one of us

| No flies on the 260 or 7-08 but you won't find a great deal of difference in recoil from an AR platform among the three given similar bullet weights. The 308s are much easier to find, often less expensive and shoot the 110-130 grain bullets muy bueno. There are also a slew of semi-exotic calibers no harder to find than 260 that were made for the platform. A lot of AR guns shoot well under an inch. Go to for particulars.
"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
| Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003 | 
one of us
| I would prefer one in 308, but the 308 is one of my favorite calibres. Take a look at JP's "big" AR's. I shot a JP 308 a while back, and with 4 different factory loads it shot well under one inch with all of them. With two loads it was a near one holer.
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one of us
| I'd take a look at Armalite AR-10s and DPMS LR-308s. |
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One of Us
| HI,
This is what I am going to do,wait for the XCR-M comes out soon,it will be able to change calibers,it will be a 308,but if you want,buy the caliber change kit it can be a 260 or 7-o8 or 338 fed,by the way dead nuts reliable,kev |
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one of us

| Thanks guy. Keep it coming. I don't know the makers so I'll check out the recommendations. A friend who's shot 600 yrd. competition for 20+ years with an AR advises: Many AR based rifles are accurate enough to make me happy, but he prefers the AR-15 based stuff in .223 and like calibers. He says the AR-10 based rifles in larger calibers (.308 etc.) based, are heavy and clumsy with stoppages common. Says he's seen many expensive AR-10 based rifles malfunction despite lots of fiddling. $1,200 to $1,500 seems a lot for a hard-to-hand-feed single shot. He said he'd as soon buy a Tubb which is at least easily hand fed. Since I consider .243 min. for deer and would prefer a .260 or 7mm08 that's ugly news. I bet that stirs up some comment! 
Sei wach!
| Posts: 621 | Location: Commonwealth of Virginia | Registered: 06 September 2003 | 
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| The JP 308 I shot used the same size forend as a 223. It did not feel like the typical 308 AR. I shot it @40 times or so, and my friend was test shooting it and taking pictures for a Japanease gun magazine. He shot it quite a bit, no malfunctions. If I was going to get a Big AR that would be the one.
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One of Us
| I have a DPMS LR-308 that is, after replacing the factory trigger assembly with a Rock River National Match trigger, a sub-minute rifle with Black Hills 168 grain sierra Match Kings. It is almost too heavy with the 24" bull barrel but is reliable. DPMS makes the same rifle in 260 Remington and .243 and sells complete uppers so you can switch between the calibers once you have some magazines and the lower assembly. .308 (7.62x51) was the origional caliber the AR was designed for. Sniper's Hide Forum may have some useful information for you also. Best, jpj3 |
| Posts: 141 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: 05 September 2004 | 
One of Us
| check the picture in my post of specialty ar's below - there is a dpms 260 in the picture |
| Posts: 13468 | Location: faribault mn | Registered: 16 November 2004 | 
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| Thanks guys. This is all pretty overwhelming. I shot AR's in the army forty years ago and loved them but only recently thought of hunting with one.
Sei wach!
| Posts: 621 | Location: Commonwealth of Virginia | Registered: 06 September 2003 | 
one of us
| Have you considered an AR in 6.8 SPC? That's a .270 caliber bullet in a light AR-15 package. |
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one of us

