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new member |
Carmello, You state over and over again to "chose your outfitters and brokers carefully" this is akin to saying don't put your fingers in the fire as you may get burnt. Left alone this is sound advice. However, you then use that footing to jump to a conspiracy theory regarding unknown outfitters and unknown brokers being out to get us, by planting "agents" among us. When pressed to name names, you revert to the �chose your outfitters carefully " line. Your reasoning is like saying fruits are good, nuts are good and by the way fruits and nuts killed Kennedy from the grassy knoll. I do not have a dog in whatever hunt you�re in but give this a rest will you? | ||
not one of us |
Apparantly the same TROLLS and forum abusers are still dominating this forum. Attacking anyone and everyone who's opinions they disagree with. Playing "Capstick" as they try to push their canned hunts and broker big $$$ money hunts for guys that don't know better. You trolls still making money conning people into your fake hunts? Everyone! Be wary of any outfitter that posts here! But hey! Then again It's YOUR MONEY. Do as you wish ![]() Isn't it funny how all these guys will state they are hitting the ignore button yet will still find a way to respond? C | |||
one of us |
--- original graphic deleted as it has served its purpose --- | |||
not one of us |
Nice pic Faucett. And I had you pegged for one of the normal ones. ![]() | |||
Moderator |
You aren't going to gain much credibility or respect by attacking your fellow forum members. If you don't like the company, leave, and don't come back. George | |||
not one of us |
I don't come here to comment on the company however I have had interesting experiences with one or two of the resident TROLLS. Credibility is not something I seek. Those who are interested in posts about the 45-70 and it's uses on D/G and would like to discuss are the real reasons I come to forums like this. Not for the attacks, and crap that follows EVERY SINGLE thread on the 45-70. Thus the intention of this post, a sigh of frustration that somethings never change. Sorry if that offended you. ![]() | |||
Administrator |
Carmelo, I try to keep out of arguments that do not concerne me, but you seem to have picked on a man I have dealt with, and consider as a close friend. If you have been cheated by any outfitter, why don't you go ahead and post the details. Insinuations can only hurt your own reputation. On another thread you specifically targetted my friend Ray Atkinson. A man I have had the pleasure of dealing and hunting with. I have absolutely the utmost trust in him. In fact, I have paid, in advance, the full amount required for 9 of us to hunt with him later this year. Would I have done that if I had ANY doubt about his honesty? And, for your information, I have had the pleasure of buying products and services from a number of my friends who post on these forums And without exception, ever single one of them was true to his words, and I would be more than happy to deal with any of them again. I am not saying there are no bad apples out there, but if you do have some bad personal experiences, you might as well make them public, or refrain from making false accusations. | |||
one of us |
Quote: Seems more like taking a shit on your host's carpet, instead of "a sigh of frustration". | |||
not one of us |
Saeed I have not accused anyone of anything. I have simply stated in the past I have posted such information about several outfitters and was banned from posting on forums as a result of it. I have also advised that any and all hunters excercise caution and do their homework when choosing and outfitter/broker to give their hard earned money too. I have not targeted any individual nor do I care to. If you and others have had good experiences with this particular outfitter that is great. I am glad to hear that. However that still does not change the fact that everyone of us should do our homework and check every side to a story. My posts on the 45-70 don't earn me any money. I don't make sell or advocate any ammunition manufacturer or gun maker. I talk about my Marlin cuz that's what I shoot. All hunters should be wary. I think you would agree with that statement. C | |||
not one of us |
Nah I wouldn't do that. But I can speak me mind. Sorry if my words sting you so terribly. C | |||
Administrator |
On another thread, you answered JudgeG, who was specifically talking about Ray. Hence my answer to you here. I have absolutely no problem with you, or anyone else for that matter, using a 45-70 or a 22 rim fire for dangerous game. And I hope you know by now that we do not ban people here. You can say whatever you like. If it is relevant and sounds believable, people will believe you. If it sounds fishy, people will take you to task on it. This has always been the form on this forum. There are far too many people who have hunted Africa for years, so the armchair safari hunters tales don't go down well with them. Post whatever you like, and I can assure you you won't be banned. | |||
Moderator![]() |
