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I am f’ing astounded
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I just sat through the Friday night auction in Nashville. One really got my attention. It was a 15 day leopard/buff/pg hunt

The value was $97,250. Additional days could be added for $5,930 per day .

Extras were : air charter of $17,000. Buff trophy fees of $4,500. Leopard trophy fees of $9,500. Pack, dip $3,500. Plug gratuities .

That is over $130,000 for a buff and a leopard. Seems insane to me.
Posts: 12264 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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That is crazy.

Last year at the Mule Deer Foundation Convention in Salt Lake City, a mule deer tag sold for $750,000. I think another tag sold for $700,000.

Go Duke!!
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There where also some Bargain https://www.onlinehuntingaucti...Non-Hunter_i51065110

Nec Timor Nec Temeritas
Posts: 2302 | Registered: 29 May 2005Reply With Quote
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There was another Super bargain with Top PHs https://www.onlinehuntingaucti...Non-Hunter_i51065026

Nec Timor Nec Temeritas
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Was it for charity?
Posts: 1083 | Location: Southern CA | Registered: 01 January 2014Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by larryshores:
I just sat through the Friday night auction in Nashville. One really got my attention. It was a 15 day leopard/buff/pg hunt

The value was $97,250. Additional days could be added for $5,930 per day .

Extras were : air charter of $17,000. Buff trophy fees of $4,500. Leopard trophy fees of $9,500. Pack, dip $3,500. Plug gratuities .

That is over $130,000 for a buff and a leopard. Seems insane to me.

No way! Do you remember the amount of the winning bid?


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
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Originally posted by larryshores:
I just sat through the Friday night auction in Nashville. One really got my attention. It was a 15 day leopard/buff/pg hunt

The value was $97,250. Additional days could be added for $5,930 per day .

Extras were : air charter of $17,000. Buff trophy fees of $4,500. Leopard trophy fees of $9,500. Pack, dip $3,500. Plug gratuities .

That is over $130,000 for a buff and a leopard. Seems insane to me.

I bet that’s why it sold for about 25% of claimed value.

Karl Evans

Posts: 3032 | Location: Emhouse, Tx | Registered: 03 February 2010Reply With Quote
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[/QUOTE]No way! Do you remember the amount of the winning bid?[/QUOTE]

I wrote down the winning bid at $27,500.00.
the evening went way too long, auctioneers (3) tried to start nearly every item at or above lusted value and then worked down to where someone would bid, took 3-4 minutes on each of 29 items, went so long that we didn’t stay for entertainment.

Karl Evans

Posts: 3032 | Location: Emhouse, Tx | Registered: 03 February 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by K Evans:
No way! Do you remember the amount of the winning bid?[/QUOTE]

I wrote down the winning bid at $27,500.00.
the evening went way too long, auctioneers (3) tried to start nearly every item at or above lusted value and then worked down to where someone would bid, took 3-4 minutes on each of 29 items, went so long that we didn’t stay for entertainment.[/QUOTE]

I often watch live online….they started WAY late…to your point went way long
I quickly turned it off. It was unbearable.
Also…if anyone noticed this year many items like Jewlery have had no pictures online which is a huge disservice. I have no idea why that is because it’s never been that way.
Posts: 214 | Registered: 05 June 2022Reply With Quote
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Other than for a tax donation for the rich folks, I doubt "Joe Normal" buys much at these auctions.

I gave up after bidding at the Sheep show on a RM Bighorn. I bailed out at $75,000. Went for $225,000.
I was scared spitless I would win but three bidders went all in.

Another is for a pronghorn in NM. I dropped at $25,000 then it went for over $200,000..

Wish I could bid that much but I need my house.
Posts: 10570 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Steve Ahrenberg
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Originally posted by dogcat:
Other than for a tax donation for the rich folks, I doubt "Joe Normal" buys much at these auctions.

I gave up after bidding at the Sheep show on a RM Bighorn. I bailed out at $75,000. Went for $225,000.
I was scared spitless I would win but three bidders went all in.

Another is for a pronghorn in NM. I dropped at $25,000 then it went for over $200,000..

Wish I could bid that much but I need my house.

