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What AR Uppers and /or lower brands should a person "stay away" from?
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The question was asked; " who makes the best AR" and there were some who said there a lot of good brands on the market.

I have been looking in some catalogs and found some uppers in brands that I have never even heard of.
I am NOT looking for a competition rifle or a high end - break the bank rifle but for a good reliable setup in a 16" barrel that goes "bang" everytime and hits where aimed (holding MOA accuracy) and won't be prone to jamming or other problems. Something that won't have the barrel shot out in a few thousand rounds.

So what brands or configurations should a person stay away from?

Also, can someone explain why some uppers are labeled for .223 Rem. while others are 5.56X45mm. are the chambers different? Maybe longer throated? I thought external case dimensions were the same between the two but just the internal dimensions and loadings were different. ?????

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Posts: 1521 | Location: Just about anywhere in Texas | Registered: 26 January 2008Reply With Quote
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I have no idea.

I have an Eagle (now Armalite) lower I've used on 2 different unmarked uppers with success.

just bought an LRB lower (made by JVP)and ordered an LAR upper (5 wk backorder)

There's a comparison list of manufactures and re-seller on one of the AR15 boards. It is by NO means 100% accurate or complete. Re-sellers have switched manuf. over the years too.

PS. LAR Grizzly is now owned by Remington.
Posts: 6597 | Location: NY, NY | Registered: 28 November 2005Reply With Quote
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5.56 X 45mm and .223 Rem ARE NOT the same round!

You can safely shot a .223 Rem in a 5.56X45 chamber but NOT the other way around! Most likely the 5.56 will not even chamber in the .223 rifle.

A few years ago, American Rifleman had a write up on this. It was an eye opener because I always had thought they were the same round. NOT!


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Posts: 1208 | Location: Tomball or Rocksprings with Namibia on my mind! | Registered: 29 March 2008Reply With Quote
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I read the same article, but I do not recall any "external" difference in case dimensions mentioned in the aricle. AS I recall the differences were in "internal case thickness' and, I want to say, maybe the throat length in the 5.56 chamber was longer. But I'm not sure about that. I have slept since I read that article. I do believe I read that both will fit each others chamber but the pressures was apt to spike higher with the 5.56 in a 223 chamber.

Do you remember which issue that aricle was in?

Nonetheless it doesn't explain why would they chamber it for a 223 rather than 5.56 when a 223 will fit and fire in the 5.56?

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Posts: 1521 | Location: Just about anywhere in Texas | Registered: 26 January 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Rae59:
I read the same article, but I do not recall any "external" difference in case dimensions mentioned in the aricle. AS I recall the differences were in "internal case thickness' and, I want to say, maybe the throat length in the 5.56 chamber was longer. But I'm not sure about that. I have slept since I read that article. I do believe I read that both will fit each others chamber but the pressures was apt to spike higher with the 5.56 in a 223 chamber.

Do you remember which issue that aricle was in?

Nonetheless it doesn't explain why would they chamber it for a 223 rather than 5.56 when a 223 will fit and fire in the 5.56?

The throat IS longer on a 5.56 and that's where you get in trouble interchanging the two rounds. You put a .556 in a .223 rifle and the bullet can lodge on the lands creating a high pressure situation.

Most .223 chambered rifles have a long enough throat that it's never an issue but the possibility that it can happen still exists.



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Most of the lowers I have had do their job. Only thing I would do with most of them is change out the trigger group. As for uppers, I just got one of the Ruger SR556 uppers and put it on a Hi Standard lower. It functions extremely well and shoots lights out. Definitely would recommend it over just about anything else I have tried.
Posts: 4214 | Location: Southern Colorado | Registered: 09 October 2011Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the replies.
Pagosa, where did you get your Ruger upper and how much $$?

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Posts: 1521 | Location: Just about anywhere in Texas | Registered: 26 January 2008Reply With Quote
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well i guess that all those thousands of rounds of military ammo i've run thru my 223 chambered rifles didn't go off. tell me o wise men does the same thing hold true for the 7.62x51 and 308 so i won't shoot anymore military ammo in my 308's
Posts: 13468 | Location: faribault mn | Registered: 16 November 2004Reply With Quote
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I ordered it through one of my suppliers (I have an FFL) and I believe there had already been a run on them as well and they only had the 2 uppers left that I ordered. I could check again if you wish
Cost with my account was in the 1075. range without tax. But they definitely are worth it.
Posts: 4214 | Location: Southern Colorado | Registered: 09 October 2011Reply With Quote
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