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Mozambique defence and security forces reinstate mandatory escorts
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Anyone have any more info on this?

Mozambique defence and security forces are today reinstating mandatory escorts for vehicles on the Save-Muxungué section of the N1, because of the threat of attacks by armed groups, Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) spokesman in Sofala Sididi Paulo has told Lusa.

“We have reinstated escorts in the Save-Muxungué section to ensure people’s safety” in the wake of a recent series of attacks attributed to Renamo (Mozambique National Resistance), Paulo says.

The same measure was in force on the same section of road between 2013 and 2014, the last political and military crisis between the government and Renamo, but attacks nevertheless left a number of dead and wounded and caused much damage to the economy.

“This section was the scene of such incidents before, and in face of these latest developments, we decided to go back to the convoy system to protect the population,” Paulo explained.

According to Paulo, the convoy system is the same as before: “a military vehicle in front, one in the middle and a third one at the end of the column,” Paulo said, adding that the situation is calm.

“The situation is under control. We have not recorded any incidents since yesterday’s attack [Wednesday].”

Paulo did not give an end date for the escorts, saying that “the system will remain in place until we are sure that it is safe for people to travel”.

Recent attacks attributed to armed Renamo elements have brought uncertainty back to traveling on the EN1, the only road linking the south to the centre and north of Mozambique. Attacks have focused on the Save-Muxungué section and Gorongosa and Maringué in Sofala province.

A European Union (EU) diplomatic source expressed concern on Wednesday about the “general deterioration” in the political and security situation in Mozambique, hoping for an immediate end to the attacks attributed to Renamo in the centre of the country.

On the eve of a visit to Mozambique of the EU High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, the European bloc says that the recent attacks on the country’s principal highway endanger safety and law and order and wants the perpetrators to “stop immediately”.

Mozambique has been experiencing political instability for several months, with the leader of Renamo threatening to take power in six northern and central provinces of the country, where his movement claims victory in the 2014 general elections.

This is the worst crisis in Mozambique since the Cessation of Military Hostilities Agreement was signed on 5 September 2014 by former President Armando Guebuza and the Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama.

The government and Renamo have accused each other of abduct ions and murders of their members in recent weeks, and Renamo has asked South African PresidentJacob Zuma and the Catholic church to mediate in the its stalled dialogue with the government.

Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi has reiterated his availability to meet the leader of Renamo, but Afonso Dhlakama believes that there is nothing to talk about, Frelimo having rejected Renamo’s request for a revision of the constitution to make possible the creation of the new autonomous administrative regions demanded by the opposition, and saying that dialogue would only now resume after Renamo had taken power in the centre and north of the country.

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I got an email from our partner there last weekend. Been hitting the wires hard with other outfitters and some other intel sources. It is tough though Mart, no one realy seems to know how bad it is. This is the email I got:

Hi Charl. I hope You and Erika are fine and fit.

This side of the world we are now shaking ourselves due to the war have started again and getting worse everyday.

On the government side nobody wants to give any information or concession because as I understood, they suspect that the oposition is using different strategy to gain land for guerrilla. what I can say now is that we must iddlle a bit to see what is the tendency.

The war is serious now. the army is getting beaten so bad with armored vehicles destroyed and goverment soldiers deserting.

I`ll update you on anything. So far, let us wait to see.

Kind regards.

Charl van Rooyen
Infinito Travel Group
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Typical Africa!!! took 18 years to build up that country and now they want to burn it down again!! Good luck for our friends north from us!

Phillip du Plessis
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There is nothing more short sighted than a black African. They simply refuse to look beyond today....Of course I know it's all the white mans fault-NOT!!!!!

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The same could be said for folks in your neck of the woods...
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This is soooo messed up......

Charl van Rooyen
Infinito Travel Group
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Originally posted by jdollar:
There is nothing more short sighted than a black African. They simply refuse to look beyond today....Of course I know it's all the white mans fault-NOT!!!!!

No - It was all Jan van Riebeecks' fault. nilly

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Jaco Human
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What a terrible thing to happen again.

And we all thought that country has put all its past troubles behind, and was on the mend.
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Unpredictable Africa. What a shame.

Jan Dumon
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I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this is a flash in the pan and will pass fairly quickly. But that is based on past experiences, and as has been said the government isn't releasing a lot of information, so I stand to be corrected.
Posts: 409 | Registered: 30 July 2015Reply With Quote
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Let's hope so ! Time will tell shortly.TIA..
Posts: 229 | Location: Coutada 9 Mozambique | Registered: 27 December 2013Reply With Quote
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“The situation is under control. We have not recorded any incidents since yesterday’s attack [Wednesday].”

Translated - "We have no control but are not being attacked at the moment."
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No indication of hostilities in the southern area, and in fact no talk of it yet.

