AR15 in 30 AR?
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I am interested in buying my first AR15 rifle and I think I want it chambered for the 30 Rem. AR cartridge. Is Remington the only Mfg. of rifles in this caliber, the R15? If so, is it a good AR15, any experience with them? Is there a better AR15 in 30 AR? What advice can you give me on getting an AR15 in 30 cal.
Posts: 157 | Location: Kenosha, WI | Registered: 25 February 2005Reply With Quote
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AFAIK, no one else makes an upper chambered in .30 Remington AR. However, there are several offerings in 7.62x39, which has similar ballistics.

.30 Rem AR uses a proprietary case with a .492" case head, so you have to use Remington's brass/ammunition. If they decide to drop the cartridge, you would be S-O-L.

The rifle itself is built by either DPMS or Bushmaster, which are wholly-owned subsidiaries that produce mid-tier ARs.

If you want a fully-capable .30 caliber AR-type rifle, get an Armalite AR-10 in .308.


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I actually own both rifles. The rem AR-10 in 308 and the R-15 in 30 RAR. I gotta admit i am very impressed and surprised by the 30 RAR. Rem said they will release brass around July. Ammo is cheap and reloading data is more than plentiful, you can pm me your email addy and I will send you a ton of it. I've used it for groundhogs and coyote, plus wild boar. It does the job, it doesn't have the downrange power of the 308 but its a lethal 250-300 yd round. Best of all it holds up great in windy conditions and its handles great. no feeding or jamming problems. Another similar but more powerful alternative will be the .300 OSSM based on the 25 WSSSM case. Can't BS your way around performance and so far its done a great job (30 RAR) for me.
Posts: 2268 | Location: Westchester, NY, USA | Registered: 02 July 2007Reply With Quote
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The 308 Win. Has proven itself as an excellent cartridge, but my line of thinking, and please correct me if I am wrong; is that the short action of the AR15 and the short case of the 30 AR or the 7.62X39 would prove to be more reliable, a better auto loading system. If the Armalite AR10 in 308 Win. Works well, and I am guessing it does, since George gave it a thumbs up, maybe I will consider going that route. I am just under the impression that longer actions just don’t function as well as a short action.
Posts: 157 | Location: Kenosha, WI | Registered: 25 February 2005Reply With Quote
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The .308 Winchester is the civilian version of the 7.62 NATO. The NATO cartridge was originally developed (In the 50’s) to be used in auto loading military rifles. (Some notables are the M14, FN FAL, HK 91/G3, and the M60) It has a long track record and should function well in any properly built auto loading rifle.

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Originally posted by eurocentric:
I actually own both rifles. The rem AR-10 in 308 and the R-15 in 30 RAR. I gotta admit i am very impressed and surprised by the 30 RAR. Rem said they will release brass around July. Ammo is cheap and reloading data is more than plentiful, you can pm me your email addy and I will send you a ton of it. I've used it for groundhogs and coyote, plus wild boar. It does the job, it doesn't have the downrange power of the 308 but its a lethal 250-300 yd round. Best of all it holds up great in windy conditions and its handles great. no feeding or jamming problems. Another similar but more powerful alternative will be the .300 OSSM based on the 25 WSSSM case. Can't BS your way around performance and so far its done a great job (30 RAR) for me.


I have a tube gun in 30BR and ready to use it on live game

Very similar to 30 Remington in ballistics

Have you actually shot game and effective out to 250 -300 ?
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I have an Armalite AR10-A2 in 308 and absolutely love it. I have looked at the Rem AR30 as a smaller lighter rifle as the AR10 get heavy after a day of walking in the Deer woods.

Steve E.........

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I've got a few AR-10's. There is only ONE AR-10 and that's an Armalite. The 10-T model flat out shoots sub-moa at 100yards.

The only negative IMHO to the 308 in the AR platform is the finish weight of the rifle and the muzzle flip. But hey, it's a 308 and not a little 5.56.

And the Armalite magazines are worth the cost. The Gen II's work excellent.

Only thing I like more in an AR is the 6.8spc!
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A lot of wrong information out there like George's comments. Here's the dimensions of the 30 RAR:

The AR 15 for the 30 RAR has a hybrid upper. That is it fits all AR15 lowers, but it's different. It has an AR15 size carrier bore so uses an AR15 carrier, but the bolt is AR10 size. So that means that the barrel extension is an AR10 size one. The upper receiver is thicker, but not as thick as an AR10. The threads on the front of the receiver will of course be larger in diameter for the AR10 barrel extension/barrel.

The round is has more power then the 7.62x39. Being it's built on AR10 size components you can load the cartridge much hotter then the 7.62x39.

Last being it's has a .473 case head and .500 web diamter (sound familiar?) you could probably for .284 Winchester brass into 30 RAR should Remington drop the brass.

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I have not shot anything with a 30 Remington AR.

But my nephew and I have killed 6 deer and 3 wild pigs with Remingtons 125gr Managed recoil 308 ammo. It has worked Great.

The 308 is one of my most favorite cartridges, but a 30 RAR rifle is a LOT more compact and lighter than a 308 AR.

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I'm so impressed with its ability to buck the wind and shoot long range I'm taking with me to Utah for Predator hunting. lapua has some 123 solids which shoot great from this rifle
Posts: 2268 | Location: Westchester, NY, USA | Registered: 02 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Hold fire my friend

have a look at
Posts: 1661 | Location: London | Registered: 14 February 2007Reply With Quote
<Andrew cempa>

You serious? A 125 30 al (BC around .260) at 2800 is a "wind bucking" round?

NOT. It may be nominally better than a 150 FN 30/30, but wind bucking it ain't. Hopefully you'll have learned its drift and drop very by the time you attempt to hit a critter the size of a 'yote past about 200 yrds....

This round is WORSE in external ballistcs and enegry than the 6.8 SPC....

Run a few numbers across the JBM site to see how poorly it in fact performs, especailly past about 200 yards, compared to the lowly 223.....

A 69 grn BTHP in a 223 at 3000 f/s from a 20 inch AR will kick the pants off this 30 RAR external ballistics wise(and the 69 grn is a lightweight in the 223 these days).

Come on.
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Andrew, I was in an outdoor range with 10-20 mph winds, shooting at a 200 yd target, using 123, 147 and 160 bullets. Good groups and all inside the black. I was very impressed. I had a chance to shoot boar in PA with it and it performed very well. It's an easy caliber to reload for, I would choose it over any 22 Caliber any day of the week.
Posts: 2268 | Location: Westchester, NY, USA | Registered: 02 July 2007Reply With Quote
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