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I prefer the AK variants to Ruger Ranch Rifles because they have sucky ergonomics and no usable safety unless you want to announce your position to anybody or animal with functional ears within 20-50 yards or so...After this can we have a thread on why Nagants are superior sniper rifles to Ronnie Barrett's work because they are easier to clean (not). ![]() | |||
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Yes, Bill! What's the definition of "insanity"? Doing the same thing over and over ... and expecting a different outcome? You see, I tried to polish these turds.... but they just wouldn't take a shine. | |||
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I never found a regular AK that is as accurate as my Mini's. I own all three AR's Mini's AK's even a few SKS. I find that for the most part Mini avg around 2 inchs with Mil grade ammo. I would have no trouble making head shots out to 200 yards with my scope ranch rifle. I have shot better groups with 52 gr match ammo but don't use it much in my semi autos.The fmj does what I need the mini for. or my AR's. Out of about 20 that I have been able to use we had one that would n't group into 8 inchs at a hundred we sent it back to ruger then it was a 2 inch rifle. The oldest one I have is well over 30 years of age and thousands of rounds of ammo and still going strong. I went with the mini's because of the piss poor preformance I was having with the earlier AR's. They went bang every time as I couldn't say that for the first AR I had. The AR platform has come a long ways and it is easier now to get a very accurate AR as long as you want to spend the cash for it. The run of the mill AR are with mil spec ammo is still around 2 inch. If one use very good ammo I belive it is easier to get a more accurate AR. Belive or not the Grand was spec out at 4 in groups The M14 about the same. With Mil spec ammo. Give them all a working over barrels, stock work and high grade ammo they can be made to shoot well. DaMan don't stand out any place I can see you out to 300 yards because I'll but rounds on target with my mini. I can't say that with a standard AK. | |||
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I had 3 Minis and they all were 6 minute guns even scoped. I understand the new ones are better. ETA: I don't throw out "fliers" when I measure groups like some people. | |||
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![]() The new ones are MORE EXPENSIVE..... and still don't deliver the accuracy! | |||
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THe mini's will digest anything, the AR's can be fickle. And as for an SKS, I have a Norinco SKS, and it sure isn't as accurate as my mini14 or mini30, but it was only $90 when I bought it, new in the box, packed in grease. I wish I had bought 20 of them! It goes where my pickup goes. But my AR will out shoot them all when it comes to accuracy. | |||
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I owned one long ago that wouldn't shoot a 6" group, but had one of the new 580 series rifles that shot 1.5"-2" groups as long as I don't let the barrel heat up. They have a newer rifle out now I think they call it the 581 series but I might be wrong on the number. These have a slightly larger barrel on them and are supposed to be even more accurate. Funny thing is they're cheaper than most AK's these day's. I personally like the rifle for what it is; a truck gun and a plinker. It's plenty accurate for off hand shooting and it carries much easier than either the AK or the AR. I kept mine with open sights and no accessories. Terry -------------------------------------------- Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? | |||
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Huh?!!!!! ![]() Carries EASIER than an AK underfolder or AR with short barrel and collapsible?!!! WTF?!!! ![]() My friend, I've had all three of these. Don't own a Mini any more... but can tell you what you said is NOT true! The ONLY scenario I can see for owning a Mini ......is IF you can't own anything better LEGALLY! ![]() | |||
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I've owned all 3 too and it is true. A rifle doesn't need a collapsible stock to be easy to carry. As a matter of fact a collapsible stock actually hinders the rifles usefulness in most situations. You're as stupid about guns as you are about politics. ![]() -------------------------------------------- Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? | |||
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The mini is NOT a bench rest rifle. And is not, nor was it designed to be, a sub MOA rifle. The barrels on the new 581 Series are much thicker (as barrels go) than the older ones. And the changes have seemed to improve its accuracy. http://www.gunblast.com/Ruger-RanchRifle68.htm The biggest issue with the old minis was the barrel. It was just too thin. The barrel whip on them was pronounced, and that was probably the single biggest factor in accuracy. People that have replaced the barrels with thicker after market barrels seems to be thrilled with the performance. Others resort to de-resonating the barrel with after market attachments like the Accustrut. Still other have improved the accuracy by matching the barrel thickness to length, I.e., they have cut down the barrel to legal minimums. One Marine Corps armorer who looked at the mini saw the issue right away - "That barrel is way too long for the thickness of the barrel". The question posed here was one of durability. And it is indeed a durable rifle. The new 581's look to have gone a long way in curing the age old accuracy ills that plagued its predecessors. But even with the older rifles, a little work, creativity and patience can bring the rifle into acceptable limits. SCI Life Member DSC Life Member | |||
