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I have an as new FAL/STG made by DSA. Using surplus or Blackhills or reloads, the rifle is simply not accurate. The broad front post is certainly some of the problem as is the trigger pull weight, but 12 inches at 100 yards is the best I can do. All my rifle experience is Mauser based and this is a different world for me. Do any of you have experience in making one of these accurate enough to stay inside , say 4 inches, @ 100 yards? Thanks.
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I have no real problem staying within 3" with my Century Arms FAL. Doesn't do much better no matter what you do. That's with irons and that's about the best I can shoot irons in any case. I can usually bounce a popcan at 100yds consistently. I can understand why an OleMiss guy couldn't do as good though. My brother is a retired OleMiss prof and he can't do much better either. Of course they trained us better at State. In all seriousness though I have never shot a DSA FAL but would think they would do much better than my Century. I had an SAR from Springfield and with a scope it would consistently do about 2 1/2". Thay are not the most accurate assualt rifles I don't believe. My experience is limited to those two though.

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I scoped mine and could get about 4"-5" out of it with surplus ammo.

I think the FN-FAL's are some of the neatest looking battle rifles ever built. The problem with mine was it was heavy and didn't like dirt. It worked perfectly as long as it was spotless and oiled up but get it dirty and it didn't want to play. Mine was built off one of the backwards engineered Coonan receivers so it wouldn't be fair make a judgement on all FN's because of the one example I owned.

I sold mine when the price of surplus ammo had already quadrupled in price. When I bought my rifle I bought a rather large stock pile of ammo for it. I sold the rifle for about what I paid for it and made a small fortune on the ammo.

There is just something very cool about shooting a .308 battle rifle that you don't experience with a .223.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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Your FAL shouldn't have much trouble shooting 4" groups with iron sights.

Have you let anyone else shoot it?
When I have problems, I first look for obviously hardware problems - loose/defective scope, etc. Then I have some who is a known-good shot shoot it. If they can't do any better, it's a deeper problem with the weapon and it gets sent back.
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I have a Belgian. Never measured the groups. I thought it did allright for a two-piece stocked semi. I think a better measure for an FAL is to see how it does on milk jugs at 200 meters off the bipod. You should be able to make hits all day long.

Let a buddy shoot your rifle, one who has an FAL and see how he or she does. The trigger is dull on these rifles and takes some getting used to. Mine really liked the portugese surplus ammo. I have not shot mine in something like three years.
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Picture of Gerhard.Delport
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I used the FN FAL or South Arican version R1 for Combat Service Rifle competitions until 1995 when they were finally with drawn from the South African Defence Force.

They are really accurate out to 300 meters but you need to play bit with the gas selector to make sure it feeds reliably.

If I had to choose a rifle to go into combat in African conditions if would be a short barrel version of the FN.

That 7.62mm just strike home with a lot more authority than the 5.56mm

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First be sure the gas system is adjusted properly.

Second buy a coule of boxes of Federal 168gr Match ammo and/or a couple boxes of Winchester 168gr Ballistic Silver Tip, and see how they shoot.

Third use a target with a big enough bulls eye, one that is as wide as you front sight looks at 100 yards.

Let us know how she shoots under these conditions.

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All good advice.
Some FAL's just will not shoot as good as others but all should shoot less than 6"

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I two used a FN in my military service,and like the other gentlemen if I had to go into combat this would be the rifle for me.I currently own a Browning FN that shoots inside of three inchs,you must rember these were made for combat so any torsal shot from any distance is a good thing.Yes they have a wide front sight,yes they have a heavy if not long trigger pull and no two that I have ever shot shoot the same,that being said the best thing to do is put alot of ammo thru your weapon and you will find what it will or will not do.

short and fat and hard to get at, hit like a hammer and never been hit back.
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Picture of DuggaBoye
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Have 3 FAL's, 1 Belgian, 1 STG/DSA and 1 Century, all shoot better than your experiencing.

Besides the gas system and the bullet suggestions you may have other issues , bore, crown, throat, barrel alignment etc.

If this is a"new" gun from DSA I would not hesitate to ship it"home" for repairs.
If "used" get a good smith familiar with the FAL to give it the once-over.

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Old Miss,

I own a Steyr imported LAR w 308 Match instead of 7.62 Nato markings, 21 inch barrel w synthetic furniture and long flash hider.

It shoots 4 x 6 and 5 x 8 inch groups w a variety of reloads at 500 and 600 yards using a 6 X Zeiss scope on an old leatherwood (weaver type) dust cover.

This from the factory bipod which does change point of impact from off hand or supported point of aim several inches.

Not perfect but you can learn to live w it.

I suspect yours is a parts gun?? I can keep on (and around) an IPSC shilouette w metallic sights out to 500 yards.

Its not as accurate as most m1a's or even AR-15's but certainly decent.

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Ole Miss
My DSA 16" holds about 2-3 inch groups at 100 yards and that is with a 4moa Aimpoint. Sounds like you have mechanical problem. Check it out with a smith before you waste any more $ on ammo.

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Originally posted by perry:
Ole Miss
My DSA 16" holds about 2-3 inch groups at 100 yards and that is with a 4moa Aimpoint. Sounds like you have mechanical problem. Check it out with a smith before you waste any more $ on ammo.


I agree.
The first thing I would check is the muzzle device.
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Picture of BlackHawk1
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I consistently pull 2-2.5" 100M groups using Portugeuse ammo with my StG 58 (ARS build, DSA Type 01 recv'r). Check muzzle brake and/or muzzle crown.


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It might a little odd, but when the FAL (SLR L1A1) was in service, and someones groups started to go bad, the first thing we would check were the sight screws. That seemed to be the principle reason a FAL wouldnt group, provided the shooter was otherwise adequate.

Might have been lucky, but in 12 years I never had one that wouldn't shoot well.

Best of luck sorting yours out.

Cheers, Dave.

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As Sambar 9.3 says; check the sights for looseness, especially the rear.
Is the lock-up between upper & lower tight, as looseness there will affect accuracy.
Heck; I can do better than 12" with SA or Indian surplus, a Century receivered Brazilian FAL & I only get to shoot it a couple of times a year.
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Picture of Jerry H
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What Oddbod is not being forthcoming with is the fact that his FAL is a bolt action.

Yes gentle reader, the ickle chappie has a neutered FAL.


You ain't sneaky, EM.

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Originally posted by Jerry H:
What Oddbod is not being forthcoming with is the fact that his FAL is a bolt action.

Yes gentle reader, the ickle chappie has a neutered FAL.


You ain't sneaky, EM.

Jerry speak with forked tongue.
If I'd made it to NM, then I'd have been punishing the Para & U R onley jellis.
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