I'm planning on buying a new crossbow and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. I was thinking of buying an excalibur or a horton with a 200 lb. draw weight. I've heard that the excalibur crossbows are more accurate and last longer. If anyone has a horton or excaliber crossbow I would like to hear what you think about them.
your using the exactly the same arguement that rifle hunters use to slam all bowhunters I live in a civilized province that allows x-bows in the bow season and i've killed both elk and moose with one no problem. my limited experience with bow hunters is that the average repeat average crossbow hunter is a better shot than the average longbow hunter and with the big push of these enviromental groups lobbying to ban all of us we better learn to stand together or hang separately
OK gon huntin The fact that they are the same is why most provinces in canada wont recognize a special season for crossbow,yet will for other bows.Glad we got that cleared up.If that requires any more explanation,you wont get it anyway.Maybe you'd do better with a sharp stick.Only a little sharp though,so as not to out do the holder.Hey you started the personal slinging,I'll finish.
If it is a legal method of taking game, why badmouth it? Not everyone can use a conventional bow.....even if they can and choose to use a crossbow anyway, that doesn't make their choice wrong! There are way too many folks out there that think anything but their way of doing things is somehow wrong or less "noble" and that attitude is pure foolishness!
So, come down off your high horse and quit judging other folks by your standards!
Posts: 1499 | Location: NE Okla | Registered: 22 May 2002
In an area where you can go all season and not see deer one,I'm to be impressed with 5 deer crossbow encounters,4 of them wounded to go off and die.Do explain.And in there somewhere tell me how humane is the same as high horse.If I choose to train my dog the hard way(humane way)as opposed to just hitting him with a stick,and I think others who dont take the time or arent able to train properly,and just hit with a stick are wrong,I'm on a high horse.WELL HI HO SILVER AWAY
I bought a Darton (Great Lakes) Durango, after considerable research I beleive the Durango to be the fastest commercial crossbow in the world - with a bolt/arrow weight over 475grns. The Excaliber Exomax gets 350fps with a 360grn bolt, while the Durango gets 475-grain arrow 340 fps or a 525-grain arrow at 327 fps
One deer shot at with compund around here,the rest with crossbows.One recovered,the rest wounded.Reloading is a sign of dedication to accuracy.Crossbows a sign of dedication to laziness.Needs less practice,less dedication.And those people in my experience also wont go the extra mile to recover.If Crosseyed bows are band,I wont cry.
Like I said, a wise man would have stopped digging long before now.........
Charger, don't judge an entire segment of hunters by a few bad ones.......I don't use a crossbow because I'm lazy (and I don't know anyone else who uses one for that reason)...... I use one because I can physically no longer use a conventional bow......before a shoulder injury put an end to my conventional bow use, I shot and hunted with both compounds and recurves.......I was president of the largest bowhunting club in this area.......so don't think that I'm one of those lazy crossbow shooters that you think are so common!
It's easy to see that you think you are somehow "superior" because you use a compound...BIG DEAL!...I could easily say that you use a compound because you are too lazy to master a recurve or longbow! Compound bows require less practice and less dedication than recurves and longbows.......and compound users wound and lose more game every year than all other types of archers COMBINED!
So, maybe you should take your foot out of your mouth and think< !--color--> before you start spouting the garbage you have posted here.......
Posts: 1499 | Location: NE Okla | Registered: 22 May 2002
OOOOOOO a soft spot.I guess we're done because none of the Icons can be posted playing the violin.The day I'm no longer physically able to shoot whatever equipment,drag whatever whitetail out of the BUSH,I guess the bow will get hung up,and I'll pick up the cross eyed bow,and the violin bow.Ah the elegance of 31" in flight.P.S. Look to the left and smile,the flash keeps going off,and its just for you
you talk about lazy and you lost those deer you were obviously too lazy to get competent with a crossbow and for someone who hates crossbows you sure spent a lot of money on them if you owned every model of excaliber (yea right)