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Possible first South African kill buffalo with Black Powder
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posted 17 December 2005 17:41
We are back in our quest too hunt buffalo with a black powder

my client shot his buffalo friday morning after about 7:30 with a Great Plains Rifle 50 cal

Iam thinking this might be the first buffalo by a South AFRICAN IN HOW MANY YEARS ??

dOES ANYONE KNOW who else has killed buff with 50 cal muzzleoader, not a inline muzzleloader

Full report and photos will follow

and wait till you see the buffalo absolutely great

Walter Enslin
DRSS- 500NE Sabatti
450 Rigby
416 Rigby
Posts: 512 | Location: South Africa, Mozambique, USA,  | Registered: 09 November 2003Reply With Quote
posted 17 December 2005 19:12Hide Post
Dort Bigg has been hunting dangerous game in Africa with BP rifles, including flintlocks, for decades.


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Picture of Brad_Rolston
posted 17 December 2005 19:39Hide Post
Originally posted by Kwan:
We are back in our quest too hunt buffalo with a black powder

my client shot his buffalo friday morning after about 7:30 with a Great Plains Rifle 50 cal

Iam thinking this might be the first buffalo by a South AFRICAN IN HOW MANY YEARS ??

dOES ANYONE KNOW who else has killed buff with 50 cal muzzleoader, not a inline muzzleloader

Full report and photos will follow

and wait till you see the buffalo absolutely great


There are a number of hunters who have taken buffalo with a muzzlwloader over the years.

Mike McMichael, president of Powerbelt Bullets hunted a buffalo with me in 2001. He used a Pedersoli 50 Cal DR - 525gn bullet at 1400 fps. Heart shot from about 25 yards - buffalo ran away and dropped stone dead within 20 yards.

If George or someone else can post a picture for me, I will send it to them.


Brad Rolston African Hunting
P.O. Box 506
South Africa
Tel : + 27 82 574 9928
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Posts: 318 | Location: South Africa | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
posted 17 December 2005 19:42Hide Post

Go ahead and send it to me; I've PM'ed you my e-mail address.


Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Brad_Rolston
posted 17 December 2005 19:54Hide Post
Thanks George - on the way.......


Brad Rolston African Hunting
P.O. Box 506
South Africa
Tel : + 27 82 574 9928
Fax : + 27 86 672 6854
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Posts: 318 | Location: South Africa | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 17 December 2005 20:22Hide Post
Hi Brad

Yes I know about Michael Mcmichaels and Jim Shockey And Dort Biggs BUT THEY ARE NOT SOUTH AFRICAN

my request was to find out if any South African hunters of late has hunted buffalo with a black powder ??

remember that is a new game this black powder for most south african hunters as these were only derugulated in July last year !!!

The rest of the world especially the US is way ahead of us in this game and duly right so, but I still think as one of our countrymen achieved this it is worth mentioning

Walter Enslin
DRSS- 500NE Sabatti
450 Rigby
416 Rigby
Posts: 512 | Location: South Africa, Mozambique, USA,  | Registered: 09 November 2003Reply With Quote
posted 17 December 2005 21:10Hide Post
Here you go, Brad.

Walter, if you want to find out about SA hunters who have taken buff with BP lately, try one of the SA-based web forums.


Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 17 December 2005 22:54Hide Post
First allow me to congradulate both hunter and PH on ther BP kill.
Now.... I'll be the first to do ( just can't resist) how could it be that a 50 cal.percussion rifle can kill a buff but a 45-70 center fire or an arrow will just piss him off???? This according to some avid posters to AR must surely have been a "stunt hunt"
Like I said I just couldn't resist it Smiler Once again Congrads on a great buff!
Posts: 784 | Registered: 28 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Brad_Rolston
posted 17 December 2005 23:16Hide Post
Originally posted by Kwan:
Hi Brad

Yes I know about Michael Mcmichaels and Jim Shockey And Dort Biggs BUT THEY ARE NOT SOUTH AFRICAN

my request was to find out if any South African hunters of late has hunted buffalo with a black powder ??

remember that is a new game this black powder for most south african hunters as these were only derugulated in July last year !!!

The rest of the world especially the US is way ahead of us in this game and duly right so, but I still think as one of our countrymen achieved this it is worth mentioning


My apologies for misunderstanding your original post.


Brad Rolston African Hunting
P.O. Box 506
South Africa
Tel : + 27 82 574 9928
Fax : + 27 86 672 6854
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Posts: 318 | Location: South Africa | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of bulldog563
posted 18 December 2005 03:28Hide Post
Excellent Buff. Congrats!
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Picture of Brad_Rolston
posted 18 December 2005 03:56Hide Post
Thanks bulldog

More lion picture on the way to you.


Brad Rolston African Hunting
P.O. Box 506
South Africa
Tel : + 27 82 574 9928
Fax : + 27 86 672 6854
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Posts: 318 | Location: South Africa | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
posted 18 December 2005 04:44Hide Post
Brad: That's a lovely buff.
Kwan: Can't wait to hear the full report.

