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Someone tell me why this wouldn't work...........

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21 December 2002, 12:04
<T. D. Clevenger>
Someone tell me why this wouldn't work...........
I like Martini Henry rifles.
I like the 8mm Mauser cartridge.
Why couldn't a person put an 8mm barrel on a Martini and chamber it for the 8X57 (and add room for a rim) and then form cases for it from the 444 Marlin so that the extractor would work?
No custom dies, load data abounds. What do you think?
21 December 2002, 12:15
You could certainly do it that way. Although I think I would just have the chamber cut to 8x57 Rimmed and buy factory brass or form from 9.3x74 brass which is also factory/readily available and has the proper rim diameter for the 8x57 vs the .444. IMHO. Gene
21 December 2002, 12:49
<T. D. Clevenger>
Thank you very much. I didn't even know that there was such a thing as an 8X57R.
I'll look deeper into this idea.
21 December 2002, 13:33
Grizzly Adams
I don't know a hell of a lot about Martinis, except they were originally built for black powder cartridges. I have seen some that were converted to .303 Br., but I think a guy would want to be pretty careful about this conversion.
21 December 2002, 14:16

The 8X57R was a favorite for the German "Drillings", which were three barrel arms with two scatter gun barrels on top of a single rifle barrel.

Good evening,
21 December 2002, 14:20
On the othe hand a man could just go ahead and chamber a good 16 inch twist 44 barrel for the 444 and just keep right on shooting!

I have some VERY fine results with the "44/63 Ballard", which is what we call the 444 when used for the "Traditional" matches held here in Montana and Wyoming.

Good evening,
21 December 2002, 17:43
Originally posted by T. D. Clevenger:
I like Martini Henry rifles.
I like the 8mm Mauser cartridge.
Why couldn't a person put an 8mm barrel on a Martini and chamber it for the 8X57

I'm just going to parrot what's been said and say go for the 8x57R, but i'd add that maybe you should look into those italian remake martini actions that Navy Arms used to sell, just to avoid the problems of weaker, older actions.
22 December 2002, 02:33
<T. D. Clevenger>
Thanks so much for the feedback.
I have seven Martini sporters as of now. All of them are old actions rebuilt sometime between 1950 and now. I like them, and I like having them in many different chamberings.
I wish Navy Arms really did have modern Martini actions. They advertise, but don't have.
Thanks agian. And don't be surprised if I show up at the range with a 444 Marlin Martini one day soon.
25 December 2002, 03:47
T.D., not only is there an 8X57R, but there is a rimmed version of about every other German Mauser head size case as well, in 57mm and other lengths besides. The "R" versions were intended for, as mentioned previously, Drillings, as well as other combination guns and doubles. In factory loadings, the "R" calibers were usually loaded to somewhat lower pressures than the rimless ones. [Big Grin]
25 December 2002, 12:16
<Kimmo E>
Why are you talking about to make a blackpowder rifle like 8*57r then you can make a 8*57jrs with nitropowder
27 December 2002, 09:35
Fritz Kraut
Originally posted by Kimmo E:
Why are you talking about to make a blackpowder rifle like 8*57r then you can make a 8*57jrs with nitropowder

Hey Kimmo!

Nitropowder: 8x57IR and 8x57IRS. (I=.318", IS=.323", everything but the bullet diametre identical. Today all guns in 8mm are chambered to S-dimension.)
Blackpowder: 8x57/.360R, and rather obsolete.