I was involved with the Phoenix Chapter SCI for quite some time. On occasion, we would get the AZGFD "Governors Tag" for various species. There were years the Desert Sheep tag went around 400K. The Mule deer tag for about the same amount.

The Elk tag, IIRC has gone for ~750K recently?

Jimmy John (The sandwich guy) has bought a few of these. He shot an Elk over 400 on video a few years back. I'll try to find the video.

These high profile, special interest tags are just nuts.

As a reminder - Arizona fall draw entry deadline in February 6. (Elk, Antelope)

Formerly "Nganga"
Posts: 3949 | Location: Phoenix, Arizona | Registered: 26 April 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by K Evans:
No way! Do you remember the amount of the winning bid?[/QUOTE]

I wrote down the winning bid at $27,500.00.
the evening went way too long, auctioneers (3) tried to start nearly every item at or above lusted value and then worked down to where someone would bid, took 3-4 minutes on each of 29 items, went so long that we didn’t stay for entertainment.[/QUOTE]

You are so right . Also, reading the descriptions on every single item took a lot of time .
Posts: 12264 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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HOLY SMOKERS!! Just Craaaaazy!!

May be for charity but I believe IRS limits donations to the market value of the item, not the full amount paid for the item!!

Maybe the donor sets the values way high so buyer can deduct more?? There must be a reality check by IRS for these crazy tag fees and hunts??

CLEARLY, there is too much money out there for the normal folk to compete today!! Frankly, even if I had it and could spend like that, I WOULDN'T!!... I would buy something I could immensely enjoy, and later sell it!!... Biesen custom, a H&H Royal double rifle, a boat or even airplane...


Posts: 2737 | Location: The Other Washington | Registered: 24 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I remember Zimbabwe buffalo hunts advertised for $4700.

All inclusive! clap
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I remember Zimbabwe buffalo hunts advertised for $4700.

All inclusive! clap

I remember that, too.
Showing our age, my friend old

Karl Evans

Posts: 3032 | Location: Emhouse, Tx | Registered: 03 February 2010Reply With Quote
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"May be for charity but I believe IRS limits donations to the market value of the item, not the full amount paid for the item!!"

I think you have it backward. The allowable deduction is the amount paid over market value.
Posts: 1071 | Registered: 02 April 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by thirdbite:
"May be for charity but I believe IRS limits donations to the market value of the item, not the full amount paid for the item!!"

I think you have it backward. The allowable deduction is the amount paid over market value.

Except that this money is going to a 501c4.
Posts: 12264 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by K Evans:
I remember Zimbabwe buffalo hunts advertised for $4700.

All inclusive! clap

I remember that, too.
Showing our age, my friend old

No idea what you are talking about!

I stopped growing, mentally, since I was 13!

And practically everyone I know believes it too! clap
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Posts: 70529 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by larryshores:
Originally posted by thirdbite:
"May be for charity but I believe IRS limits donations to the market value of the item, not the full amount paid for the item!!"

I think you have it backward. The allowable deduction is the amount paid over market value.

Except that this money is going to a 501c4.

SCI advertises that some of the auction proceeds are used to fund the eduation and conservation projects of the SCI Foundation, which is a 501(c)3. Do you know if the auctions are actually on behalf of SCI or SCI Foundation?
Posts: 1071 | Registered: 02 April 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by thirdbite:
Originally posted by larryshores:
Originally posted by thirdbite:
"May be for charity but I believe IRS limits donations to the market value of the item, not the full amount paid for the item!!"

I think you have it backward. The allowable deduction is the amount paid over market value.

Except that this money is going to a 501c4.

SCI advertises that some of the auction proceeds are used to fund the eduation and conservation projects of the SCI Foundation, which is a 501(c)3. Do know if the auctions are actually on behalf of SCI or SCI Foundation?

Unless otherwise indicated, the auctions are for SCI.
Posts: 12264 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by thirdbite:
"May be for charity but I believe IRS limits donations to the market value of the item, not the full amount paid for the item!!"

I think you have it backward. The allowable deduction is the amount paid over market value.

Thirdbite- Sorry about that guys!! I am taking GABAPENTIN nerve pain meds for this damn back surgery recovery!! It makes me STUPID, and I can't remember what day it is or old friends names, or places!! And that's why we didn't make SCI CONVENTION!! That is more painful at my age... and counting seasons left on one hand??

