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Beware: The terrible Carmelo is threatening folks
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Get this, Carmelo is calling on the phone and making childish threats to me and I suppose some others, to which I scoulded the little P---k somewhat harshly and told him to look me up at Dallas or Houston if he had a problem..He called me a Redneck, and I appreciate that in todays world, expecially from him...At any rate Carmelo "kiss ole spot", I never did get what you called about, sorry.....
Posts: 42457 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Ooops he called back screaming about his not being DR458 and that I accused him of being DR458, which proves he is too stupid to read cuz it was Jeffp and Art that suggested that...So the truth is carmelo is DR458 and ASS CLOWN...

Pathectic little s--t....if there ever was one.
Posts: 42457 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Do you have caller id?

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Another carmello iteration for the ignore list...

Posts: 2781 | Location: Hillsboro, Or-Y-Gun (Oregon), U.S.A. | Registered: 22 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Ray just re-program your answearing machine so when he calls you can click your special recording......." I'm not your uncle you little RED NECKED peckerwood " !
What a looser. If we can get the Judge to bring his gavel you can bring your badge and I'll bring the rope. We can have us a legal hangin. I'll buy the drinks !
Posts: 1010 | Registered: 03 February 2004Reply With Quote
Oh what tangled webs the little trolls weave!
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Butt Jester is in bit heaven

Vanquished like all good trolls.

Posts: 26560 | Location: Where the pilgrims landed | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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I don't have caller ID, but I was having too much fun calling him every name I could think of that I couldn't use on the internet...

Based on his voice I see him as a homeboy, with baggy pants and the crack of his ass showing while he cranks out posts on a stolen computer while listening to rap discs....Since he left here I heard he is troling on a porn thread for guys...

I thought it was pretty comical that he is so damn dumb as to spend his money calling LD...Reckon he thought he was going get some satisfaction out of that, or scare me for goodness sakes... Oh well
Posts: 42457 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
Ray, maybe he lives in Filer, Idaho and it was a local call.
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With his attitude and outlook on life, he would last about 10 minutes in Filer or Southern Idaho, hey we still say the Pledge in school, pray in school and one nation under God still works here and if the ACLU shows up there toast!
Posts: 42457 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Anyone getting pissed about what goes on internet-wise is kind of like the liberals and fundamentalist Arabs getting their britches in a wad over the nudie pictures of prisoners. Absent the fact that the troops who did it were perverted or something and stupid as hell (and not only by taking pictures with which to get caught), I wonder what the big deal was. Of course it was criminal, but, heck, the dudes had panties over their heads. How can you embarrass someone who the viewing public can't even identify?? Or was it, "Looka here Ahmed! That's uncle Mo's pecker, ain't it?" I don't think so.

Likewise, Carmelo (or whomever) could live right next door to any of us and we'd never know. Maybe he had the panties over his head. Ever seen Carmelo's pecker?

Ray, so you give him hell over the net. What long term problem is that? Like any of the readers actually is ever going to decide whether or not to trust the fellow one-on-one, or do business with him, or let him date our daughters? You got to be pretty insecure about life to call someone up and threaten him if you're never going to see him... I'll be in Dallas to see if he shows up. At a distance, though. I don't want snot on my new Acme's.

Some folks need a life. You've got one. I have wore out several. Carmelo has none, I guess.
Posts: 7899 | Location: GA | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of jaycocreek
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The bad part of all of this is the clowns whether it be ass clowns or carmelio clowns makes everything negative against an honest person with questions about .458 bullets and lever or bolt with honest answers expected.

I have lived and worked my entire life in Idaho and pay not much attention to who ever and there opinion.But this forum is really interesting and the knowledge on Africa is unsurpassed.Ray and the family has had my attention for years in the few articles from or about them.Those that choose to pick on him are just nuts I guess.I would be ware myself....

Best of luck........Jayco.
Posts: 565 | Location: Central Idaho | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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That is why you are a judge and us mere mortals are peasents when it comes to logic ...

What you say makes good sense, I wish there were more judges in this world whom also made good sense when it came to applying the law and meeting the wishes of the people ... HANG em ALL I say, and although as the liberals say it wont solve the problem, it sure will remove the protaginists from society

I hope there are not toooooo many liberals viewing this reply (-:

Take care

Posts: 3331 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Hey Ray, if he shows up at the Dallas, or Houston Safari shows, I'll hold your silver belly hat, and pistol, so you don't get snott on them, when you pop him in the snott locker!
Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Now dang it, Ray I AIN'T Carmelo or DR458!!

