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Tuskless elephant
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I�d really like to go elephant hunting but I won�t be able to afford the +10 000$ prices for a looong time. Shooting a tuskless one is probably exciting but what about the trophy? With trophy I mean some part to remember the elephant by. Tailhair braclets are nice but elephant foot umbrella stands are not my thing. What would you guys suggest.
Posts: 2213 | Location: Finland | Registered: 02 May 2003Reply With Quote
<richard powell>
Making sure first - it doesn't make you the trophy !!
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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In all sincerity, I would suggest saving one's money.

As a personal matter, I cannot imagine taking any pleasure in shooting a tuskless elephant.
Posts: 14027 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Will
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All good advice. Please stay home. There is too much competition for tuskless cows already.
Posts: 19403 | Location: Ocala Flats | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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What do you mean with "too much competition"? Are all us poor guys looking for cheapo elephant becoming a problem? I�d rather shoot an elephant with tusks so I�ll start looking for a one tusker. Is there any risk that I might wind up with a canned hunt ie a onetusked pet that�s been hanging around too long?
Posts: 2213 | Location: Finland | Registered: 02 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Deerdogs
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I know squat about hunting elephant compared to some of the folks on this board but I had been under the impression that the tuskless cows were meaner than those with tusks, someting to do with not having the tools to eat with then becoming crop raiders etc etc, and generally being "pissed". Is this true? Sounds like a great quarry to hunt.

I suppose what it boils down to is experiencing the hunt, or owning the trophy. Both can be bought seperatly. I'll take the hunt thanks.
Posts: 1978 | Location: UK and UAE | Registered: 19 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Tuskless cow are problematic, they have no means of getting a spot in the pecking order and they are always being pushed around and they do get meaner n sin......

The only cow hunts I have are in Chewore and you can keep all but the tusks...the skin is nice and tail hair bracelets, penis bracelets, and feet are what you get...this will cost you $550 per day for 8 days and trophy fee is about $3500 as I recall....

A one tusk bull will not normally be discounted on a concession, perhaps in a private herd...smaller bulls are not discounted...larger crop raiders are normally sold at regular pricing I suspect...or shot by Africas chosen.
Posts: 42442 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Palmer
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Penis bracelets? You guys wearing bracelets down there? Ive got more to learn than I thought.
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[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Just Ray. He is considered quite the Gay Blade of the Southern Idaho crowd.

Been reading John Taylor again, eh Ray?

[ 07-20-2003, 21:29: Message edited by: Mickey1 ]
Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Penis bracelet? If I shoot a tuskless COW how will I make a bracelet out of HER penis? Did I miss something during biology class? [Confused]

Lots of very straight men in Africa where bracelets, they call them "bangles". Quite often they�re made of copper and are said to help against reumatism etc. Elephant tailhair bracelets are also popular. [Big Grin]

My son Anton is helping me with the graemlins [Eek!] , it sure feels good to have some technical support in the family. But god kids sure grow up fast! [Eek!]
Posts: 2213 | Location: Finland | Registered: 02 May 2003Reply With Quote
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I think that Palmer and Mickey were referring to where it was worn, not what it was made of. [Wink]
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Palmer & etc.
Crop raiders can have a penis, cows cannot, hope this helps you out if not have a talk with dad [Razz]

A penis bracelet is very common among PHs, it appears as a ivory bracelet and is usually the white one with the hair bracelets...According to legend among the Masai it gives one the strength of Tembo and the ability to beat the living s--t out of smart asses! [Razz] [Big Grin] [Wink]
Posts: 42442 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Haa! [Big Grin]
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Picture of MacD37
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I'm not sure you will be any flatter if you are stomped by a bull with tusks, than by a cow without tusks! I'd suppose it would be just as hard to put down a tuskless cow, as a bull. As Ray says the cows are meaner than a rattlesnake anyway, and twice as bad of they are low on the pecking order. I guess they figure YOU ain't gonna push them too! [Big Grin]
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Thanks for putting me straight on the willy bangles (had to write that). What are they made of anyhow? Foreskin?

I understand that the taking of trophies from a crop raider is strictly forbidden -not even tail hair is what I`ve heard. How is it in reality? Would I need to buy a CITES license if I wanted the tusks?
Posts: 2213 | Location: Finland | Registered: 02 May 2003Reply With Quote
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It depends on where they are killed and the circumstances of the permits...This is mostimes of a case by case basis....Cow tusks are never allowed out of the country as far as I know and cow penis' are very very rare and valuble requiring a condom, health inspection, penicillin injections and cites permit..... [Wink]
Posts: 42442 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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You made me write this Ray:

Cow penis my ass.

I think this i getting out of hand...
Posts: 2213 | Location: Finland | Registered: 02 May 2003Reply With Quote
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There are lots of good potential tropies from a tuskless, such as:

1. elephant legs turned into table legs. Put a piece of granite on top for a nice desk or dining room table.

2. elephant leg stools.

3. elephant hide jacket.

4. elephant hide gun case.

5. shoot 2 tuskless and make an elephant hide sofa.

6. photos make a nice trophy

7. a video of the hunt and shoot makes a nicer trophy
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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That sounds quite painful!! [Eek!]
Posts: 696 | Location: Texas, Wash, DC | Registered: 24 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Good evening (at least it is in Scandinavia).

Just got in from harevesting the first of this years honey! Yum! To bad I lost two thirds of my hives last winter, I�m averaging +80lbs per hive and should get "second helpings" next week.

The elephant paraphernalia sounds like fun, the jacket and the guncase would be allowed in the house but nothing else. My wife is a bit weird on this (otherwise a charming lady) and calls trophies "dead animal parts". Anybody else have this problem?

With wives I mean.
Posts: 2213 | Location: Finland | Registered: 02 May 2003Reply With Quote
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My wife is looking forward to the delivery of the sable pedestal mount.

However, that doesn't keep her from referring to the trophies as "Deadheads".... [Razz]

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