It is dictatorship! Pure and simple! Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. But I have learnt not to question the Big Boss's decision."

There you have it.

From the mouth of the greatest genious I have ever met. I have known him for over 35 years. And he has been a constant source of amazement to me throughout these years.

I have tried to understand his behaviour for a few years, then just had to give up, and accept him as he is.

We have just over two months left before we head over to Tanzania on our next hunt. And he is busy planning all sorts of nasty tricks he wants to play on Roy and Alan.

Thankfully, I seem not to have been placed on ths list of recepients of his nasty tricks.

He says "You have no sense of humour any more. You play nasty tricks back on me, and everyone helps you"!

The poor man does not know that I am his best friend in the hunting camp.

Last year I found out there was a plan to play a really nasty trick on him.

They wanted to tie large bones to ropes, pass the ropes under his bathroom, and tie the ends to different parts of his tent. We had hyaenas in camp almost as soon as we had dinner. So I can imagine how little sleep he was going to get.

I persuaded them not go ahead with their plans.

Great post, I am glad you are in charge.

Posts: 1366 | Location: SPARTANBURG SOUTH CAROLINA | Registered: 02 July 2008Reply With Quote
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jeff h

Without wading into this dispute, I do have to say that this old 'damyankee" loved your colorful expression about tying a bone around somebody's neck to get the dogs to play with him. In fact, I laughed out loud. You Rebs do have a way with words! Smiler
Posts: 680 | Location: NY | Registered: 10 July 2009Reply With Quote
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I heard the reason you had dimples. You were so contrary as a child, and ugly too, that your Mother made you live in a treehouse in the backyard, and fed you peas with a slingshot!!

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Gerrypeters375:
jeff h

Without wading into this dispute, I do have to say that this old 'damyankee" loved your colorful expression about tying a bone around somebody's neck to get the dogs to play with him. In fact, I laughed out loud. You Rebs do have a way with words! Smiler

That one is as old as me... 50
No dispute here. I have learned just to ignore
old Rich.
PS you cannot be a damn Yankee if you still live in NY. Only damn yankee's are the one's that move down here rotflmo
Your still just a yankee Wink

Hey Rich moon
Don't blow a blood vessle just messing with you.

Posts: 1366 | Location: SPARTANBURG SOUTH CAROLINA | Registered: 02 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Rich, put the bottle down!! I'm coming over next month to try your coffee. Will pm you. Joe
Posts: 332 | Location: eastern oregon usa | Registered: 21 February 2010Reply With Quote
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Sounds good to me Joe. Anybody is welcome here at any time. We can visit amicably, or the old prescription of "pistols for two, coffee for one..." adage can be applied.

JeffH, I know that! The intellectual scuffles are a good part of life. If everybody agreed with me all the time it WOULD be a better world, but not nearly as much fun.

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
Sounds good to me Joe. Anybody is welcome here at any time. We can visit amicably, or the old prescription of "pistols for two, coffee for one..." adage can be applied.

JeffH, I know that! The intellectual scuffles are a good part of life. If everybody agreed with me all the time it WOULD be a better world, but not nearly as much fun.


Rich, I finally know how to take you. You are alot like some of my family members. You talk just to hear yourself. I think some guys take you too serious.
no issues here.

Posts: 1366 | Location: SPARTANBURG SOUTH CAROLINA | Registered: 02 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of jorge
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Originally posted by JudgeG:
I've met a whole bunch of folks (in person) that I first met virtually on AR.

While their internet persona might have led me to expect them to be someone I'd want to avoid getting to know, I have been pleasantly surprised to find something to like about every single one of the folks when face to face.... and some of those folks are now among my best friends. (Cats excepted, right, Jorge!) Smiler

The internet is fun and informative, but it just ain't like shaking a guy's hand.

You are correct Ernest, and he is now posting as a dentist...jorge

PS: Princess says you've abandoned her....

USN (ret)
DRSS Verney-Carron 450NE
Cogswell & Harrison 375 Fl NE
Sabatti Big Five 375 FL Magnum NE
DSC Life Member
NRA Life Member

Posts: 7149 | Location: Orange Park, Florida. USA | Registered: 22 March 2001Reply With Quote
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jeff h

I laughed out loud again upon reading that I was just a Yankee for staying in NY. How sadly true all too often! I often travelled across this great country by car and always winced upon hearing a local say something like ""You aren't like most New Yorkers we see around here". I always heard that "some wines don't travel very well" - I guess some New Yorkers don't travel too well either -but please believe that there are a great many New Yorkers who think like you folks- it's just that we are outvoted by a sheer weight of numbers! Anyway, regards to a new CSA. (If you could drop off the "dam" from Yankee, then I could at least pay you a similar courtesy. Heck! The way things are today, I begin to understand the original Confederacy's argument about 'states rights' and getting ready to enlist Smiler
Posts: 680 | Location: NY | Registered: 10 July 2009Reply With Quote
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That post speaks wonders to this forum. I have tried to weed out alot of the junk from the jewels, and have learned alot about Africa.

I was ridiculed when I asked many questions about working in Africa, but I recieved some immensely great help from several members.
Posts: 96 | Registered: 15 June 2010Reply With Quote
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