Larry is BANG ON, re SCI, it is their major funding for operations for the year!! Dues don't cut it!!... so not a charitable donation, over market value!! Now how many take the deductions, not knowing the difference, or do thier CPAs??... until they get a notice or audit by IRS!! GO FIGURE!!

Regardless deductions or not, CRAZY MONEY!!


Posts: 2737 | Location: The Other Washington | Registered: 24 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Yup. While donation in excess of the value received made to a 501c3 may well be deductible, any donation to a 501c4 is never deductible. I seem to recall at least one item clearly auctioned for an arm of the SCIF , a 501c3. Maybe there were more . I do not recall. There is also the Sables auction which is 100% the Foundation.

Also, keep in mind that from the donors standpoint, most are foreign companies. What the IRS allows is not an issue .

Finally , donations of services are not deductible.
Posts: 12264 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 470EDDY:
Originally posted by thirdbite:
"May be for charity but I believe IRS limits donations to the market value of the item, not the full amount paid for the item!!"

I think you have it backward. The allowable deduction is the amount paid over market value.

Thirdbite- Sorry about that guys!! I am taking GABAPENTIN nerve pain meds for this damn back surgery recovery!! It makes me STUPID, and I can't remember what day it is or old friends names, or places!! And that's why we didn't make SCI CONVENTION!! That is more painful at my age... and counting seasons left on one hand??

Larry is BANG ON, re SCI, it is their major funding for operations for the year!! Dues don't cut it!!... so not a charitable donation, over market value!! Now how many take the deductions, not knowing the difference, or do thier CPAs??... until they get a notice or audit by IRS!! GO FIGURE!!

Regardless deductions or not, CRAZY MONEY!!


Whatever that drug you are taking is, I think I have been on it for years.... Same side effects.... I am a pain in the back to someone and I cannot remember to flush the toilet...
Get well!
Posts: 10570 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Steve Ahrenberg
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Originally posted by 470EDDY:
Originally posted by thirdbite:
"May be for charity but I believe IRS limits donations to the market value of the item, not the full amount paid for the item!!"

I think you have it backward. The allowable deduction is the amount paid over market value.

Thirdbite- Sorry about that guys!! I am taking GABAPENTIN nerve pain meds for this damn back surgery recovery!! It makes me STUPID, and I can't remember what day it is or old friends names, or places!! And that's why we didn't make SCI CONVENTION!! That is more painful at my age... and counting seasons left on one hand??

Larry is BANG ON, re SCI, it is their major funding for operations for the year!! Dues don't cut it!!... so not a charitable donation, over market value!! Now how many take the deductions, not knowing the difference, or do thier CPAs??... until they get a notice or audit by IRS!! GO FIGURE!!

Regardless deductions or not, CRAZY MONEY!!


The local Chapters are required to "donate" 35% (IIRC) of the funds raised at their local fundraisers.

We had a couple accountants in the chapter. They insisted that the 35% donation was from the net of the event, not the revenue.

That probably is a big amount to the SCI general fund as well.

Formerly "Nganga"
Posts: 3949 | Location: Phoenix, Arizona | Registered: 26 April 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Steve Ahrenberg:
Originally posted by 470EDDY:
Originally posted by thirdbite:
"May be for charity but I believe IRS limits donations to the market value of the item, not the full amount paid for the item!!"

I think you have it backward. The allowable deduction is the amount paid over market value.

Thirdbite- Sorry about that guys!! I am taking GABAPENTIN nerve pain meds for this damn back surgery recovery!! It makes me STUPID, and I can't remember what day it is or old friends names, or places!! And that's why we didn't make SCI CONVENTION!! That is more painful at my age... and counting seasons left on one hand??

Larry is BANG ON, re SCI, it is their major funding for operations for the year!! Dues don't cut it!!... so not a charitable donation, over market value!! Now how many take the deductions, not knowing the difference, or do thier CPAs??... until they get a notice or audit by IRS!! GO FIGURE!!

Regardless deductions or not, CRAZY MONEY!!


The local Chapters are required to "donate" 35% (IIRC) of the funds raised at their local fundraisers.

