Best milled semi-auto AKs ?
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Picture of fla3006
This admittedly is not my field.
Which milled AKs are considered among the best?
Also, what about the Century Arms VZ58? Thanks.

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I can't tell you without a doubt which is the best. I can say if I was in the market for a milled AK-47 style rifle I would be looking at an Arsenal SAM7R Bulgarian rifle. They are well built and they hold thier resale value extremely well. After owning quite a few lower quality AK rifles I've come to appreciate Arsenal rifles.

I have owned a SAM7R in the past and other than the weight I really liked it. I own a SGL-20 (Russian made) that is the stuff. Nicest and most accurate AK I've ever owned. Well built and shoots great but it's stamped so I guess I'm getting off subject rotflmo


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Thanks Terry, I'll look into both.

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Arsenal/ question. You can find others (rewelds or older chinese models that have been de-banned) but I don't see the point of all that when a Bulgy can be had right out of the box.
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Doug Humbarger
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Valmet... But good luck finding one..

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I ended up with a Century Arms VZ2008 (VZ58), not really an AK, but pretty nice.

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If you can locate one the Chinese MAK 90 would be a real find, not to mention they have the best trigger.
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Current production? Arsenal SAM7SF.


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I've owned several milled receiver AK's in the last 15 years. The first was a "Blue Ridge" gun in 7.62x39 that was a nice rifle, though the furniture was a "little ratty." I only sold it as I was offered a price I could not refuse.

The second is an "Iron Clad Armory" gun in 5.45x39. I would avoid one of those like the plague.

I would recommend an Arsenal made rifle of the model you prefer. I have one of their SLR 104-34 rifles that I purchased recently and it is a top quality firearm. So far I like it very much. I've not needed any factory support, but I'm told Arsenal stands behind their products 100%. And after owning several other AK's made by others (other than those already mentioned) I've learned that the extra dollars spent, is worth the expense.

There are a whole lot of crappy rifles out there as the AK is relatively easy to build and most folks aren't the "mechanic" they believe they are. My opinion.

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