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Sometimes The Buffalo Win!

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13 December 2013, 19:37
Sometimes The Buffalo Win!
Great to see
Instagram : ganyana2000
13 December 2013, 19:47
Amazing video....and they all walked away?!!!
Thanks for sharing Saeed.
13 December 2013, 19:49
I guess writers can't tell the difference between an old cow and a young bull!


"Make no mistake, it's not revenge he's after ... it's the reckoning."
13 December 2013, 19:52
...not just old - ancient Betsy in a poor pre-dead won't be long - tables will turn...
13 December 2013, 19:56
Great capture!!! clap
13 December 2013, 20:09
13 December 2013, 22:14
13 December 2013, 22:30
Use Enough Gun
Love it! Shows the power in that hook! tu2
13 December 2013, 22:35
13 December 2013, 22:51

Looks like the horn penetrated the Lion along the skin on the toss. Would have liked to have seen the wound.

Previously 500N with many thousands of posts !
14 December 2013, 01:58
Buffalo 1 lions 0

Life member NRA
formally scrappy
14 December 2013, 03:14
376 steyr
That is a really old buffalo that will die very soon anyway due to very worn away teeth; he can't bite the grass off anymore. Amazing that the one bull was able to toss the lion twice before it could get away.
14 December 2013, 03:27
No wonder Americans haven't adopted the metric system - like everything else, I guess 5 meters doesn't go as far these days.
14 December 2013, 05:50
tu2 I always root for the Buffalo. I don't care much for Lions

"Science only goes so far then God takes over."
14 December 2013, 19:24
walking dead is all can say about the old cow.


"You've got the strongest hand in the world. That's right. Your hand. The hand that marks the ballot. The hand that pulls the voting lever. Use it, will you" John Wayne
14 December 2013, 21:42
I never thought i would feel sympathy for a lion HAHA
14 December 2013, 22:22
I wonder what it is about humans in that we're always rooting for the "underdog"? Also worth noting is the possibility that somewhere in their DNA, the buffalo (as indicated in this video) might have the same inclinations. This may have been an old cow and what occurred might only have momentarily delayed the inevitable, but the idea of "safe" bulls placing themselves in jeopardy to defend one of their own certainly is inspiring!

"I'm not fluent in the language of violence, but I know enough to get around in places where it's spoken."

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15 December 2013, 08:02
Originally posted by Pulicords:
I wonder what it is about humans in that we're always rooting for the "underdog"? Also worth noting is the possibility that somewhere in their DNA, the buffalo (as indicated in this video) might have the same inclinations. This may have been an old cow and what occurred might only have momentarily delayed the inevitable, but the idea of "safe" bulls placing themselves in jeopardy to defend one of their own certainly is inspiring!


Grandma got rescued by son-in-law: Wouldn't happen in my family! rotflmo

Imagine how high mbogo could toss a human ... hard to imagine the lion was not hurt more than just having a bruised ego as the article claimed ... broken ribs, internal bleeding, collapsed lung ... it sure looked like the horn should have penetrated the lion's chest if it did not ... lion skin must be tough. Eeker
15 December 2013, 10:49
Cat sure got more than it bargained for that time.
Re: "young bull" huh?
Thanks for sharing this, great video.

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