We had a couple accountants in the chapter. They insisted that the 35% donation was from the net of the event, not the revenue.

That probably is a big amount to the SCI general fund as well.

It is the net number . I believe the percentage is now 30%.

Let me give you an example why. Sometimes high dollar tags are donated. The chapter only keeps a small amount like $5,000 even though the tag may have sold for over $100,000.

Yes, it does raise a lot of money .
Posts: 12264 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of fairgame
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Originally posted by larryshores:
I just sat through the Friday night auction in Nashville. One really got my attention. It was a 15 day leopard/buff/pg hunt

The value was $97,250. Additional days could be added for $5,930 per day .

Extras were : air charter of $17,000. Buff trophy fees of $4,500. Leopard trophy fees of $9,500. Pack, dip $3,500. Plug gratuities .

That is over $130,000 for a buff and a leopard. Seems insane to me.
However the operator will claim this amount as a donation to guarantee prime booth space in the future

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Thank you DOGCAT, makes me feel better!!

I do have real pain in the back/butt, but I am sure I have been a "pain in the back" like you say too!!

Interesting what Larry says about SERVICES!! Never heard that, maybe more recent, but I was a Corporate bean counter, not private!! Foreign I knew about...

With respect to Chapters, Larry commented about leadership some time ago. I restrained myself in not commenting... but I must say not all chapters are run by bright business people, CPA's, Lawyers, Business owners... there are sadly alot of WANNA BE's, Hangers-ons and I call " Near to Wealth " President's, officers and Board members!! Alot of failing chapters and they don't know it!! I was just on a "Call to Members" Zoom meeting... the "President" was present, didn't say a word, a Board Member, not officer, carried the commentary of "the 200 member chapter" which hasn't had a meeting in a year, and 6 members attended the Zoom call!!... but "they were in good shape!!"

Their fundraiser year ago March grossed over $100k, net $1000!! Scary!! Yes, some of the items were State tags going for big bucks and chapter gets 5% like Larry commented...

Back in the 80s our Chapter auctions were grossing $120-140k and mostly profit!! SCI national was very happy, and some of our Board/Officers were bright stars at National... but sadly, the Near-to-Wealths ultimately broke up the Chapter!! YUP, true story!!

So not "All that Glitters, ISN'T GOLD" as my brilliant, CPA Dad, always used to say, when I got stars in my eyes!!


Posts: 2737 | Location: The Other Washington | Registered: 24 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Steve Ahrenberg
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Originally posted by larryshores:
Originally posted by Steve Ahrenberg:
Originally posted by 470EDDY:
Originally posted by thirdbite:
"May be for charity but I believe IRS limits donations to the market value of the item, not the full amount paid for the item!!"

I think you have it backward. The allowable deduction is the amount paid over market value.

Thirdbite- Sorry about that guys!! I am taking GABAPENTIN nerve pain meds for this damn back surgery recovery!! It makes me STUPID, and I can't remember what day it is or old friends names, or places!! And that's why we didn't make SCI CONVENTION!! That is more painful at my age... and counting seasons left on one hand??

Larry is BANG ON, re SCI, it is their major funding for operations for the year!! Dues don't cut it!!... so not a charitable donation, over market value!! Now how many take the deductions, not knowing the difference, or do thier CPAs??... until they get a notice or audit by IRS!! GO FIGURE!!

Regardless deductions or not, CRAZY MONEY!!


The local Chapters are required to "donate" 35% (IIRC) of the funds raised at their local fundraisers.

We had a couple accountants in the chapter. They insisted that the 35% donation was from the net of the event, not the revenue.

That probably is a big amount to the SCI general fund as well.

It is the net number . I believe the percentage is now 30%.

Let me give you an example why. Sometimes high dollar tags are donated. The chapter only keeps a small amount like $5,000 even though the tag may have sold for over $100,000.

Yes, it does raise a lot of money .

Here's a good one for you. The AZGFD Governors tags I previously posted about, the Chapter gets ZILCH. The hope was it just gets money in the room. Then, If a winner pays with a CC, we actually lose money on auctioning the tags.

We also tried to discourage phone bidding. In that case, the money isn't even in the room.

Lots to consider on accepting some big dollar, low return hunts/tags.

