AR Magazines
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Where is a good place to get some AR magazines?
I notice there are lots of different kinds. Some are metal and some are polymers. Is one better than another?
Posts: 595 | Location: camdenton mo | Registered: 16 October 2003Reply With Quote
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Mag pul are surpose to be the best but standard mil mags work will also.

Finding some now could be fairly hard you missed a good deal on some two weeks ago here.

20 mags for 175.00 Wish I would have brought them.
Posts: 20017 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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First, there is no good place to get mags for close to reasonable money today. Dealers are sold out. Scalpers are having a field day. On GB 5 P-mags just went for $515.

Get on the waiting list at someplace reputable. I have had uniformly positive experiences with But there are many other options like DSG, 44mag, brownells, etc.

Second, the metal vs polymer debate is pretty much moot - assuming best quality examples of each, they work fine.

In metal you want USGI alloy mags (C-products and HK steel mags are OK). Dry or tefloned - your call. My favorite USGI are the NHTMG (used to be OKay). D&H, C-products, and Brownell's mags are also gtg. The HK mags are great, but deadly expensive. Have not tried ASC.

In plastic P-mags are the gold standard. Do not waste money on the "window" versions. Others I can recommend: Lancer and Troy. No experience with the newer Thermolds and Tapco.

Do not buy the steel USA type mags.

Posts: 670 | Location: Dover-Foxcroft, ME | Registered: 25 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Good luck finding AR type magazines! I recently bought an AR and got two magazines when I bought the rifle. Planning on getting some more, I didn't hurry back to the gun shop.

My mistake!

Where he used to have dozens of magazines hanging on the wall is now simply empty pegboard! And the usual websites to order them from were all the same. SOLD OUT!

Finally, after a couple hours of searching, I found and they had some thirty round MagPul magazines in stock. I ordered only three simply because I didn't want to fuel the shortage more, and I wasn't looking to cash in on the hysteria. And I also have never done business with this company before and I figured that risking $85 for three magazines was all I was going to do.

But in answer to your question, among all the AR shooters I know, they all agree that MagPul magazines are the best.
Posts: 816 | Location: Whitlock, TN | Registered: 23 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of lee440
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Went to a show today and GI mags were averaging $45 each. Last week, they were $12-15.

DRSS(We Band of Bubba's Div.)
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You can buy 7.62x39 AR mags and they function with .223. I have a dozen colt brand 7.62x39's I bought at a giveaway price 8 years ago. Didn't need them, they were just cheap. Layed in the closet for a year, on a fluke I took them out and stuffed them full of .223. 20 round mags for 7.62x39 but I can get 23 .223 and they function perfect. So I bought 10 more! Big Grin

I have recently been searching the net wanting to spend some gun money, started last weekend actually and nightly seen inventories disapear as well as prices go up. Except for AR 7.62x39 mags.
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Picture of buckeyeshooter
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Last ones I bought were the Brownell's manufacture 30 rounds --- on sale for $8.99. Of course I bought as many as I think I will need and have had them now several years coffee
Its good to plan ahead.
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Picture of Matt Norman
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I was at a gun show yesterday (Birch Run, Michigan). The panic buying and silly prices, while evident, just might be subsiding. I actually saw magazines marked down! There were a lot of people apparently trying to cash in on the inflated prices and a lot of stuff for sale.

The various manufacturers are pumping out lots and lots of magazines. I'll bet Magpul and others are running lots of overtime. There will truckloads being shipped. Our gubmint lawmakers will huff and puff as they do about a lot of things and all this 'do something' rhetoric will get dragged out. I'm not saying stupid laws won't get passed, but it will take awhile.
Posts: 3303 | Location: Western Slope Colorado, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001Reply With Quote
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I bought a DPMS AR15 yesterday from a dealer friend of mine that had ordered the rifle some time ago and the individual had not picked it up. I paid $850 for it and he appologized because he just didn't know what his cost would be on the next order. I went to a gun show today in Winston-Salem and they had a cheering section of protesters outside the door. I saw AR's going from $999 up to $2,450 and AK's going for prices up to $1,900. I saw Federal 223's going for $600 per 1000. The 30rd magazines were going from $28 to $53 a magazine.I bought 2 10rd magazines for $14 each. I hope this gets back to sort of normal before long.
Posts: 893 | Location: Central North Carolina | Registered: 04 October 2007Reply With Quote
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The various manufacturers are pumping out lots and lots of magazines. I'll bet Magpul and others are running lots of overtime. There will truckloads being shipped. Our gubmint lawmakers will huff and puff as they do about a lot of things and all this 'do something' rhetoric will get dragged out. I'm not saying stupid laws won't get passed, but it will take awhile.[/QUOTE]

I hope your right. We had 3 out of 4 gunshows cancelled this weekend. The one in waterbury the Mayor would NOT issue a permit for the show to use the building. He said "it was too close and too soon to the masacre".

The only gunshow that went on was an antique gun show. It had dozens of protestors, one little girl with "the NRA kills kids" sign.

One woman said we need to update the second ammendmen, its outdated.

It is amazeing to me how many people are folding like a cheap camera to this B.S. I am tired of being treated like I am doing something wrong.

I still want a definitive answer from the FBI on exactly what guns were used that day. The last I heard if was four handguns. No AR.

If I hear one more yuppie say 30 round clip, my head will explode!
Posts: 406 | Registered: 17 January 2009Reply With Quote
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I was at an Academy store in the Houston area Thursday...they just got in a new supply...regular retail price...guy ahead of me in line says he has been buying them everyday a truck comes in and making a profit on every one of them he sells!


If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy. Thomas Jefferson, 1802
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Posts: 207 | Location: Nicolet National Forest, WI, USA | Registered: 21 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Fred, do you know if the Mako group has some. I cannot get them to answer.

York, SC
Posts: 1151 | Registered: 13 March 2005Reply With Quote
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Dunno BigBBear, I don't think anyone is answering email these days, too busy. They say in stock so I took their word for it.
Posts: 207 | Location: Nicolet National Forest, WI, USA | Registered: 21 January 2002Reply With Quote
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They also say they will ship in 2 to 3 months
Posts: 595 | Location: camdenton mo | Registered: 16 October 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of John Galt
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Guys: the Mako Group does have Elander mags in stock (steel mags made for the Israeli military). They are extremely high quality however there are mixed reports of the mags not seating properly in some AR's although this can be traced back to AR's which are out of spec. Shipping will take them at least a month, but they do have the mags in stock and they're shipping them as fast ad they can, purportedly. Use the code ARFCOM followed by FREE-GRND for 5% off and free shipping. Head over to the forum, Industry sub-forum and the Mako sub(sub)-forum for a bunch of threads on these mags. I would suggest if you are in need of some metal mags, this is the best deal going right now!!!

Posts: 549 | Registered: 03 July 2007Reply With Quote
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I just went to a gun show in Ft. Smith Ar and picked up used mil mags in good shape for $20 ea. New ones were going for 35 to 45.
Posts: 35 | Registered: 19 May 2009Reply With Quote
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I have many new in wrap USGI mags. $30 each in lots of five.

Posts: 582 | Location: Searcy,AR | Registered: 23 February 2003Reply With Quote
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I was at the Charlotte gun show this weekend and prices and availablity were down considerably on rifles, parts, and mags. For example, I could have bought several generic brand AR's for $1100-1200 and metal 30 round mags new were averaging 20-25 each with Pmags at 25-30 and with window for $35. Ammo was still high and what I could not believe was the price on 22LR. A brick was averaging $75.

York, SC
Posts: 1151 | Registered: 13 March 2005Reply With Quote
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