Read this when you have lots of time. Be warned, it will depress the hell out of you, especially if a hunt on a Zimbabwe Conservancy is planned in the near future.
The poaching going on in Zim is tragic. It was pretty evident when I was at the Chirisa National Park in Zim last September. We came across several poacher's camps. They had been hitting the buffalo pretty hard. Here's a picture I took of one of the camps. You'll see the skulls and the spot where the meat had been smoked prior to the poachers taking it out of the "protected" area.
Posts: 1445 | Location: Bronwood, GA | Registered: 10 June 2003
The UN is a joke, a group of the most currupt men in the world today..They need a house cleaning and with this Food for Oil scandal, another joke btw, since they have no supeona power, nor criminal jurisdiction..They should be kicked out of our country and if any of our people are involved they should strung up and gilflurted and stringhaultered....
Posts: 42410 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000
FWIW, our older daughter got a Masters degree in international relations. She had considered working with the UN but after an internship with one of their organizations, decided she did not want to spend her life working for such a screwed up group.
Posts: 153 | Location: Illinois | Registered: 07 July 2003
GA- That is the same peice I mentioned in the other thread. It is always curious how some will extoll the virtues of a concession when that property has been under this kind of pressure. At the same time, this article is probably written by an award winning bunny huger, so that should also be factored in. But after reading this, how could anyone promote or consider going to the Save? Last year on the flight home ,we sat next to a hunter returnig from the Save. He was not impressed and I see that the booking agent in question(20 years in business!) has dropped that operation.