We got the Navajo Nation Mule deer tag frequently as well. It netted us 10% IIRC. One year, I secured a Navajo Desert Sheep tag. We figured it would be more responsible for it to go to National and be auctioned at the convention. That Mule Deer tag is a good one. Bucks in the mid 200's are frequently killed.

The only thing we asked National for (on the Sheep Tag) was recognition that the Phoenix Chapter actually secured it and "re-dontated" it to National. They couldn't even keep their promise on that.

Formerly "Nganga"
Posts: 3949 | Location: Phoenix, Arizona | Registered: 26 April 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bivoj
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Originally posted by 470EDDY:
Thank you DOGCAT, makes me feel better!!

I do have real pain in the back/butt, but I am sure I have been a "pain in the back" like you say too!!

Interesting what Larry says about SERVICES!! Never heard that, maybe more recent, but I was a Corporate bean counter, not private!! Foreign I knew about...

With respect to Chapters, Larry commented about leadership some time ago. I restrained myself in not commenting... but I must say not all chapters are run by bright business people, CPA's, Lawyers, Business owners... there are sadly alot of WANNA BE's, Hangers-ons and I call " Near to Wealth " President's, officers and Board members!! Alot of failing chapters and they don't know it!! I was just on a "Call to Members" Zoom meeting... the "President" was present, didn't say a word, a Board Member, not officer, carried the commentary of "the 200 member chapter" which hasn't had a meeting in a year, and 6 members attended the Zoom call!!... but "they were in good shape!!"

Their fundraiser year ago March grossed over $100k, net $1000!! Scary!! Yes, some of the items were State tags going for big bucks and chapter gets 5% like Larry commented...

Back in the 80s our Chapter auctions were grossing $120-140k and mostly profit!! SCI national was very happy, and some of our Board/Officers were bright stars at National... but sadly, the Near-to-Wealths ultimately broke up the Chapter!! YUP, true story!!

So not "All that Glitters, ISN'T GOLD" as my brilliant, CPA Dad, always used to say, when I got stars in my eyes!!


True to many
Ours failed after another person hostile takeover aka I can do much better…

Nothing like standing over your own kill
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Picture of Steve Ahrenberg
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Originally posted by Bivoj:
Originally posted by 470EDDY:
Thank you DOGCAT, makes me feel better!!

I do have real pain in the back/butt, but I am sure I have been a "pain in the back" like you say too!!

Interesting what Larry says about SERVICES!! Never heard that, maybe more recent, but I was a Corporate bean counter, not private!! Foreign I knew about...

With respect to Chapters, Larry commented about leadership some time ago. I restrained myself in not commenting... but I must say not all chapters are run by bright business people, CPA's, Lawyers, Business owners... there are sadly alot of WANNA BE's, Hangers-ons and I call " Near to Wealth " President's, officers and Board members!! Alot of failing chapters and they don't know it!! I was just on a "Call to Members" Zoom meeting... the "President" was present, didn't say a word, a Board Member, not officer, carried the commentary of "the 200 member chapter" which hasn't had a meeting in a year, and 6 members attended the Zoom call!!... but "they were in good shape!!"

Their fundraiser year ago March grossed over $100k, net $1000!! Scary!! Yes, some of the items were State tags going for big bucks and chapter gets 5% like Larry commented...

Back in the 80s our Chapter auctions were grossing $120-140k and mostly profit!! SCI national was very happy, and some of our Board/Officers were bright stars at National... but sadly, the Near-to-Wealths ultimately broke up the Chapter!! YUP, true story!!

So not "All that Glitters, ISN'T GOLD" as my brilliant, CPA Dad, always used to say, when I got stars in my eyes!!


True to many
Ours failed after another person hostile takeover aka I can do much better…

Your's sounds exactly the same as the Phoenix Chapter. There was a hostile takeover and all the old blood that sold tables, filled the room and did all the work, left. Including myself.

It nearly failed but I believe that National made two Chapters merge to save them both.

Formerly "Nganga"
Posts: 3949 | Location: Phoenix, Arizona | Registered: 26 April 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Steve Ahrenberg:
Originally posted by Bivoj:
Originally posted by 470EDDY:
Thank you DOGCAT, makes me feel better!!

