Moderators: Saeed
Re: Rate of exchange
one of us
Picture of Will
Ganyana has said it, bring lots of small demonination cash. Never put anything on a credit card in Zim!
Posts: 19334 | Location: Ocala Flats | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Ganyana has said it, bring lots of small demonination cash. Never put anything on a credit card in Zim!

I'd say that this applies to most african countrys and not only Zim. Credit card fraud goes on all over the continent. Never let your credit card out of your sight. In my experiance, travellers checks and cash is the way to go. And going to a money changer or foreign exchange place can be an interesting experiance in itself! While changing money in a Mauritanian for-ex bureau one time, I was even asked if I was willing to sell my wife! Or at least make some kind of "over-night exchange"!

I declined since the exchange rate wasn't good enough

Erik D.
Posts: 2662 | Location: Oslo, in the naive land of socialist nepotism and corruption... | Registered: 10 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Currently auction (official) rate is 5631:1
Blackmarket is 7200:1 (cash for cash)
Credit cards - depends who you use it with. If it is national parks or any other government agency you will get 55:1 If it is one of the high street banks 824:1 anybody else, you will get the auction rate of the week.

US travelers never bring enough small change. 5, 10 & a few 20's are essential. If you have to pay entry fees anywhere (say you want to visit victoria falls that's 10 bucks. If you tender a 100 buck note, you will get change in Zimbabwe dollars at 55 :1. You want to tip somebody, a vehicle breaks down, you spend the last day looking for a wounded animal and then have to fly from Bulawayo to Harare to catch your flight home (just had that one) All of this needs small denomination notes.
Posts: 3026 | Location: Zimbabwe | Registered: 23 July 2003Reply With Quote
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