Larue Mounts
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I just luv Larue, probably cause they send me their own barbecue rub along with other small gifts when ya buy a mount; naw, it's made in the USA & high quality.

I bought a LT 104 and sighted it in with a vortex scope on my 308 Scar. It was one of the mounts where the ring screws go in sideways rather than up/down. After about 2 months, I missed a small bear at 300 yards, then a caribou that was running down the road straight at me from 75 yards. Now I was asleep in the truck, woke up, twisted sideways and shot out the window from an uncomfortable position; but I've done it many times, never missed.

So when I got home, I looked the gun over and found the scope mount was loose, actually rattled, how didn't I notice it in the truck? So I called Larue and they asked me how I tightened the screws. You have to tighten the bottom screws first, then the top; or it'll loosen up everytime. I shot the gun before readjusting and it was a foot and a half low and to the left, dummy me. NOw it's dead on and wifey and me are going out on sat to kill some more caribou. I'll keep checking the mount too.

Why I've always liked the Acogs. Their mounts are part of the scope; never had any problems.

Also for some crazy reason, I like the acog red dot / ghost ring over the vortex close quarter circle / dot 1-4. Vortex is good scope, I just prefer the acog reticle. Probably because I have used several over the last 3-4 years.
Posts: 521 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 12 April 2010Reply With Quote
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Dab some paint or fingernail polish on as a witness mark.
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Posts: 309 | Location: WV | Registered: 14 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of John Galt
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Those mounts suck and are dangerous to the owner!!! Send to to me ASAP and I'll not even charge you for disposal!!! I'll even take the "tactical beverage entry tool" they include free of charge... Smiler

Posts: 549 | Registered: 03 July 2007Reply With Quote
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