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Hunting with Modern Military Rifles
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How many of you have hunted with a Modern Military Rifle?

I have found them most useful.

I have hunted and killed deer with an AK-47 [2] a Steyr AUG [2], several prairrie dogs as well,
Several turkeys with an AR-15, and 2 javillina.

But my favorite "Military" hunting rifle has been the H&K 91. I have killed several deer, including my second best, several antelope, including my second best, and several turkeys.

The H&K was for years my "Lucky Gun".

I could hunt for days, and get nothing, then take out the H&K and make a good kill.

I always used a 5 round magazine, even when it was not legally required as it made the rifle lighter and more compact.

The H&K was very accurate and reliable. All the game was killed with reloads.

I even used the bipod and retractible stock when hunting several times.

Of all the Modern "Military" rifles is is my favorite.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Not exactly on point with your topic, but I see that Remington is now offering both the AR15 platform and the AR10 as well in full camo colors and "billing" them as hunting rifles. State that the AR10 version is available in two or three different calibers, 308 being one, and as you, they must believe there is a following in the sporting field for such rifles. I have used the 15/223 for sometime now and hunted all manner of varmints, and yes deer. Works every time and sure don't have to worry about scratchng or hurting the thing.
Posts: 1165 | Location: Banks of Kanawha, forks of Beaver Dam and Spring Creek | Registered: 06 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Although Remington's version of the Ar 15 rifles are made by Bushmaster, and the 308 ect are made by DPMS, it gives a certain mainstream creditabilty to the military rifle design. Remember the anti gunners like the words "sporting rifle", so it's a good thing
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I have used an AR15 on deer and antelope. The 223 is a bit weak for those animals, in my experience.
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Picture of adamhunter
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I've killed one deer with an AR, and though that buck dropped on the spot, I wouldn't do it again.

Not really a modern military weapon, my choice for coyotes, feral dogs and the like is an M1 carbine.

30+ years experience tells me that perfection hit at .264. Others are adequate but anything before or after is wishful thinking.
Posts: 854 | Location: Atlanta, GA | Registered: 20 December 2007Reply With Quote
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I think you post is right on with my topic.
Civilian versions of proven Military rifles make great hunting rifles especially in rugged conditions.

After all once upon a time the Mauser 98 was a "Modern" Military rifle.

I also think a 233 is light for deer.
I used a 60gr Reload for one and a 63gr factory load for the other. Both of these bullets were tougher than the normal factory 223 loads of the day. I also waited for the perfect shot. Both deer dropped to the shot.

I am glad to see Remington bring out the DMPS 308,[and the other calibres as well], as a "Hunting" rifle.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Have hunted deer with an SIG AMT and the M1A. Both did fine. A friend used my Garand to take a nice black bear. It did fine.

I've used an AR with 60 gr Partitions to take deer. They work, but I was very care abt shot placement. I prefer to use that one for 'Yotes and other varmints.


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
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SIG AMT!!! Eeker shocker

Now THAT is CLASS. Cool

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One of those funny stories. Walked into the Atlas Sporting Goods store in Wheaton, MD, one day in about 1970 and the manager said "Saved something for you to check out." He then showed me this AMT that was in on consignment ... for $200. I bought it and have had it every since.

Was out at the range last year and happened by a bench that had a SIG sitting on it and identified it with some satisfaction ... the owner said that most folks had no idea what they were. We got to talking. He's a local orthopod with way more money than good sense. The SIG on the bench was a registered SIG 510-P4 (the full auto AMT). He allowed me to shoot it ... damned I wish I could legally convert mine!!! They are SWEET.

(He also had a bunch of other interesting pieces out that day including a couple of HB FALs and so on.)


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
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Is that SIG AMT in 7.5x55? If you want to get rid of it I'll give you double your money, anytime. Wink

Let's see - I've hunted with an M1A, HK91, and an AR-15 for deer and coyote, or hunting when I'm not really serious about it. But for elk or something big I usually go with a commercial bolt action rifle or sometimes with a Browning BAR.


Posts: 665 | Location: Oregon or Namibia | Registered: 13 June 2007Reply With Quote
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The AMT and 510-P4 were made in .308 Win. I believe the STG 57 was made in 7.5 Swiss.

I think the AMT is worth about $3 grand Wink


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
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The AMT and 510-P4 were made in .308 Win. I believe the STG 57 was made in 7.5 Swiss.