I do have real pain in the back/butt, but I am sure I have been a "pain in the back" like you say too!!

Interesting what Larry says about SERVICES!! Never heard that, maybe more recent, but I was a Corporate bean counter, not private!! Foreign I knew about...

With respect to Chapters, Larry commented about leadership some time ago. I restrained myself in not commenting... but I must say not all chapters are run by bright business people, CPA's, Lawyers, Business owners... there are sadly alot of WANNA BE's, Hangers-ons and I call " Near to Wealth " President's, officers and Board members!! Alot of failing chapters and they don't know it!! I was just on a "Call to Members" Zoom meeting... the "President" was present, didn't say a word, a Board Member, not officer, carried the commentary of "the 200 member chapter" which hasn't had a meeting in a year, and 6 members attended the Zoom call!!... but "they were in good shape!!"

Their fundraiser year ago March grossed over $100k, net $1000!! Scary!! Yes, some of the items were State tags going for big bucks and chapter gets 5% like Larry commented...

Back in the 80s our Chapter auctions were grossing $120-140k and mostly profit!! SCI national was very happy, and some of our Board/Officers were bright stars at National... but sadly, the Near-to-Wealths ultimately broke up the Chapter!! YUP, true story!!

So not "All that Glitters, ISN'T GOLD" as my brilliant, CPA Dad, always used to say, when I got stars in my eyes!!


True to many
Ours failed after another person hostile takeover aka I can do much better…

Your's sounds exactly the same as the Phoenix Chapter. There was a hostile takeover and all the old blood that sold tables, filled the room and did all the work, left. Including myself.

It nearly failed but I believe that National made two Chapters merge to save them both.

This sort of thing happens to much larger groups as well. Too bad.

Karl Evans

Posts: 3032 | Location: Emhouse, Tx | Registered: 03 February 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of Steve Ahrenberg
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Originally posted by K Evans:
Originally posted by Steve Ahrenberg:
Originally posted by Bivoj:
Originally posted by 470EDDY:
Thank you DOGCAT, makes me feel better!!

I do have real pain in the back/butt, but I am sure I have been a "pain in the back" like you say too!!

Interesting what Larry says about SERVICES!! Never heard that, maybe more recent, but I was a Corporate bean counter, not private!! Foreign I knew about...

With respect to Chapters, Larry commented about leadership some time ago. I restrained myself in not commenting... but I must say not all chapters are run by bright business people, CPA's, Lawyers, Business owners... there are sadly alot of WANNA BE's, Hangers-ons and I call " Near to Wealth " President's, officers and Board members!! Alot of failing chapters and they don't know it!! I was just on a "Call to Members" Zoom meeting... the "President" was present, didn't say a word, a Board Member, not officer, carried the commentary of "the 200 member chapter" which hasn't had a meeting in a year, and 6 members attended the Zoom call!!... but "they were in good shape!!"

Their fundraiser year ago March grossed over $100k, net $1000!! Scary!! Yes, some of the items were State tags going for big bucks and chapter gets 5% like Larry commented...

Back in the 80s our Chapter auctions were grossing $120-140k and mostly profit!! SCI national was very happy, and some of our Board/Officers were bright stars at National... but sadly, the Near-to-Wealths ultimately broke up the Chapter!! YUP, true story!!

So not "All that Glitters, ISN'T GOLD" as my brilliant, CPA Dad, always used to say, when I got stars in my eyes!!


True to many
Ours failed after another person hostile takeover aka I can do much better…

Your's sounds exactly the same as the Phoenix Chapter. There was a hostile takeover and all the old blood that sold tables, filled the room and did all the work, left. Including myself.

It nearly failed but I believe that National made two Chapters merge to save them both.

This sort of thing happens to much larger groups as well. Too bad.

Karl -

When I and others left, we met and decided to call DSC. I called (don't remember who I spoke with) and asked if they were interested in embracing the chapter model. At that time they were not. It's been 10-12 years ago I'd guess.

Formerly "Nganga"
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Picture of robncolorado
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Originally posted by Saeed:
I remember Zimbabwe buffalo hunts advertised for $4700.