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Now my curiosity has risen. What was his boner about politics?? Bill T. | |||
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If you say so, my goofy friend! That's probably why the US adopted the M4 configuration with collapsible stock, eh???! So it would be "less useful"! ![]() ![]() Keep on a diggin'! ![]() ![]() | |||
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We're talking about a rifle that will be used by a civilian in civilian situations. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend? I will do my best to keep you on topic. I'm sure it'll be hard for both of us. The collapsible stock is on the M4 to make it easier to use in tight spaces like entering houses and riding in vehicles. Nothing the poster is likely to experience. Same for an AK-47. It does not make the weapon easier to carry in the field. When used outside the folded stock becomes about useless. Understand? I doubt you can but there it is. You don't have a clue what you're talking about on this thread and you've stepped in a hole you can't get out of. Your lack of REAL experience is showing like it usually does when you run your mouth too long. If you had any experience with the newer Mini-14's you'd have never made the comments you did. Well, you probably would have because you're nothing more than a troll. Lets face it DaMan, you're a complete dipshit and a confirmed liar. It's been proven so many times and today is no different. -------------------------------------------- Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? | |||
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Bill, DaMan is our village idiot over on the political forum. He's extremely liberal and very confused. He tries to mask his stupidity with smartass remarks like he's made on this thread. Most everybody see's through it though. Terry -------------------------------------------- Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? | |||
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TC1, my simple minded friend, if you would like to debate political topics,..... please come to the political forum! Let's please keep the debate on the "technical topics" free of political bias! | |||
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You have offered nothing "technical" here. Just cheap shots, that's all you're good for. You've taken more than one at me and now I'M supposed to stay on topic? F/U, I'll say what I want, when I want. You're a real piece of....work. -------------------------------------------- Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? | |||
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Liberal! Jesus Christ, we've got enough of those. Confused?, most liberals are. Bill T. | |||
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What is bad my m-4 in the Arms room is more accurate than a Mini-14 and you know what that is sad! I pretty sure the government is not paying much over 600 bucks for m-4 carbines... While people are buying garbage mini-14's for 700 plus makes no sense. It's a shame you live in California becuase if you didn't I would go find a good DPMS, RockRiver, and you will be fine. Becuase any of those will out shoot a mini-14 all day long. On another note my M-4 hits pretty good out to 300 meters I can shoot out to 300 meters all day and hit the 300 meter target... I also want to know where in the hell you are going to have 300yd fire fights in Iraq??? I know for sure they have them in Afghanistan but in Iraq that is unheard of. But in the end if you want a "black rifle" and that was the only choice you had then I guess you are stuck with the mini-14. Handmade paracord rifle slings: paracordcraftsbypatricia@gmail.com | |||
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TC1, don't blow a gasket! You got all offended when I pointed out some shortcomings (technical) of Ruger Minis on this thread...... but then on another thread....YOU state you prefer the AR to the Mini design! Well, BRAVO! ![]() You know, I could go on and on about the shortcomings of the Ruger Mini design, but what's the point? You'll just get "offended"! Damn, bro', I'm not talking bad about your wife or your girlfriend....... I'm talking about firearm design and performance! ![]() I call 'em as I see 'em! ![]() | |||
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I'm reluctant to post considering all the vitriol flying about, but will risk a couple of comments expressing my opinion. In semi-auto mode the Mini-14 seems to be about as reliable as any semi-auto ever made. I hasten to add that I say that based on my friends' rifles, which many of them have owned for years & years. I have never owned a semi-auto one myself. I did, however, make a living selling machine guns for a while. During that period I owned 4 different configurations of the AC-556, the full-auto version of the same gun (Mini-14). It was one of the least reliable full-auto guns I've ever owned personally (and that includes the Maremont M-60, the "stench gun", Thompson 1928, and numerous others). Not only did they jam frequently when set on either 3-shot burst or full-auto, but the selector switch assembly itself was notorious for breakages. That still does not reflect badly on the