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Originally posted by bulldog563:
If you are up for going to a smaller maker I would check out Peter Hofer ( ) and Trevor Proctor ( ). They both make beautiful rifles.

i know Peter i have stored his booth for him here in vegas several times, he has one double he wanted 1.1 mil for and that was 4 years ago,


I can carry any weight rifle all day it dosent bother me, when i go hunting with the eception of twice i'm in tip top shape, i have been into body building for years. while its true a light gun is more comfortable, a heavy gun is fine too,

sorry about the spelling,
I missed that class.
Posts: 1407 | Location: Beverly Hills Ca 90210<---finally :) | Registered: 04 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by SBT:
You should think about bidding on SCI Auction number 19504. This is for a 14 day bull elephant hunt with Chifuti Safaris (PH-Andrew Dawson accompanied by Craig Boddington), a custom fitted boxlock double in .470 NE by John Rigby and filmed by Safari Classics Productions. This way you'd not only get a great hunt and rifle, but your rifle would be done in time for the 2007 safari.

thanks for the suggestion but i awalys hunt with Alan Vincent for 25-30 days.

I have carefully read every thread in this thread and looked at the pics wow, i trhink i'm gonna go the H&H route, I have shot 14 elephants and have well over 100 days hunting them so I have a bit of experience, I 500/.465 is the smart play. I shot one elephant with a 577t-rex and the penetration was less than goodtoo much frontal area, so i'm cold on a 600 or 700 nitro. I like penetration, I awalys brain them so a big hole isnt necessary. thanks for all the suggestions

sorry about the spelling,
I missed that class.
Posts: 1407 | Location: Beverly Hills Ca 90210<---finally :) | Registered: 04 November 2001Reply With Quote
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LV Eric,
There is a H&H 500/465 on auction soon at Holt's in case you're interested.

"...Them, they were Giants!"
J.A. Hunter describing the early explorers and settlers of East Africa

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I would choose a nice .500/.416 or even a .450/.400 over any of the bigger bores. A rifle that is not too heavy to carry is important. If you give your rifle to the tracker to carry, even for a few hours - it will need to be re-blued after the hunt.

I have owned a couple of nice doubles but they were always too heavy for all day carry so never ever shot anything with them- they were alway in camp or the truck when needed.

Prefer a good boxlock with false side plates.
Posts: 3026 | Location: Zimbabwe | Registered: 23 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Ganyana:
If you give your rifle to the tracker to carry, even for a few hours - it will need to be re-blued after the hunt.

He could get H&H to make a spare set of bead blasted stainless steel barrels in case a tracker needs to carry the rifle. Wink

If money is not an object, then just get the Peter Hofer rifle for 1.1 mil and be happy. Cool
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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LV Eric

I would suggest you look around and get a vintage British gun, ie a double built say from 1920 to 1935.

Since money is no object You can stay with the high end names like H&H, Westley Richards, Purdy, Rigby, etc.

400 Nitro is correct in his comments on H&H's. I have had that same conversation with JJ.

Get the one that fits you best. Usually H&H, and WR guns do not fit me. Rigby,s Jefferys, and Army & Navy almost always do.
I handled a Purdy that felt good but I would not want the self opening feature on a double rifle.

I think the vintage British guns are the best doubles ever made.

As to calibre, anything from 450/400 to 475 will serve you well.

I am not so picky about the calibre as I am to how the rifle fits me,and its condition.

Both my 450 No2 and my 450/400 3 1/4" have served me well.

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Originally posted by 475Guy:

I believe it's a marksmanship problem and not a caliber problem, IMO

It's if the brain is missed when the larger big bore calibres (eg a .500 and up) perhaps start to become more important.

However I feel a .450 to .475 class double makes a nice compromise in added security and confidence and weight which can be carried on the hunt.


John H.

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Originally posted by Will:
Originally posted by RIP:
Probably the double fire was caused by the hunter yanking both triggers accidentally

Gee, ya think?

H&H: 150 years or so.
Hunter: 15 min.

You make the call. Smiler

jumping jumping jumping


....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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"If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982

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Personally, I'd look for an older british gun, with damascus barrels, with the "sexy" barrels, and external hammers -- I'm referring to an old SXS shotgun, in my experience, but they look just so darn good. I've got my buddy in Zambia keeping an eye out for any old English doubles in need of "rescuing."

My taste also is a bit more "modern" than others -- I like good engraving, but I chose good lines and shape over decoration, and function above all... (I've finally broken down and started carrying a plastic gun (XD45) -- can't stand it, but it works very well, so my custom revolvers and 1911s stay at home.)
But it's not my money, or my butt dealing with a annoyed an elephant.

I've got zero safari experience (yet, if we can ever get work straightend out, I'm heading for Zambia, and not coming back, at least not until someone makes me -- getting damn tired of living in a city.) and I'm sure you already have the idea, but I think confidence in your weapon would be the best thing it could have.

You are essentially betting your life on your gun, your marksmenship, and your ammunition -- I'd go with the gun that gave me the greatest confidence in it's reliability, and the one that you can develop the greatest confidence in -- essentially, which one can you practice the most with.

This might be nuts, but given the terrain around LV, you might be able to do it.

I -- along with plenty of other people that I stole the idea from -- am a big believer in using a shotgun made to duplicate your hunting rifle on sporting clays, ballons tied to RC cars, etc.

If the ammo cost doesn't bother you, and you can find a place free enough from rocks, it might be pretty easy to find a place remote enough outside LV to be able to use your DR to try and hit those targets.

(Tie one red ballon, and a few white ones to an RC "monster" truck. Swap off with some buddies trying to shoot the red ballon, and not hit the whites -- great way to spend an afternoon.)

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Originally posted by Ganyana:
I would choose a nice .500/.416 or even a .450/.400 over any of the bigger bores. A rifle that is not too heavy to carry is important. If you give your rifle to the tracker to carry, even for a few hours - it will need to be re-blued after the hunt.

I have owned a couple of nice doubles but they were always too heavy for all day carry so never ever shot anything with them- they were alway in camp or the truck when needed.

Prefer a good boxlock with false side plates.

i never re-blue any gun, i like the used look my dakota 375HH that I have done 90% of my hunting with looks well worn and I like memories that go with that,

i will never let a tracker carry for me, i'm fit enough to caqrry anything and the day i'm not i will stop hunting, i have been into bodybuilding for years so it helps as far as the weight of the gun is concerned but is a disadvantage because my overall weight is higher and gym strength is useless walking up a steep hill.

thanks for the advice
cheers, hope your well and will consider your caliber suggestions

sorry about the spelling,
I missed that class.
Posts: 1407 | Location: Beverly Hills Ca 90210<---finally :) | Registered: 04 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Heritage Arms:
So my choices would be H&H or a Blaser


Aleko, I do agree with some of what you say here, but That last sentence is pure sin, personified! Those two names shouldn't be printed on the same page, or even in the same book, much less than in the same sentence!

I'm not an H&H worshipper,But I'd never compare a H&H to anything made by BLAZER, especialy if it has two barrels! thumbdown

......................... sofa Big Grin

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
DRSS Charter member
"If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982

Hands of Old Elmer Keith

Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I´d go with a used gun, a gun with some history. Caliber could be a .600NE.

"What doesn´t kill you makes you stranger!"
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I'll just assume that this was a rhetorical question . . . . Big Grin Cool


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