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Western Cape: Cops net rhino horns at road block
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Western Cape: Cops net rhino horns at road block

Johannesburg - Two men were arrested in the early hours of Monday morning for illegal possession of rhino horns, Western Cape police said.

The horns were found during a routine road block near Beaufort West, Captain Malcolm Pojie said.

"During the subsequent search members found fifteen rhino horns between the luggage of the two suspects. The horns were sealed in wrapped plastic and concealed in the luggage."

The horns weighed about 38kg and were valued around R2.6m, he said.

One of the men fled the scene as the other was being arrested but police found him at a guest house and arrested him as well.

It was alleged that the illegal shipment of rhino horn was destined for Cape Town as the men were travelling by public transport from Johannesburg, Pojie said.

Police were investigating the possibility that they were linked to a syndicate.

Cape Nature Conservation had joined the Provincial Organised Crime Investigation Unit which was attached to the Hawks in assisting with the investigation.

The men were being held in the Beaufort West police holding cells and were expected to appear in court on Wednesday, Pojie said.



~ Alan

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