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What PH's do when not hunting with clients PART 2
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Picture of Shona
A while back I posted about an Elephant hunt me and some fellow PH's from Namibia did in our spare time. Some of the forum members were a bit shocked that we sometimes also spend money to hunt. Well here is part 2 of what we do if we don't have clients to take out.

My daughter Zoë(5 years) has finally reached the age where she can actually hold a small rifle, having a couple of weeks open between hunts I started taking her out to shoot some water balloons at the shooting range. I have an old 22 Winchester mod 69A that belonged to my Grandfather and both my father and I started our hunting careers with this little rifle. After a couple of trips to the shooting range we’ve been out hunting the last couple of days without much success. Today that however changed, she shot her first trophy.

Now the problem is if I’m not hunting with clients I run around in the mountains with my 5 year old shooting Rock Hyrax.

Elephant Hunt in Africa US$ 30 000.00 Hunting Dassies with your daughter, PRICELESS!!!

Johann Veldsman

Shona Hunting Adventures
Mobile: +264 81 128 3105

P.o. Box 564
Posts: 196 | Location: Namibia | Registered: 23 September 2007Reply With Quote
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To hell with Buffalo or Elephant, that's hunting!
I envy you.
Posts: 1903 | Location: Greensburg, Pa. | Registered: 09 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I love that last photo.Two bare bellies shining in the sun.Your daughter straining under the weight of her trophy.And her bare-footed.That is a classic and I hope you have the foresight to start her a scrap book of trophy photos.Should include some shots of her at the range with her water ballon targets as well as this one of her with "live" game.

My first grandchild is due in November and I hope to start a new book of memories like this real soon.

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tu2 tu2 tu2 tu2 this is the best posting I have seen here in a long time tu2
Posts: 3818 | Location: kenya, tanzania,RSA,Uganda or Ethophia depending on day of the week | Registered: 27 May 2009Reply With Quote
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that is awesome, my son is only 14 months old now. i at least give him an empty clean .458 brass to chew on when he is teething.... that is about as close as we get to hunting together for now

one a side note, i love that .22. i have just finished restoration work on a .22 Brno of mine, same stock - after lots of sanding and some wood stain, plus a bottle of Shaftol it is now looking like a million bucks.

way to go!!!!!!!!!!!
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On my first safari, with Fanie Steyn of Thaba Mmoyo Safaris, we went to Kruger after the hunt. Because of security concerns, his whole family went, including little Zania, about two months old. On my last safari, little Zani and I went hunting together with the 22's. She is 11, and a crack shot. That was one of my best hunting days ever.
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Thanks for sharing. It's great to see children hunting and shooting at such an early age.

Searcy 470 NE
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I am sure that she is a much better shot and companion that many clients Smiler
That is truely PRICELESS !!!!!

You are a wealthy man !


Posts: 168 | Location: Nokomis Florida | Registered: 15 January 2010Reply With Quote
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I really hope your boy takes after his mother. two of you would be a lot of ugly for one planet sofa Big Grin Big Grin
Posts: 3818 | Location: kenya, tanzania,RSA,Uganda or Ethophia depending on day of the week | Registered: 27 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Johann, Those pics are absolutely wonderful. Congrats on teaching her to shoot. Did the critter make Roland Ward? Big Grin

Mad Dog
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I love the bare feet!!!! Thats priceless!!!! I have a 3 yr old daughter and cannot wait!!!1

DRSS Member
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Johann, I can't believe she's five, and you have her hunting. What a girl!

Give your family my best, and hope to see you again before too much longer.

Posts: 359 | Location: NW Montana | Registered: 18 February 2007Reply With Quote
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Cherish those moments, sooner than you can imagine she will be grown up and off on her own.

I started my son off while he was very young and now at age 18 he has had his own pack of lion hounds for 3 years and hunts them all winter. Even though he is now going into the service for 6 years I know that the heart of a hunter beats within him.

