IWI Tavor
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Picture of Safari James
Anyone with any experience with the IWI Tavor? I own a number of AR platforms (LWRC, Noveske, Colt, SCAR) in 5.56,308,6.5 Gren,6.8 SPC. I coon pawed a nice Tavor setup with 18" barrel, Timney trigger, and holographic site the other day and seemed to have caught the fever. Let me know.

Safari James
Posts: 369 | Location: Texas | Registered: 16 August 2011Reply With Quote
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Interesting gun. I shoot left handed and don't like bullpups. Even if they can be switched over for left hand use.

Tavor looks like a well thought out platform. Would like to get more info too.

I just got a larue predator in 7.62 - very impressive. These high end ar platform guns are getting impressive.

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Picture of scottfromdallas
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Mu friend has one and loves it. The stock trigger was horrible on his but other than that it's a neat little gun. We went shooting on my place with the bull pups in early 2014. He had his Tavor and I had my STG-556. I shot his Tavor but I didn't like it more than the STG-556 which seems about a pound lighter.

My friend fondled his Tavor mercilessly for about 6 months after he bought it. It was too the point of being creepy. I'm sure his wife got jealous.

Posts: 1941 | Location: Texas | Registered: 19 July 2009Reply With Quote
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Scott: Your post made me laugh way too hard.

I think I'm going to order one this week and go with the same specs I mentioned in my first post (18" barrel, Timney trigger, Eotech Holographic site). Once I get the weapon home I'll post pictures and a range report.

Safari James
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Check written. Waiting on shipment. Range report to follow.

Safari James
Posts: 369 | Location: Texas | Registered: 16 August 2011Reply With Quote
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Will be interested in your evaluation of the Timney trigger!!!


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
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The Tavor has arrived! I picked up the rife and five boxes of ammo (all different brands) ranging from 40 to 69 grain (Still need to pick up two more boxes to round out my accuracy testing).

The Timney trigger is on back order and suppose to be shipping in a few weeks. I spoke with a Timney representative and they have issued a "stop order" on Tavor trigger packs due to issues that have surfaced from the field regarding light primer strikes. According to the rep, they are working to rectify the issue and begin shipping again.

So, I will begin range time and a solid review of the platform this weekend if all goes as planned.

Safari James
Posts: 369 | Location: Texas | Registered: 16 August 2011Reply With Quote
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Tavor has arrived. FH has to be replaced with fitting for can. Left side cover replaced with one having a better seal.

Function is superb. Good shape for confined spaces.

Waiting for reports on replacement triggers to upgrade that.


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
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Tavor, is a very good weapon, I have a AUG A3 and love this rifle. I would say the big new in bullpup rifles is Desert Tec MDR in 308 it will be 1 inch or so longer then my AUG, but that is with a 18 inch barrel
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Got a 16" sitting in the safe.
Fitted AAC QD FH have not christened it yet.

Will report back soon.


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Picture of Bill/Oregon
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"Coon pawed." LOVE IT!

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