All inclusive! clap

I remember selous buff hunts with a buff for $8500

We’re getting old Saeed!
Posts: 568 | Location: Durango, CO | Registered: 18 July 2005Reply With Quote
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The overall cost isn't shocking to me, but the daily rate is very high. I'd also ask how many buffalo at that rate. I'd expect at least three. Charter, assume that's full rate both ways with no split, not surprising.

But where was this, outfitter? area?
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Originally posted by K Evans:
Originally posted by Steve Ahrenberg:
Originally posted by Bivoj:
Originally posted by 470EDDY:
Thank you DOGCAT, makes me feel better!!

I do have real pain in the back/butt, but I am sure I have been a "pain in the back" like you say too!!

Interesting what Larry says about SERVICES!! Never heard that, maybe more recent, but I was a Corporate bean counter, not private!! Foreign I knew about...

With respect to Chapters, Larry commented about leadership some time ago. I restrained myself in not commenting... but I must say not all chapters are run by bright business people, CPA's, Lawyers, Business owners... there are sadly alot of WANNA BE's, Hangers-ons and I call " Near to Wealth " President's, officers and Board members!! Alot of failing chapters and they don't know it!! I was just on a "Call to Members" Zoom meeting... the "President" was present, didn't say a word, a Board Member, not officer, carried the commentary of "the 200 member chapter" which hasn't had a meeting in a year, and 6 members attended the Zoom call!!... but "they were in good shape!!"

Their fundraiser year ago March grossed over $100k, net $1000!! Scary!! Yes, some of the items were State tags going for big bucks and chapter gets 5% like Larry commented...

Back in the 80s our Chapter auctions were grossing $120-140k and mostly profit!! SCI national was very happy, and some of our Board/Officers were bright stars at National... but sadly, the Near-to-Wealths ultimately broke up the Chapter!! YUP, true story!!

So not "All that Glitters, ISN'T GOLD" as my brilliant, CPA Dad, always used to say, when I got stars in my eyes!!


True to many
Ours failed after another person hostile takeover aka I can do much better…

Your's sounds exactly the same as the Phoenix Chapter. There was a hostile takeover and all the old blood that sold tables, filled the room and did all the work, left. Including myself.

It nearly failed but I believe that National made two Chapters merge to save them both.

This sort of thing happens to much larger groups as well. Too bad.


SCI North Texas fell in such a manner. There was one guy we both know doing most of the heavy lifting. He decided to pass it on and it wasn’t the same. He came back to try and revive what he helped grow, but he didn’t have a support system. It was still good, but he wanted to spend time with his wife and daughters, Covid also hit about that time.

I meant to be DSC Member...bad typing skills.

Marcus Cady

Posts: 3493 | Location: Dallas | Registered: 19 March 2008Reply With Quote
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[/QUOTE]Karl, SCI North Texas fell in such a manner. There was one guy we both know doing most of the heavy lifting. He decided to pass it on and it wasn’t the same. He came back to try and revive what he helped grow, but he didn’t have a support system. It was still good, but he wanted to spend time with his wife and daughters, Covid also hit about that time.[/QUOTE]

Marcus, I believe there will be an effort to “revive” this chapter (or create another), lots of capable volunteers in the area and a very good opportunity for both SCI and hunters in the area. I know such a thing has been mentioned to the chapter development team at SCI.

Karl Evans

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Originally posted by larryshores:
I just sat through the Friday night auction in Nashville. One really got my attention. It was a 15 day leopard/buff/pg hunt

The value was $97,250. Additional days could be added for $5,930 per day .

Extras were : air charter of $17,000. Buff trophy fees of $4,500. Leopard trophy fees of $9,500. Pack, dip $3,500. Plug gratuities .

That is over $130,000 for a buff and a leopard. Seems insane to me.

That's a lot of lap dances



"There's a saying in prize fighting, everyone's got a plan until they get hit"

Michael Douglas "The Ghost And The Darkness"
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As someone said earlier, there were some bargains as well.

I think I made out like a bandit on the auction I won. I had a ticket to Jo'berg I needed to use by mid-Sept so was looking for a hunt. I'm headed to Limpopo in late August for a mixture trophy (Impala and Blue wildebeest) plus 16 cull animals. It was for two hunters and two observers. My BIL probably will join me but no observers. We get a ton of hunting for plains game with a nice family run operation.


John Richardson
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