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I love it!! Just sent this to my wife as proof that our 4 year old grandson needs that Stevens Favorite I've been dying to buy him.... Wink

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Looking at the second photo, I'm going to guess that you're going to have your hands full in about 11 years... Smiler
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Picture of dla69
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What a great set of photos.

Thanks for sharing.

I hope to see you and her in Namibia sooner rather than later.
Posts: 535 | Location: Greensburg, PA | Registered: 18 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of wesley timmerman
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Great photos!!Congrats to Zoe and her father on a sucessful hunt. My grand daugther is 5 months old and the day she was born I told her mother and father that when she turns 7 yrs old she goes to Africa with me and Hunter's-Wife-to-be. I have even picked her up a pistol with pink grips and ordered a rifle for her.
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Great post and reminds me of some liitle kid I knew a long time ago. Then another one about 17-22 years ago and 6 ft 5 inches 250 lbs ago. And finally I still have one little girl to go.

I saw that Winchester 69 and smiled yet another time on this thread. My daughter is ready to start on the 69 and Model 37 .410 soon!
She has already claimed a zebra skin rug from the next hunt. And she says "Dad, what are we going to do with those BONES?"

Thanks again and congratulations to you!
Posts: 1440 | Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: 16 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Wonderfull photos Johann, she´s a little beauty and obviously proud of her self (and with good reason!)
Congratulations with your little huntress.

I´m realy looking forward to meet you all in April next year, and have started the "count down" Smiler

Arild Iversen.

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Picture of Bill/Oregon
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Johann: I can't believe how much Zoe has grown! You and Vera must be very proud. How are your folks doing? Sure miss Namibia.
Bill Powell

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does anyone wonder what finger she has Daddy wrapped around Big Grin Big Grin she is going to be a heart breaker some day
Posts: 3818 | Location: kenya, tanzania,RSA,Uganda or Ethophia depending on day of the week | Registered: 27 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Enjoy every minute. My boy hasn't spoken a word to me in twelve years let alone gone into the veld with me.

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Picture of Aspen Hill Adventures
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Wonderful photos! You are raising Zoe just right, Johann. Good job!


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A real KODAK moment !!!


Posts: 168 | Location: Nokomis Florida | Registered: 15 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Great photos. And a lifetime of memories.
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IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
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Hi to all
Thank you for all the positive comments. At least one thing positive about this whole economy slump is that I have some time to take Zoë hunting.
I'm glad to see that there are so many of you that value family life as much as We do.

Johann Veldsman

Shona Hunting Adventures
Mobile: +264 81 128 3105

P.o. Box 564
Posts: 196 | Location: Namibia | Registered: 23 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Well, if all goes well our 3yr old great grand daughter will be going to zim the first of October. am planning to try a .22 there.
Posts: 1138 | Location: St. Thomas, VI | Registered: 04 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Use Enough Gun
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Outstanding photos! What a cutie! You're also going to need a big gun to keep the boys away from her! On second thought, she'll know how to use a big gun by then anyway! Big Grin
Posts: 18546 | Registered: 04 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Teaching Zoë to shoot is only part of the whole hunting experience, for me it is very important that she learns why we do it as well. Not only to kill but also to utilize.

Last night, after letting the Dassie hang in the cooler for a couple of days, we grilled it so that she can eats some of it. She was a real trooper and actually ate more of the Dassie than anyone else.

If anyone out there has a good dassie recipe please forward it to us. It will definitely not be last one she eats.

Dassie on the Grill

Grandpa and Zoë

Posts: 196 | Location: Namibia | Registered: 23 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of nampom
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Great pictures Johann, tu2 can't believe she's grown so much.

All the best

VIERANAS Bow & Hunting
Adventure Safaris Namibia

"The true hunter counts his achievement in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport" Saxton Pope
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Picture of dla69
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Great pictures.
Posts: 535 | Location: Greensburg, PA | Registered: 18 February 2008Reply With Quote
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This is the best time of your life, may you enjoy every second. Thank you for post. Jack
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