semi-auto Mini-14s. There have been many semi-auto rifles which performed splendidly in the semi-auto mode, but which did not work out well as full autos. To list just one as an example, the M-1 Garand also worked out poorly as a full-auto possibility when the military tried limited development. Anyway, there is little liklihood any Kalifornian will ever be able to buy any more AC-556s, so it is really just a comment in passing...something to salt away in the old bean. If one ever does have the opportunity to buy an AC-556, be sure to salt away some spares (selector switch springs, pins, etc.) IF you can find any. Good ol' two-faced American gun icon Bill Ruger built and sold the guns to LEO units in the U.S., and to South American countries & individuals, but he would NOT authorize their sale to private citizen Americans, and the same went for their repair parts. Fired in semi-auto mode, I doubt any of us can pull the trigger and replace magazines fast enough to seriously damage most Mini-14s. My country gal's just a moonshiner's daughter, but I love her still. | |||
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I haven't been "offended" I've only shown you the same respect you've given me. If you don't enjoy being talked to like an ass stop acting like one. It's really that simple. Never mind, I think you enjoy it. Besides, some people love to bask in thier own ignorance. You're the perfect example. ![]() As far as me liking the AR-15 better, yes that's true I do. What's the problem with that? Only an idiot (DaMan) would think you have to hate one to like the other. Must be a mall Ninja thing. I like both and in some instances I like the Mini-14 better. This isn't a black and white issue. It's possible to like and enjoy both platforms. I much prefer shooting an AR-15 to a Mini-14 off a bench. I own several AR's that shoot tiny groups and if shooting small groups is what you're into the AR is a much better rifle. I also think the AR is a better platform for sustained fire and makes a better battlefield weapon than a Mini-14. That said, I think the mini-14 makes for a much better truck gun and definitely makes for a better stalking rifle. We have 400 acres of land that I hunt varmints on in the off season. Some day's we get out in the field and call them, I use a bolt gun for this and some days we stalk them in the woods. The wood cover is close, the shots are fast. If you have your rifle shouldered on a sling it's worthless. This is where the Mini-14 shines. With it's conventional style stock and light barrel it carries much easier than an AR-15 and it comes to the shoulder and points more naturally too. Another really nice thing about the Mini-14 is the majority of the weight of this rifle is in the action assembly which means the weight of the rifle is is centered. This is one of the reasons the rifle carries so easy. My last one would do 1.5"-2" groups and that's plenty accurate for off hand shooting. As a matter of fact I don't think most people could tell the difference in a 1/2 MOA rifle and a 2 MOA rifle shooting off-hand anyway. Out in the field it's not about how tight a group the rifle will shoot. It's about hitting what you aim at and the Mini-14 is very capable. A lot of the problems with most Internet discussions of the Mini-14 is you're talking to people that owned or have shot one of the older 180 series Mini-14 rifles. These rifles were durable and reliable but they weren't accurate by any stretch of the imagination. The newer ones on the other hand, the 580 series and now the 581 series rifles are built on a newly re-tooled line and are much better guns. For some reason a lot of people simply can't comprehend that fact. They find it unbelieveable that a Mini-14 is capable of shooting an 1 1/2" group. They do. The old M-16's got a bad rep too for the 1st ones produced but fixes were made and now it's a fine rifle. The same can be said for the Mini-14. This thread wasn't about which rifle is better it was about the Mini-14 and if it was durable. It is. As much as you've tried to steer this thread in the direction of which rifle is better, that's not what it's about. Ah, the mind of a child. ![]() You have proven one point over and over again on this thread. Most retards don't know they are retarded. ![]() Terry -------------------------------------------- Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? | |||
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Overpriced, poorly designed, and inaccurate. The new ones are a bit more accurate...... if you call a rifle that shoots 3-4 MOA "accurate". Yup! You can get 1 1/2" groups IF you take the best 3 shots out of a 10 shot group! If you want to waste you shooting dollars on junk..... be my guest! But don't ask me to believe your BS! ![]() | |||
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![]() ![]() -------------------------------------------- Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? | |||
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+1!! | |||
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I saw a video of a mini 14 user measuring "patterns". He threw out a few shots because he didn't know exactly which of two neighboring targets these "flyers" had been shot at! ![]() | |||
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Yea, it was on that video called: Extremely liberal and very stupid. It plays in your head constantly. ![]() -------------------------------------------- Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? | |||
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