I am ASS_CLOWN aka Scott Sweet. It is my "Scarlet Handle" I wears it with pride as I most certainly earned it. I have used NO other handle since it's (that would be ASS_CLOWN) introduction.

So please stop saying that I am these other, two bit excuses, for trolls! If you don't, you will force me to accuse you of being none other than WET!

Still not quite sure what you and I really are fighting about anyway? I hope it isn't the darned buffalo thing. As the answers we initially posted could either be right or wrong depending upon circumstances. I know you know that too. I am offering an olive branch. Shall we bury the hatchet and let bygones be bygones?

Posts: 1673 | Location: MANY DIFFERENT PLACES | Registered: 14 May 2004Reply With Quote
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I have read your drivel and your attacks on others for too long. It doesn't take any balls to disrespect others and yourself (ie your handle) on the internet. You do everyone here an injustice with your lies and nonsense. Why? Is it because this is the ONLY way you can get attention? Or is it because this is the ONLY way you can get by with your disrespect and bullshit without getting your ass kicked? Well, it's getting cyber-kicked anyway! If you think this is an unprovoked attack, then think what you will--you provoked it by slandering people for whom I have developed a great deal of respect. Many of the people with whom you take issue have hunted more, have taken more game, and have a great deal more life experience than you have or ever will have if you choose to continue your infantile babblings. The very people you disrespect are here because of their love for a sport and they offer their sage advice free of charge. Why attack them? The answer is obvious--because you have no respect for anyone---ESPECIALLY YOURSELF! I don't expect my 2 cents worth is going to change you--but I can only stand by and watch you make an idiot of yourself for so long without some sort of input. So print this out and wipe your ass with it for all I care--you are on ignore. If you had much of any hunting experience at all, then you would realize that you are shitting all over a very precious resource--the experience of your elders and of your betters!I hope you are able to turn your life around.
Posts: 6711 | Location: Oklahoma, USA | Registered: 14 March 2001Reply With Quote

With his attitude and outlook on life, he would last about 10 minutes in Filer or Southern Idaho, hey we still say the Pledge in school, pray in school and one nation under God still works here and if the ACLU shows up there toast!

God bless the folks in Filer.
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I really hate to say anything and get in the mix, but when someone calls you at home I feel it is time to throw hands.A person should never start to call and make threats if they do not intend to back it up.The problem I have seen most people who do this are the first to run to the police when they pay the price.There is no excuse to call a mans home,Kev
Posts: 1002 | Location: ALASKA, USA | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I thought ASS-CLOWN ASS-HOLE had been taken out already.
Posts: 515 | Location: AZ | Registered: 09 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Ray just re-program your answearing machine so when he calls you can click your special recording......." I'm not your uncle you little RED NECKED peckerwood " !
What a looser. If we can get the Judge to bring his gavel you can bring your badge and I'll bring the rope. We can have us a legal hangin. I'll buy the drinks !

How much for tickets? I want something in teh mosh pit or first three rows. Will we need to bring a poncho like at Gallager concerts?
Posts: 359 | Location: 33N36'47", 96W24'48" | Registered: 01 December 2003Reply With Quote
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You wouldn't want to get too close. CarmeLOL will probably crap his pants once he looks at Ray and realizes that he is actually a man and not just the figment of a clowns imagination.
Posts: 1010 | Registered: 03 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Mr. Cooper,

What are you talking about? I have slandered no one! By the way, this is the written word so it would be libel.


have read your drivel and your attacks on others for too long. It doesn't take any balls to disrespect others and yourself (ie your handle) on the internet.

This is a FREE country you liberal jerk. I say liberal becuase that is what you sound like with your quirky little rules for posting handles! Grow-up and quit whining like a little baby. I suspect I have 10X the self esteem and self respect you have, I really don't care what you call me, think of me, or wish I was. I strongly suspect you are in a constant state of near panic as to what others think about you though. I suggest you seek the advise of you therapist.


You do everyone here an injustice with your lies and nonsense

Please post these lies and nonsense! There aren't any, darn! Or is it simply you lack the knowledge/experience to realize I am NOT posting lies and nonsense?


