I do not understand why people keep putting this kind of crud on hunting sites. Nothing like giving the bunny huggers more ammo. Not only is it off topic it is completely tasteless and off track. While I am not immune to the humor it certainly suggests that sportsmanship is becomming less and less important in the shooting sports. POOR FORM INDEED !
I see this as poor sportsmanship. I think those who do this kind of stuff completely miss the point of hunting and lack ethics. I certainly hope this is not the best foot we can put forward when in nearly every corner of the world the shooting sports are in some form of peril.
As much as I can't stand PETA, this is intolerable crap. Some so called sportsman have never grasped the respect and reverance that is owed to the animals we pursue. How can we ever educate non-hunters what that means, when so many among us don't understand it. Very disrespectful to the animals and this is not what hunting is about.
Posts: 1144 | Location: utah | Registered: 07 March 2003
Bullshit. If you've ever hunted birds in Europe or South America, it is a VERY common thing to arrange the birds to display the success of the hunt. This is only slightly different and has the added appeal of tweaking our enemies' noses.
PeTA is never going to accept ANY form of hunting; the sooner you get that through your heads, the sooner you will be able to start fighting them on their own terms.
Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001
Quote: Bullshit. If you've ever hunted birds in Europe or South America, it is a VERY common thing to arrange the birds to display the success of the hunt. This is only slightly different and has the added appeal of tweaking our enemies' noses.
If there are hunters unaware of such practices, how can we possibly assume the non-hunters would be? A sure loser.
Quote: PeTA is never going to accept ANY form of hunting; the sooner you get that through your heads, the sooner you will be able to start fighting them on their own terms. George
The way to fend off PETA is to enhance our image with the larger voting public, if only to ensure their neutrality. The above tactic can only be described as counter-productive, to that end.
What does sportsmanship have to do with PETA ? The vast majority of our society is neither composed of PETA freaks or ardent hunters, but rather people who often lie in the middle. Many are not overly concerned about what others do until they start displaying this kind of crap and films of baby seals getting bludgeoned on the ice. The fact that PETA freaks are completely against hunting is no excuse to become our own worse enemy. I would not think the brightest way to fight one's enemy would be to toss them a full box of ammo.
No problem at all ... disrespect for the animals, not on your life. Now if the animals were layed out in a straight line I guess that would be OK !!! it does not hold much water this respect theory, once the animal is dead it is dead im afraid and ready to eat, so lets not get too teary eyed about respect when people around the world are blowing up humans every day, put life into perspective and look at it as a good days hunting and some nice birds to eat.
There will always be those whom will NEVER I repeat NEVER condone hunting in any form, dont try to win them over, let them go along their merry way and live in a fools paradise.
Posts: 3331 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 27 February 2001
Quote: The way to fend off PETA is to enhance our image with the larger voting public, if only to ensure their neutrality. The above tactic can only be described as counter-productive, to that end.
Some folk will never grasp the idea that PETA doesn't have enough people to outlaw hunting, and that when votes take place to outlaw steel jaw traps, dove hunting, bear baiting, etc., it is the general public -- likely neither PETA members or hunters -- that carry the hammer. So it's images like these that cause such folks to vote with the likes of the PETA crowd. And of course, PETA uses these images quite well to make sure those voters know what these types of hunters stand for. -TONY
Posts: 3269 | Location: Glendale, AZ | Registered: 28 July 2003
Well, without trying to raise anyone's hackles I have to point out that (probably) no one here objects to seeing the numerous dead animal poses so long as it's a single animal or two taken by a single hunter.
Sort of reminds me of the friend of my wife who was deeply offended at the sight of photos of a lion hunt. Yet when she was shown a photo of an embalmed woman who was part of her husband's glass coffee table, she was "ho-hum" about that.
We aren't offended at the sight of animal hides holding up our pants or being worn on our feet. How much more "disrespect" can we show an animal than that? Piles of packages of dead meat in the supermarket don't offend us. It's a matter of perspective.
Posts: 157 | Location: The Edge of Texas | Registered: 26 January 2004
To those of you who think posting this photo gives ammunition to the anti-gun and anti-hunting folks all I can say is .... it was already out there on the internet and was probably seen by more people in the 1st day or so it was posted than will visit this site while the thread is active.
Posts: 4360 | Location: Sunny Southern California | Registered: 22 May 2002
Bill, No one here is at all offended by your posting. It is entirely appropriate and fully appreciated. The resultant discourse is what talk forums are all about. Thanks for posting!
I am not offended, and I don't think the average person looking for antihunting material would consider using this picture. The average guy going to the PETA site wants to see Kate Moss naked and body-painted with chicken blood, or Barbra Steisand declaring she'd rather stand there naked with her boobs staring at the floor than to wear fur (whre's the old eek smiley?).
PETA is always on the offensive. I don't think that always reacting to PETA is the way to combat PETA. What case do we want to make? "Well, see, hunting is this good old traditional thing that we do, er, that a very few of us do, and let's not go into details, but nobody gets hurt, and the rest of you should think it's important that hunting remains legal."
We can argue all over the web with PETA, and when Peter Jennings brings up hunting once a year, it will be to talk about accidental shootings or whatever PETA wants him to talk about.
I think a lot better way to combat these pieces of crap is to take your friends shooting. Everyone should have a 22 and a brick of ammo in case a co-worker expresses an interest. I know that when I first started shooting, it was hard to believe what I was doing was legal. Is it really as simple as that? Buy a gun, buy ammuntion, go have fun?
H. C.
Posts: 3691 | Location: West Virginia | Registered: 23 May 2001
Sorry fellows, but I call Bull$#!^. The average "think about hunting 5 minutes per election cycle" voter is going to sit in the middle of this debate.
If all they hear is PETA extremism, and hunters trying to straddle the fence, those voters are going to naturally sit halfway between the two positions. That's halfway between eliminate all hunting and allowing some hunting. That's where we are now: NOT GOOD!
There is NOTHING wrong with re-defining the debate, and taking a more extreme position, including ridiculing PETA. The electorate will still sit in the middle between the two. It'll just have shifted in our favor.
Appeasement doesn't work. JMO, Dutch.
Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000