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
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posted 18 December 2005 23:49Hide Post
Hi Guys

Brad : No problem, do you still have 450 Rigby brass avalaible ??

to all else

I do not conduct experiments or stunts, the client is a avid black powder hunter and we did a lot of research and load developement to such and extent that custom solids were althe turned byRHINO bullets to whom we owe a huge thanks, Kobus stepped up,tto the line and produced at very short notice what we were looking for

My client then proceeded with an extremely rigorous training and burned at least 3 pounds of black powder, as a result I could safely bring him into distance and knew that he could plcae a surgical preciosioned shot , which he duly did .at a range of 50 meters he hit exaclty where I instructed and that buffalo did not even knew what hit him, he died within 40 meters and the bullet penetrated through the shoulder missing majot bones , except one rib where the mepalt and cutting edge punched a neat caliber hole resulting in bone fragments shattering the left lung, it continued throught the arteries on top of the heart and through the right lung and another rib above the shoulder bone and lodged under the skin under the far side,

I must admit it penetrated more than anyone else thought but I was confident that if the shot was put in the traingle and missing major bones this is what would happen .

At the shot the buff humped and stood still for 2-3 seconds swapped ends and came walking up the side of the river bed towards us , I kept the 450 on him all the way and the client knew that id he so much as twithced I would nail him as well, he stopped a scond or two at the incline and walked about 30 meters from us into a small clearing/road blood was poring out of his nose and he was very sick, there was one momnet that he looked at us crouched away and I knwe if we moved that he would charge.

He stepped throught the clearing and walked 10 meters past the road and fell down , started a bit of death bellow thrashed and went quite, aI told the client to light a smoke and take a couple of deep breaths, man it was tense there for a second or two.

after a second cigarette we walked closer and he was down on his side whith his legs streched out, with all my previous buffs this normally meant good news, but I believe in insurance and by this time the tracker had given the client hsi 375 he gave him one into the chest atr about 15 meters and he did not even twitch, he was already dead and gone by.

I am having the photos developed tommorow and will request the help to post these photos, 16 inch bosses and a 37 spread, not as wide as I would have hoped but a truly old great bull

We winched into a marula tree with ther Cruiser and he was so heavy he pulled the Crusier closer we had too block the vehicle wth rocks, on top of his heart the fat was about and inch deep. and tgis is a buff that roamed free in the Greater Kruger park, not some ranch fed jobbie

Walter Enslin
DRSS- 500NE Sabatti
450 Rigby
416 Rigby
Posts: 512 | Location: South Africa, Mozambique, USA,  | Registered: 09 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Brad_Rolston
posted 19 December 2005 00:17Hide Post
Hi Walter

Congratulations to both you and your client.

I will be getting a new shipment in about 3 weeks - will contact you when it arrives.


Brad Rolston African Hunting
P.O. Box 506
South Africa
Tel : + 27 82 574 9928
Fax : + 27 86 672 6854
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Posts: 318 | Location: South Africa | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 19 December 2005 05:48Hide Post
Congradulations to you and your client on the cape buffalo with the muzzleloader. As previously noted, it has been done before in modern times. Of course it really wasn't that long ago that all game was tipped over with black powder. I will add one more to the "modern list". Jim Gefroh, custom DG rifle builder out of Ft. Collins, Colorado has killed damn near everything south of the equator with his own custom guns. I know the buffalo was dropped at around 25 yards with a flintlock 8 bore, 1260 slug and about 275 grs of 2 ffg. Holy Crap!! Jim said that buff was body slammed to the ground. BUT he got up and stagger off into the mopane about 50 yards and died. His partner was backing him up with a 4 bore. MORE HOLY CRAP! This was about 2 years ago and I have one of Jim's 8 bores. I also have the slug mold but I don't shoot anything but little old 875 gr. round balls with it and 265 grs of 2 ffg. I'm headed for Tanzania next year and am toying with the idea of taking the muzzleloader. I can't decide if it is a challenge or a stunt. My Model 70 .375 works pretty darn well. Val Forgett with Navy Arms killed several head of dagerous game back in the late 60's and early 70's with what he marketed as a .58 cal Buffalo Hunter. It was quite a novelty in those days, and I think he was in Kenya. At any rate, good hunting!
Posts: 442 | Location: Montana territory | Registered: 02 July 2005Reply With Quote
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posted 19 December 2005 19:17Hide Post

Well it has now been confirmed my clinet was not the first south african too hunt buffalo with a BP apparently someone else did it a couple of weeks ago with a 72 Kodiak, if I can get pictures and story I will post it

Herewith an attempt too put a photo on interests sake

Walter Enslin
DRSS- 500NE Sabatti
450 Rigby
416 Rigby
Posts: 512 | Location: South Africa, Mozambique, USA,  | Registered: 09 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
posted 19 December 2005 21:11Hide Post
Kwan: I'm happy for you and your client. That old buff has loads of character, and your hunter must be a very proud guy.

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
Posts: 16746 | Location: Las Cruces, NM | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of bwanamrm
posted 20 December 2005 01:13Hide Post
Congratulations to both Brad and Walter. Excellent bulls, both of them. I have had the good fortune to hunt with both of these gentlemen and can tell you that they are good company, as well as great judges of trophies in the bush! Here is wishing both of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch...
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
- Rudyard Kipling

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posted 20 December 2005 10:20Hide Post
Hello Bwanarm

Thanks for the nice words

A merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to you and your family as well

I am in Texas In end of Jan so will pm you so we can get together over a beer or two

Walter Enslin
DRSS- 500NE Sabatti
450 Rigby
416 Rigby
Posts: 512 | Location: South Africa, Mozambique, USA,  | Registered: 09 November 2003Reply With Quote
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