| My sources tell me it not a good long range caliber. Given the accuracy of many AR's I'd like to be able to hit a coyote or small deer at at least 300 yrd.s.
Sei wach!
| Posts: 621 | Location: Commonwealth of Virginia | Registered: 06 September 2003 | 
one of us
| quote: Originally posted by holzauge: My sources tell me it not a good long range caliber. Given the accuracy of many AR's I'd like to be able to hit a coyote or small deer at at least 300 yrd.s.
For coyotes at 300 a 223 would suit me fine. For deer I would want a 308. Nothing wrong for a hunting AR to get one in 260 or 7mm/08, but for me the 308 would be the only choice. The 30AR is worth a look.
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one of us
| 300 yards isn't "long range". Medium range starts at 500 yards and long range starts at 800 yards.
The 6.8 SPC will whack 'em and stack 'em at 300 all day long.
Zeroed at 200 yards, the 6.8 is 10" low at 300. A 150gr .308 is 8.5" low. That's only 1.5" difference and I never hear people complain about the .308 at 300. Just make sure you get one with a 20" barrel instead of the 16". |
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One of Us
| The 6.5 Grendel beats the daylights out of the 6.8 for long distance. I believe it overcomes the 6.8 at around 300 yards in retained energy and velocity due to it's superior high BC bullets.
Another rifle to look at is Remington's new 30 RAR AR15. This is a new cartridged made from necking down the 450 Bushmaster to 30 caliber and factory ammo is a 125 gr bullet at nearly 2700 fps out of a 20 inch barrel. This is a hybrid rifle in that the bolt is AR10 size, as well as the barrel extension, but the carrier and bottom receiver are pure AR15. The upper receiver, although having a AR15 size bore for the AR15 size carrier, is inbetween the AR15 and AR10 in thickness. This mods were necessary to handle the increased pressure which is one thing the AR15 bolt can't handle. |
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one of us

| NE450, I agree that .223 is fine for coyotes at 300+. Because I don't care is they run off. But in my experience .223 is not adequate for deer at 150. I know folks do it but I'm not one of them. Where I hunt a deer that runs 25 yrd.s after a shot may be very difficult to recover or unrecoverable. And then there's the odd black bear that I wouldn't feel like I could shoot with 22 cal. bullet of less than 80 grains.
Sei wach!
| Posts: 621 | Location: Commonwealth of Virginia | Registered: 06 September 2003 | 
one of us

| Anybody got experience with the Rem. R25 in 7mm08?
Sei wach!
| Posts: 621 | Location: Commonwealth of Virginia | Registered: 06 September 2003 | 
one of us

| I don't reload and don't want to start. 30 AR sounds I don't know at all but I bet I'd have to hand load. Are 6.8 Grendel and 6.5 SPC going to be available retail and around as long as 7mmo8 or .260?
Sei wach!
| Posts: 621 | Location: Commonwealth of Virginia | Registered: 06 September 2003 | 
one of us
| The Remington R25 is a rebranded DPMS LR308. Sorry, haven't shot either.
I've seen the 6.8 Remington SPC ammo on gunstore shelves, but I have never seen 6.5 Grendel. I understand that Lapua has made some runs of it, though.
I'd say the best chance of those two for long term viability is the 6.8 SPC. There's a lot of interest in it from the .Gov plus Remington is making it.
We'll see about .30 Remington AR. They make it, but it is very new and I haven't seen it on shelves yet. Only time will tell if it is viable or not. I agree that it is an interesting design. Perhaps more interesting is the action that uses it. That is also a DPMS design and they made some Winchester Short Action Mag AR-15s with it. I've never met anyone who has one and I've never seen it used as the basis for match rifles either, so I don't know how well it worked. |
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One of Us
| quote: Originally posted by BECoole: The Remington R25 is a rebranded DPMS LR308. Sorry, haven't shot either.
I've seen the 6.8 Remington SPC ammo on gunstore shelves, but I have never seen 6.5 Grendel. I understand that Lapua has made some runs of it, though.
I'd say the best chance of those two for long term viability is the 6.8 SPC. There's a lot of interest in it from the .Gov plus Remington is making it.
We'll see about .30 Remington AR. They make it, but it is very new and I haven't seen it on shelves yet. Only time will tell if it is viable or not. I agree that it is an interesting design. Perhaps more interesting is the action that uses it. That is also a DPMS design and they made some Winchester Short Action Mag AR-15s with it. I've never met anyone who has one and I've never seen it used as the basis for match rifles either, so I don't know how well it worked.
Lapua makes the 6.5 Grendel brass. Alexander Arms manufacturers the ammo using Lapua brass. Also Wolf makes two factory loads for 6.5 Grendel and are assembled by Prvi. There is talk that Fiocchi is going to come out with ammo for it. |
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