Quote: Carmelo, Are you saying that you have been banned here from posting on forums? If yes, can you please post when this occurred? To my knowledge no one has been "banned" from posting here, ever. (To qualify that, I believe some users were prevented from posting by posing as multiple personalities from the same ISP, but that is not the same as they were still able to post just not post on one handle, then log off and log back on as someone else then answer their own question or comment. And I may even be wrong about that) However, if you have had a different experience that I am unaware of please post it. | |||
not one of us |
Well I am not armchair Safair hunter as I have not even been to Africa yet. Good to know that AR is a fair and open forum. It would simply be better for those who aren't interested in my posts, or posts on the 45-70 to simply ignore them. Then those of us who do wish to converse on the topic can do so in peace. Again, on the subject of unethical outfitters/brokers I HIGHLY RECOMMEND hunters check all reference and do some research on the Internet! Escpecially when it comes to brokers/outfitters that skulk about on this forum and others. They have their point men out here posting as experienced hunters to lure you in then they swoop down for the kill. That is there method of operation. I was banned on HA for exposing this exact type of thing. C | |||
not one of us |
Mark, I was banned on HA for exposing some of the unethical brokers/outfitters. NOT AR. C | |||
not one of us |
Wolfe, Why don't you just do the leg work yourself??? I advised people to use caution when they choose an outfitter. The guys at HA deleted all the posts I made on the topic and banned me for it. Go look up the info yourself. C | |||
<Guest> |
Ah never mind! | ||
one of us |
Carmelo, This is my first (and will be my last) answer to one of your posts! From my number of posts, and taking into consideration the date I first registered on AR, any one can see that I am not a very active member. Unfortunately in don�t have as much free time as I would like to have, to post here. I check on the forum at least once a day and try to post, especially on this �African Big Game Hunting�, only when I believe that I have some significant contribution to make to an issue. I have been to Africa, on safari, for four times and I still don�t pretend to know about brokers/outfitters, etc� as much as you do! What are you doing here on this forum?: -You are not sharing your African experience with us, as you have none to share. -You are not seeking any kind of information about hunting in Africa, as you seem to know all about it and even being in the possession on very privileged information regarding brokers and outfitters. What ever you may know about any broker/outfitter posting here you seem to want to keep it as your �little secret�. I am not a broker or outfitter but, as a member of this forum, I have to consider that, by launching this suspicion on each and every broker/outfitter posting here (and refusing to back it up with facts), your attitude is nothing but the proof of your cowardliness. B.Martins | |||
not one of us |
B.martins, If making statement statements that hunter should check references of the outfiters and brokers they deal with is bad advice they you must be in league with the unethical ones. I stated the reasons why I was banned from HA. That is all. C | |||
not one of us |
You know I was thinking about this post and some others. For all of you out there who are interested, lets take a moment and review some things. What have I done that is truly so terrible that would have so many intelligent and experienced hunters in such an uproar? Well I have extolled the virtues of the 45-70 cartridge, when properly loaded to at least 2000 fps or higher with a 400 grain or higher bullet. I believe this is more than adequate for any D/G. I have advised readers as the recent rash of phony outfitters and cautioned people to check references. I have exposed TROLLS, spammers and scouts for shady outfitters and was banned from other forums for doing so. I have corresponed with Rifle Magazine on the 45-70 issue, admitted I was the guy who did it and published the details. With all that I am still trying to figure out why these guys get their panty's in such a bunch... THE ONLY REASON IS THESE GUYS STAND TO LOSE $$ WHEN PEOPLE FIND OUT THEY ARE CON ARTISTS. Regular people who didn't have something to lose wouldn't give a crap what I thought about the 45-70. They wouldn't stalk me from forum to forum trying to kill my threads or get me banned yadda yadda yadda. They would just ignore me and read what interested them. BUT AS WE CAN ALL SEE THEY KEEP COMING AT ME.. Don't you all think that is just a bit TOO STRANGE??? C | |||
one of us |
Boys, as you probably had figured, he never exposed anything or anyone on HA. He did just as he does here--he started by saying how good the .45-70 was for dangerous game (primarily buff), then, when advised that there were better choices, he set about filling the site with endless drivel and name calling. There has been a sigh of relief over there concerning his absence. Any wagers that I will now be a troll, and I must also be a shady safari dealer! | |||
not one of us |