Many of the people with whom you take issue have hunted more, have taken more game, and have a great deal more life experience than you have or ever will have if you choose to continue your infantile babblings

Just how the heck would you know that? You don't do you. By the way, SEVERAL others also took offense to the same statements I did, why don't you climb up their arses!


you are on ignore

Spoken like a true coward! Picks a fight and runs away to hide! Gutless. At least Ray, the man whom you feel needs to be defended for some ODD reason, stands and fights LIKE A MAN! I CAN RESPECT THAT, you sir, simply disgust me.

Personally, I am glad you are ignoring me. I really cannot stand self righteous, ignorant, loud mouths, from New Mexico (or anywhere else for that matter).

Posts: 1673 | Location: MANY DIFFERENT PLACES | Registered: 14 May 2004Reply With Quote
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I thought he wasn't Carmelo?
Posts: 7899 | Location: GA | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Balla Balla
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What really worries me is you guys in the USA can put a man on the moon BUT you cant deal to a cyber terrorist with good ol redneck juctice

I'm sure the CIA and the FBI ( Big Indian ) can sort out the problem, or is that a bad news joke in this present day climate (-:

Posts: 3331 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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FBI - Famous But Incompetent
CIA - Christians In Action

Nowadays if one of us were to bitch slap Carmelo the Changeling we would have to plead down to disturbing the peace, do ten days in the slammer, and spend another ten picking up litter off the side of the road on the sheriff's work detail. Ain't worth it.
Posts: 7158 | Location: Snake River | Registered: 02 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Balla Balla
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So from what you are telling me the USA is also going down the liberal slippery slope to destruction with the criminals human rights taking precidence over the victim ???

Holy smoke what happined to the good ol world we used to live in where if one stepped out a line a good swift [ clip across the earhole ] was enough to put these anarchists in line .. please someone help me to understand why this slide towards more rights for the villians is taking place ... Please JudgeG help me understand why my [ sensible sentencing trust ] ideas are NOT acceptable to the vast majority of society .... It would'nt surprise me if there was a movement to FREE MANSON someday in the not tooooo distant future ...

Why is to blame, the law, the judge, or the justice system, or anyone else ???

Posts: 3331 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Perhaps it is the people who elect the bastards that make the laws! They get what they < !--color--> deserve but it affects all of us.

Rich Elliott
Posts: 2013 | Location: Crossville, IL 62827 USA | Registered: 07 February 2001Reply With Quote
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TALL HORSE, short rope. Best Redneck medicine made.

Roger QSL
Posts: 1409 | Location: S. E. ARIZONA | Registered: 05 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Did you ask your friend Carmelo how his Buffalo hunt went? When he last showed up he was claimimg to have booked two hunts in June, one in South Africa and one in Namibia, and was scheduled to hunt a Cape Buffalo with his farorite weapon. He promised to post the pictures on HA. Since then he's been blissfully silent. Since he called you he mist be back. Where are the pictures?
Carmelo - put up or shut up.
Posts: 1903 | Location: Greensburg, Pa. | Registered: 09 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Nowadays if one of us were to bitch slap Carmelo the Changeling we would have to plead down to disturbing the peace, do ten days in the slammer, and spend another ten picking up litter off the side of the road on the sheriff's work detail. Ain't worth it.

Sometimes it is!
Posts: 4106 | Location: USA | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Now dang it, Ray I AIN'T Carmelo or DR458!!

I am ASS_CLOWN aka Scott Sweet. It is my "Scarlet Handle" I wears it with pride as I most certainly earned it. I have used NO other handle since it's (that would be ASS_CLOWN) introduction.

So please stop saying that I am these other, two bit excuses, for trolls! If you don't, you will force me to accuse you of being none other than WET!

Except for the pride part, it makes sense to me.
Posts: 128 | Location: Florida | Registered: 05 July 2003Reply With Quote
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As much as you all talk about Carmelo I think you must miss him. I also see that after DG458 was banned Ass clown was still able to post. You all need to lighten up..
Posts: 297 | Location: california | Registered: 20 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Nowadays if one of us were to bitch slap Carmelo the Changeling we would have to plead down to disturbing the peace, do ten days in the slammer, and spend another ten picking up litter off the side of the road on the sheriff's work detail. Ain't worth it.

I'm retired, so I have time, and I need the exercise, anyway!
Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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AKA carmelo AKA ass clown AKA .......
Posts: 1010 | Registered: 03 February 2004Reply With Quote
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