510-4, no P.
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Often 'meat-hunt' with an SKS. Using reloads and '30/30' bullets - 125gr flat nose, it is flat deadly on our smaller white tail does. Also have used my old M1 Garand on occaision. And like any 30/06, it works well.

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I used to hunt pigs, goats and Kangaroo's with a Lithgow L1A1 7.62mm it would shoot any ammo and very reliable.

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Hello Mike Starling,
The "doc" is a friend of mine and you may or may not know, he has a couple fully opearational armored vehicles and one of those little tanks we have seen used at one time by the Brits. Yes, they are fully equipped. Frankly I do not know very many full autos he does not own. He shoots them on a regular basis. His ammo bill for a year would easily support a Safari of the first order. (Off topic, but those lead GC 375HH bullets I got from you work very well indeed in my RSM.)
Posts: 1165 | Location: Banks of Kanawha, forks of Beaver Dam and Spring Creek | Registered: 06 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Would love to have a more formal intro to the "doc." I do remember his discussing the light armored vehicles.

I was definitely impressed by what he had on the line. Amazing what real money can do Wink I think I was shooting an M16 that day ... and I was not even beginning to be comparable!!! Not even in the same league.


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
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Was not aware you were into the "real" guns, but let me contact "doc" and will get back with you. He is very liberal regarding use/firing of his items for those with sincere appreciation of what they are. He has hunted with a few of the firearms he has, but since gave it up. Matter of fact, he enjoys taking people with him to shoot just to watch their amazement and awe at such firepower. Believe his latest acquisition is one of those German machine guns that was used in a bomber and could actually be taken off it's mount and used by a crew member on the ground in the event of surviving a crash??? Tells me they are extremely well finished, rust blue, straw color parts, supposedly almost hand built one at a time. I always just listen and learn when he talks about them. Loads of information and I will be back to you about him.
Posts: 1165 | Location: Banks of Kanawha, forks of Beaver Dam and Spring Creek | Registered: 06 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of SIKA98K
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Originally posted by N E 450 No2:

After all once upon a time the Mauser 98 was a "Modern" Military rifle..

It still works a treat !
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I've done it a few times but I have so many old dressed up for hunting Mausers that I stopped.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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Originally posted by dsiteman:
. Believe his latest acquisition is one of those German machine guns that was used in a bomber and could actually be taken off it's mount and used by a crew member on the ground in the event of surviving a crash??? Tells me they are extremely well finished, rust blue, straw color parts, supposedly almost hand built one at a time. I always just listen and learn when he talks about them. Loads of information and I will be back to you about him.

Must be one of the aircraft versions of the Rheinmetall MG 30 ( called MG 15 and MG 17 in Luftwaffe nomenclature ) itself a concept derived from the MG 15 neuer Art (Bergmann) of WW1.

it uses a saddle drum (MWG and the Singapore Ordnance did not invent anything)

Your friend must be someone interesting to talk to.
Posts: 157610 | Location: Ukraine, Europe. | Registered: 12 October 2002Reply With Quote
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Hello Edmond,
Believe your photo shows just what was described to me by my friend. I have not seen it yet, but will in a couple weeks or so. We plan to do some shooting prior to bad weather setting in on us. Fellow used to sponsor race cars, build them, drive them, etc. and he sees the arms collecting of military armament as a less expensive hobby. Common term by those involved in serious auto racing is that "it takes cubic money..." to play the game referring of course to horsepower needed. Even when he drove, he carried under his driving suit an Uzi, so his fondness for firearms has been there a long time. I'll see if he would let me post some photos of his items, but he is somewhat reluctant to "advertise" just what all he does have and I understand that. He is indeed an intersting person and much appreciate his willingness to share his knowledge and firearms when I am involved.
Posts: 1165 | Location: Banks of Kanawha, forks of Beaver Dam and Spring Creek | Registered: 06 January 2005Reply With Quote
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MGs are a good investment in US, unlike cars.

in 1986, you could get a Sten for less than 100 $ if I remember correctly..

Posts: 157610 | Location: Ukraine, Europe. | Registered: 12 October 2002Reply With Quote
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Anyone have one of the new DPMS 338 Federals
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Do I hunt with military rifles? Well, all my bolt actions are based on the M98 Mauser action, so yes I do. And I've killed lots of animals hunting with Mausers too.