And I was banned just for talking about the 45-70 huh?? Yeah ok sure. I recall making a post here on AR a while back when I was shopping flights to Africa, one of the Airline vendors sent me a list of off season prices that I shared with the forum just as an "FYI" and nearly got my head bit off for doing so. Why such a reaction? Becuase the shady outfitters don't want people to manage their own hunts they want all aspects under their control. As for you, well I don't know what you are. I know in HA you acted like a TROLL on AR thus far you haven't exhibited the same behaviour. But dont' perpetuate BS to the folks here. YOU KNOW QUITE WELL that I wasn't banned for extolling the virtues of the 45-70 or stating that many of the poeple there were trolls. I pleaded with the trolls to just ignore my posts. I was banned for exposing frauds. I have even been threatened as a result. C | |||
one of us |
I think you have a tire missing or damn sure are a few bricks short of a full load! Your imagination runs overtime! You never exposed anything, certainly no frauds. You were banned because you ranted endlessly about nothing. Your old .45-70 wasn't even your topic after the first couple of posts--all you did was cry and squawl and accuse everyone of being a troll. I've noticed an awful lot of the same thing here, but not a whole lot of discussion on your beloved .45-70. That part seems to be quite one-sided. | |||
not one of us |
Yeah sure dude. You must be on the payroll.. C | |||
not one of us |
And that is why you still find time to follow me here and to respond. Because my posts are all just babble... Come you are worried I will expose people on this forum too. C | |||
one of us |
Go for it! Everybody is waiting! | |||
not one of us |
I have said my peace on shady outfitters. People can use caution or not use caution. Completely up to them. The Internet abounds with info on these shady operators. You can all do your homework as it suits you. When I try to be helpful all I get is more attacks. READERS do your homework when choosing an OUTFITTER. It's just common sense. C | |||
not one of us |
Why do you keep writing to me ARTS?? Can you explain why that is??? C | |||
not one of us |
If the fruits and nuts would leave me to post my threads in peace I would be happy to put things to rest. I don't go attacking others for every thead I don't agree with. These guys do however, and their is a reason they do. Why not explain why these guys go so crazy over a few posts. It is almost abnormal. Unless they have an agenda. You can'tr refute it... All the ignor stuff is crap. The same guys are creating new logins to argue with me while stating I am being ignored with their regular logins, it would be amusing if it weren't so retarded. C | |||
not one of us |
Hahaha You should check out HA, someone just told me that Zero IQ is threatening to have me "evaporated"!!!! And you guys say I am the nut... hhahahahahaha Such threats over 45-70 posts.... yeah thats normal right?? hahahaha | |||
<Guest> |
Who told you or is that Top Secret too? I went to HA and looked and that ain't what he said just more of your bullshit! Man you need to get a life.You are nothing but a TROLL | ||
<mikeh416Rigby> |
Quote:Actually, this nitwit is making trolls look good. ![]() | ||
One of Us![]() |
Carmelo - I forgot that since you have been banned over on HA you cannot log on. Here is what I posted - Indy - Check out the African Hunting forum. Our little buddy made over 50 posts alone today on AR. Sorta difficult to miss all his intelligence. You will see the warm welcome everyone gave him over there. His being banned had nothing to do with his lies and screwy posts, but everything to do with tortuous statements towards certain booking agents in an attempt to hurt their business. In the past, he has also made veiled threats to crash Saeed�s server with denial of service attacks. In short, this guy is a problem and needs to evaporate. Gosh I miss him... | |||
not one of us |
Hey moron, they deleted all the posts when they banned me. If you want to think I am a TROLL then think that. Why don't you pretend to put me on ignore like the rest of the idiots and you won't have to deal with me further. Believe me you will be doing me a favor. The sheer magnitude of stupidity I am dealing with here is begginging to wear even me down. C | |||
not one of us |
Oh so I need to evaporate huh?? Hmmmm and people call me a nut? Hahaha Go away TROLL. C | |||
<Guest> |
Lier! Nobody threatened you so why lie? Your a Troll and everyone knows it.Too bad punks like you can hide behind the keyboard. | ||
not one of us |
Another nutjob! I thought you had me on ignore??? C | |||
one of us |
"With all that I am still trying to figure out why these guys get their panty's in such a bunch..." Simply because you are a terminally annoying little piece of shit. It doesn't matter what you think or what you have to say -- nobody wants to listen to a whining adolescent slobbering in his Cheerios. Your father needs to whack you with his belt buckle and your mother needs to send you to your room and lock you in the closet where you belong. Grow up or get lost, twit. | |||
not one of us |
Hey nutjob, If you were all ignoring me like you say you are we wouldn't be having this conversation. Now click ignore and go away. C | |||
one of us |
Carmelo I just don't understand. Everywhere you post the shit starts to fly. I don't know how you stand it. I guess small minds can't comprehend true wisdom when they see it. Keep up the good fight, somewhere else please. Dave | |||
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