Yeah I thought of posting about the fuck up in real time, as I saw it, but then thought; this forum is really getting the better of me and usually bringing out the worst of my many sides. So then I thought that Mike Jines would probably be the one who couldn't hold out, just could stand it any more and sooner or later the perfectionist in him would rear it's ugly head and roar in the night and he would awake in a cold sweat, convinced he must resolve the issue, that day, once and for all;
That these shows are so lame almost all the time and that WE HERE should be the ones making them, going on safari on some big retailer or publisher's nickel and telling it like it is!
Posts: 1083 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 05 December 2006
Guilt as charged. I could not help but wonder, if they cannot even get the country straight in a show about Africa, how much stock can you put in the rest of the substance. This, coupled with the fact that this show in particular is really a 30 minute infomercial. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the show but it is a little hard to accept the heartfelt testimonials regarding Product X, when the owner of Product X is on the hunt and undoubtedly has underwritten the hunt.
the Dec 2007 G&A also has some bits about that same hunt. i dont recall everything, but it was something about the 30-06 loads from some factory they were using on that same hunt
If you think every possible niche has been filled already, thank a wildcatter!
Posts: 2287 | Location: CO | Registered: 14 December 2007
I know this is a little bit off topic, but AR and hatari times are probably the only two places where I can get the unvarnished, real life opinion of people with 10 times the experience of the "experts" writing in the american gun magazines and producing TV shows on american TV. I have no beef with Boddington, but the way he gushes about every new product doesnt do much for his credibility. Another publication I am impressed by is Magnum fro SA. lots of good info, no 'infomercials', and the experts on african hunting really ARE experts.
Posts: 523 | Location: wisconsin | Registered: 18 June 2007
Yep. She missed by a mile. And good old Craig followed up immediately. And then the happy scene with her, the PH, Craig, and "her" eland. Now, we all miss game from time to time. But if my PH or hunting partner shoots immediately upon my miss, especially at a PG animal, I'll not be too happy.
Posts: 1759 | Location: Prescott, Az | Registered: 30 January 2007
You guys are seriously funny...and quite pathetic. I would hope all of you would have better things to do than hop on a blog to complain about a 7 second element in a show.
For your knowledge, mistakes happen on a daily basis on major networks and even motion it would be foolish to assume that an African hunting show would be perfect every time, week to week, month to month.
In any rate, may i suggest you find something better to do with your time than critiquing a hunting show? Maybe you should start taking up a hobby. Would it hurt to use your internet time to check out the stock market, find the answer to world peace...or even look up porn?
By the way, nothing is worse than a hunting snob. well, maybe a bowling snob...but I have yet to find one of those.
But if my PH or hunting partner shoots immediately upon my miss, especially at a PG animal, I'll not be too happy.
My feelings exactly. It's my hunt, and if I don't shoot it, it's not my animal, and I don't want it.
Now to give Craig's fiance the benefit of doubt, bullets passing through an animal can hit bone and change direction of flight, and hit the ground to the side of the animal, looking like a miss. Maybe even through an Eland.
NRA Endowment Life Member
Posts: 1648 | Location: Boz Angeles, MT | Registered: 14 February 2006
Originally posted by Baroo: You guys are ... quite pathetic.
Welcome, enjoy the Forum. Given your post, I am sure that you will fit right in.
Bet your kids are great in geography:
"Son, no, that is France not Finland, but congratulations you are in same hemisphere and they both begin with "F". Now let's take a break and watch some Brittany Spears' music videos."
Originally posted by Baroo: You guys are seriously funny...and quite pathetic. I would hope all of you would have better things to do than hop on a blog to complain about a 7 second element in a show.
For your knowledge, mistakes happen on a daily basis on major networks and even motion it would be foolish to assume that an African hunting show would be perfect every time, week to week, month to month.
In any rate, may i suggest you find something better to do with your time than critiquing a hunting show? Maybe you should start taking up a hobby. Would it hurt to use your internet time to check out the stock market, find the answer to world peace...or even look up porn?
By the way, nothing is worse than a hunting snob. well, maybe a bowling snob...but I have yet to find one of those.
You now have the distinction of being the first & only, and the only I ever considered, person added to my ignore list.
Posts: 1083 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 05 December 2006
So when I'm in France, or Finland for that matter, will I have to worry about which way it is to Namibia? i can assure you, that i will find something to do rather than complain over which African country is what. Besides, what the hell am i doing watching a hunting show to learn about geography???
"sorry son...i cant afford a globe because i spent it all on guns and ammo. But not to worry...tracks across Africa is on and they're surely have everything you need to know about the difference between Finland and France. I'm sure it's more than an F in their names."
Furthermore, I bet you dont even know the capital of Finland...let alone even naming three people from there.
I find it funny how these conversations deteriorate so quickly sometimes. I am often guilty of leading the charge. However Baroo, are you affiliated to the show "Tracks Across Africa" in any way? Welcome to the forum.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007
Originally posted by smarterthanu: I find it funny how these conversations deteriorate so quickly sometimes.
You are absolutely correct. I should have have just let the comment go and refuse to be incited into responding. That will make a good New Year's resolution.
Smarterthanu, I can assure you that i have no loyalties to "Tracks Across Africa." None.
I am, however; in the television and movie field and produce, edit, and shoot on the side for the past decade and know firsthand what it takes to put a show together...and mistakes are obviously going to be made. Things slip through the cracks, edits become jump cuts rather than smooth dissolves, etc. It's tough to do a flawless show from week to week, month after month, year after year.
I've been watching Tracks for the past year or so and think it is a pretty good show which is put together nicely, is very informative, and also is quite entertaining. Boddington really knows his stuff.
I new there must be an attachment somewhere. Mr. Baroo you are in a PR business. You are going to mess up like everyone else does from time to time. But the public will let you know when you screw up and it will vary widely depending on the magnitude of the mistake. Don't be dissapointed with critical consumers. They help make our product better.
By the way I like the show also. I have to agree with some though that it is getting a little out of hand with the "whoring" that goes on in these shows. The content suffers most of the time.
Posts: 2826 | Location: Houston | Registered: 01 May 2007
i know firsthand about the whoring situation. television is a medium that makes its revenue exclusively from advertisers, endorsements, and sponsorships. i cant escape that either. in my show, i have to do my best to promote a team that is downright awful and put a positive spin on a crappy season. there is nothing i can do about it.
I'm all for constructive criticism. i really am. but when someone makes a comment like:
"I could not help but wonder, if they cannot even get the country straight in a show about Africa, how much stock can you put in the rest of the substance."
then i know it really isnt constructive.
i look pass the sales aspect of any show and focus on the main details of the program... which is hunting. If I looked at all the commercial plugs and coy product placement in each show, then i wouldnt be watching anything. Advertisers and sponsorships are just the nature of the medium.