For those who may want to know more on Mozambique there is a web site which covers a lot including intelligence and security issues. They have a newsletter you can subscribe to.
Posts: 536 | Location: The Plains of Africa | Registered: 07 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Only one road leading north from Inchope to Caia that me, Erika and my people have to drive on 10 Sept. This happen to be the only road these boys are targeting and ambushing.......not taking chances but yes its early days. I just do not want to be the first to hit the news headlines. We ran that gauntlet in 2013 a week before Tom Miranda's convoy was shot up not doing it again.

Charl van Rooyen
Infinito Travel Group
Cell: +27 78 444 7661
Tel: +27 13 262 4077
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Hereford Street 28A

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Zimbabwe Borders Under Threat

By Kenneth Matimaire

AREAS along Zimbabwe's border with Mozambique are under threat from the unrest rocking the neighbouring country following fresh clashes between the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo) government and opposition Mozambique National Resistance (Renamo), the Financial Gazette can report.

Renamo, a rebel movement led by opposition leader Afonso Dhlakama, waged a 16-year civil war that ended in 1992 against Frelimo, which has been ruling Mozambique since independence in 1975.

The Dhlakama-led militant opposition went into a power-sharing arrangement with the Filipe Nyusi-led government, but later withdrew in 2013 citing an unfair governance system.

The rebel movement also refused to accept the Frelimo party's victory in 2014 elections and has taken up arms.

In an escalation of a simmering conflict between the old civil war foes, pockets of violent clashes have erupted in the neighbouring country.

Mozambique's Ministry of Education and Human Development has revealed that 97 schools have been closed in Sofala, Manica, Tete and Zambezia provinces due to clashes between Renamo and government security forces.

The on-going clashes are posing a new security threat to Zimbabwe after Renamo rebels and Mozambican refugees were spotted in areas bordering Mozambique in the eastern province.

Early this year, Renamo rebel soldiers were spotted in Nyanga and Burma Valley where they lured unemployed youths to join their army.

In Chipinge District -- situated in the southern part of Manicaland -- Mozambicans have sought refuge.

Members of Parliament, traditional leaders and pressure groups have warned of an imminent threat posed by the conflict in Mozambique.

Nyanga North legislator, Hubert Nyanhongo, told a Parliamentary session in March this year that Renamo rebels were recruiting youths from his constituency.

A Burma Valley-based farmer recently confirmed similar incidents in the banana farming area.

"We are at risk of losing some of our farm workers here because Renamo soldiers have been coming here frequently and asking our workers to join their army. We are very worried about our safety and that of our livestock. Who knows maybe tomorrow they will be forcing everyone to join," said the resettled farmer who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Chipinge resident and Platform for Youth Development founder, Claris Madhuku, said Mozambicans fleeing from the unrest were seeking refuge in Chipinge.

"It may be important for the public to know that the unrest in Mozambique is affecting areas along the border. There has been an influx of people from Mozambique to Zimbabwe, who are seeking refuge from Matsangaise (Renamo rebels)," he said.

Chief Mapungwana also confirmed that several Mozambicans have approached his traditional council asking for a place to seek refuge.

Manicaland provincial police spokesperson, Luxson Chananda, however, said he was in the dark over the matter.

But Zimbabwe Republic Police spokesperson, Charity Charamba, said their officers in Manicaland were on high alert.

"I have checked with officer commanding Manicaland and officer commanding Mashonaland West because they, both, police borders with Mozambique, but they haven't received anything official. They have also checked with refugee camps (Tongogara Refugee Camp in Chipinge), but there are unconfirmed rumours. So they are going to verify these reports and see whether it's true or not," she said.

Provincial army spokesperson, Major Luke Mafere, referred questions to national army spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Alphios Makotore, who requested questions in writing.

These were e-mailed to him over a fortnight ago before he later requested this paper to send the questions to a Colonel Ndlovu at the Zimbabwe National Army headquarters.

Ndlovu had not responded to questions from this newspaper at the time of going to print.

Buhera South legislator, Joseph Chinotimba, recently raised concerns in Parliament over the army's state of preparedness in dealing with the Mozambican crisis.

Chinotimba said Zimbabweans living along border areas were not safe, including the country's investments such as the Beira Corridor which transports fuel from the Beira Port to Mutare.

Minister of Defence, Sydney Sekeremayi, responded by saying government was closely following events in Mozambique and would react accordingly to any threats.

"The Mozambican government should be the first to deal with Renamo rebellion. When our interests are tempered with, we will definitely react and we will notify the government there," Sekeremayi told Parliament.


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Holy smokes, if refugees are going to Zimbabwe things must be really bad in Moz.

Paul Smith
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Very sad indeed.
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