Jaco is a friend of mine and i just got off the phone after talking with another mutual friend who says that Jaco got hammered while following up a client's wounded leopard in Tz. he is in the hospital in Joburg with significant injuries, nature and extent unknown at present. i should have more info tomorrow. my prayers are with him. last week in Zim, i met John Greef at Martin Pieters' house and he is recovering from his mauling but has lost his right eye. seems clients are wounding a lot of leopards this year and PH's are paying the debt.
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Posts: 13744 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 28 October 2006
I have booked for and have known Jaco for six years now. I have been waiting for a reply on an e-mail for a bit from him. Now I understand the delay. Please post if you hear of any updates on his condition. Thanks
I hope and pray that Jaco's injuries are not serious and he heals quickly. It seems there is some poor shooting done by clients, hopefully this will improve in the future.
Posts: 231 | Location: Washington state | Registered: 03 December 2006
thanks for the info, I heard fom a mutual friend (who also said he was mauled by a wounded leopard) concernng the extent of his injuries, but will wait for verification before posting anything.
Originally posted by steve_robinson: Does anyone have an update on Jaco?
Unconfirmed reports say he suffered some serious damage to his fore-arm, with chunks of muscle tissue missing - had a quick "patch up" done in Dar then flown south for reconstruction.
latest update. the major damage was to the biceps muscle of his right arm( he is luckily left handed). patched up in Dar, shipped to Joburg, but unfortunately has a wound infection that is being dealt with. the leopard was being followed after being gut shot and jumped him from above as he crossed a dry creek bed. he apparently fired a shot which was ultimately fatal but not before the leopard buggered his arm. just another reason why follow ups on wounded cats should be taken with ANY measures to ensure one's safety.
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Posts: 13744 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 28 October 2006
I received a newsletter from Jaco on Friday, Thought I would pass it along. As many people know, Jaco Oosthuizen was attacked by a leopard on Thursday, November 4, 2010. He was hunting in the Selous with repeat client, Jose DeAnda. After leaving his clients on the truck for safety, Jaco tracked the wounded leopard into a creek bottom with his trackers, Nyoka, Ndinga and Baraka. They located the leopard tracks leaving the creek and almost immediately noticed rustling in the brush just out of the creek. The leopard jumped from a mere 5 feet away and Jaco shot him in mid-air which proved to be a fatal shot but not before the cat got hold of his right arm. He sustained several lacerations, one of which actually tore a large section of muscle from his right bicep, but was treated at the nearby game post and then subsequently at the hospital in Dar the following morning. He is now recouperating in South Africa having undergone two surgeries to clean infection from the wounds and one to repair the torn muscle tissue. He is still battling some infection and praying that the muscle reattachment surgery is successful, but he is improving day by day. We thank everyone for the thoughts, prayers and notes of encouragement during what was a pretty frightening ordeal. Nyoka, Ndinga and Baraka are all safe and were unharmed and the leopard was recovered thanks to their superior efforts!!