Suppressed WASR
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Finally got my form 1 approved on my new trust last week. Only took 4-1/2 months. Made the can from scrap left over from other projects.


In my opinion the best accessory to put on a rifle is a silencer.
Posts: 803 | Location: WA, USA | Registered: 29 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of ted fries
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very nice. id like to hear more about the legal steps to take so i might acheive the same for the rem 25 i just brought home. can u give a breif description of the papers and where to find them and also how does the already made cans from surefire and yankey hill fall into the process.

when all is said and done...more will be said then done
Posts: 134 | Location: alaska | Registered: 26 August 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of ted fries
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very nice. ive got way more questions then intelegent comments tho.

i just took home a rem R25 and wonder what steps i need to take to outfit it with this same kind of can suppresor. ive seen offers from "surefire" and "yankey hill" and wonder what kind of process i need to follow for bringing one of these home with me.

also i would like to ask if this suppresor acts as a muzzel brake as well as a noise reducer?

the model r-25 is already muzzel heavy [ not that im complaining ] however i wonder how much the can weighs on the muzzel.

see i told u that i had a bunch of questions.

nice job tho and im interested in doing the same for my old sp-1 as well....just for giggles. have always wanted to experiment with suppresors and maybe now is the time .

thanks for sharing this with us and hope you dont mind the questions.

when all is said and done...more will be said then done
Posts: 134 | Location: alaska | Registered: 26 August 2009Reply With Quote
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To buy a silencer from a dealer, first find one that deals in title 2 weapons. Then pay for the silencer. The dealer will give you an ATF form 4 to fill out and get signed by your local sheriff. This is sent in along with form 5330.20, finger print cards and a check for $200. When it is approved and sent back with a canceled tax stamp 1-6 months later, then you go to the dealer and take home your silencer.

To make one, the process is similar except you fill out the ATF form 1 to make and register a silencer. It is sent in with the same forms as the form 4 and takes about the same amount of time for approval. Anyone with a bit of experience on a lathe can make a good silencer. If the local sheriff will not sign the back of the form, then you can ask a DA or judge to sign. Another method is to create a trust or Corp. to own it for you, then the signature and fingerprints are not required.

The baffles act as a brake, but not as good as a real muzzle brake since the gases eventually exit only the front of the can. The added weight (depending on size) also reduces felt recoil. ATF forms are available from the ATF website.

The R25 appears to be a clone of the AR-10 or SR-25. It is a simple matter for a gunsmith to thread the barrel to match the silencer threads or attach the proper adaptor. 308 silencers are going to be at least $600 and up.

In my opinion the best accessory to put on a rifle is a silencer.
Posts: 803 | Location: WA, USA | Registered: 29 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Where did you get plans?
Posts: 539 | Registered: 14 February 2003Reply With Quote
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No plans. I design them myself. I decide on how it is mounted and how much volume I want. I typically make them close to the size that is available commercially. I make a drawing on MS paint to see what it looks like then, if I like it, I send in the tax stamp application to the ATF. I place the baffles about one bullet length apart and machine them so they are about .005" smaller than the tubing ID. I normally use K baffles except for the blast baffle; that one is a 60 degree cone.

I think this time I may have put the blast baffle too close to the muzzle. I heard this can lead to erosion of the muzzle when heating up under extended firing.


In my opinion the best accessory to put on a rifle is a silencer.
Posts: 803 | Location: WA, USA | Registered: 29 December 2003Reply With Quote
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