I also hunt with my No.4 Mk1* from time to time. I'd be hunting with it now, but I'm about to undertake a project to restore it to its original condition then I imagine I'll pick it back up again. The Brits just got it "right" when they rolled out the No.4 Enfield. I love 'em!

This year, if I'm not hunting with my 30-06 M98, I'll likely be hunting with my FN FAL. I use them pretty much interchangeably...its just whatever I grab on my way out the door.

Here's a couple pictures just 'cause:


"Chance favors the prepared mind."
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When on local scouting trips during deer season I carry my M1 carbine. It is light and short and fun to shoot.

On the tree stand I use my Mosin-Nagant. The only thing I dont like about it is that the bayonet has to be extended in order to get the best accuracy.


Into my heart on air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.

A. E. Housman
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Have hunted with an M-1A, H&K-91, and Steyr-AUG. No hunting success with either .308, and the AUG is hell on Woodchucks!! Never have taken my SIG-AMT hunting, but I should. Here in my part of Texas, the AK-47 clones and SKS family have achieved status as premier pig killers in the river bottoms.
Never, ever forget that the M98 and the M1903 military rifles seemed to spawn most of our civilian hunting rifles!

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I've taken three white tail deer with an AR15, they all pretty much fell in their own shadow, which was a good thing because there wasn't much blood leaking to make a trail.

One of my co-workers was almost paralyzed a few years ago in a motorcycle accident. He's finally up and mobile enough that a friend of his invited him to his farm this deer season. We tried to get him behind his Remington 700 in .270 at the range last week but due to his injuries he just can't keep it on his shoulder or work the bolt well. The reason we were at the range was for patrol carbine class and as I watched him try to relearn his rifle a light bulb came on holycow He's a old member of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children and nobody knows the AR platform better!!!
I drove home and got my flattop Frankenrifle AR-15 which has a 2.5-10X scope and has accounted for one deer in years past. I then fabricated a rest that sticks out parallel with the comb from the top of the buttstock and rests in top of his shoulder. His hands fit the controls of the rifle well, he can manipulate the action and he easily shot a couple of groups under 2" using a rest at 100 yards.

Bambi better look out this year thumb
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Love the SKS for close range brush poppin with East Euro milsurp ammo and red dot sight.

Cowboy Up
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Originally posted by CLK320:
Anyone have one of the new DPMS 338 Federals

I have one, it shoots like a champ.

On topic, I've used an AR-10 to hunt for a couple of years, and I must say I'm impressed with it.
Posts: 3 | Registered: 27 November 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by mstarling:
One of those funny stories. Walked into the Atlas Sporting Goods store in Wheaton, MD, one day in about 1970 and the manager said "Saved something for you to check out." He then showed me this AMT that was in on consignment ... for $200. I bought it and have had it every since.

Was out at the range last year and happened by a bench that had a SIG sitting on it and identified it with some satisfaction ... the owner said that most folks had no idea what they were. We got to talking. He's a local orthopod with way more money than good sense. The SIG on the bench was a registered SIG 510-P4 (the full auto AMT). He allowed me to shoot it ... damned I wish I could legally convert mine!!! They are SWEET.

(He also had a bunch of other interesting pieces out that day including a couple of HB FALs and so on.)

6200 on Gunbroker
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I've hunted yote's at my dads farm with a 1919a6. Use AK's and SKS for deer and AR-15 for pest control. I have shot deer with the AR when they were close and just aimed for the head. Never moved.


Si vis pacem, para bellum.
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Coyotes, ground squirrels and prairie dogs for me. My girls love the AR rifles for varmint hunting because of the lack of recoil.


"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
- Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953

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i missed a mule deer with a belgian fal about 12 years ago!
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Colt AR15 16" upper; Cal. 7.62 x 39 = 3 Whitetails and 1 mountain lion.

Colt AR15 Cal. .223 Upper; unknown quanity of Pdogs and groundhogs, and IIRC 2 crows.

Like NE 450 #2 said, I use the 5 round magazines (except Pdogs) for the extra ease of field handling. I also like the fact that when arrgreesively hunting rough country I don't have to worry about the French Walnut getting scratched badly.

Member NRA, SCI- Life #358 28+ years now!
DRSS, double owner-shooter since 1983, O/U .30-06 Browning Continental set.
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