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Recipe request!

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26 July 2007, 18:46
Recipe request!
I am searching for a particular recipe and would be eternally grateful if anyone has a copy for me.
Some years ago one of the outdoor mags such as "Outdoor Life" ran an article about cooking a steak wherein you heated a cast iron skillet as hot as you could get it, threw in a couple tablespoons of table salt and then threw the steak in the skillet, cooking it a couple minutes on each side - simple enough.
Now for the 'rub' as it were - they also had a marinate for the steak, mostly bourbon whiskey. I lost my copy and while I can come close, it still is not exactly the same and I cannot figure out what I'm leaving out.
Who can help me, please????? wave

Lord, give me patience 'cuz if you give me strength I'll need bail money!!
26 July 2007, 19:51
Google " bourbon marinade" there's a bunch of them !!
26 July 2007, 20:59
i;m positive that i that somewhere over at BSB - you might want to do a search there....