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The best wife in the world........

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18 November 2003, 03:11
The best wife in the world........
......lives at my house !!!!!

This past Friday, this lovely woman said --

"Since you hurt your shoulder 3 1/2 years ago [Frown] , I know how much you have missed bowhunting.

When I heard that the Fish and Game Commission started a new special muzzleloader season this year, I figured you would want to buy a muzzleloader to get back a few of the hunting days you lost. I know you didn't because you were concerned that the Workman's Comp. check gets stretched too thin.

But we've been doing without for too long. [Confused]

I know that the store up the road has an Thompson/Center Encore with a 209 X .50 Magnum barrel, on the shelf. So go get it [Big Grin] , and consider it your birthday and Christmas presents."

Picked it up Saturday, and got it sighted in. I've gotten pretty good at left-handed shooting. WOOOOHOOOOO!! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

I'll be in the woods this Wednesday !!! [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

I'm going to acquire a centerfire barrel forthwith. I'm leaning toward .308 or .30/06, so I can load with 110's or 125's for light recoil, so this wonderful (small, 5'0", 100 lb.)angel can try shooting, and for some long-contemplated sabot experiments.

Should I buy a T/C barrel, or a Virgin Valley, or some other after market brand ??
18 November 2003, 05:55
Dago Red
Wow, you are truly blessed! My fiancee is kind, but don't think she would go that far. She did give a couple hundred towards my 458 project for my birthday last year. But then again I am not real good with tightening my belt so I guess he would be more like yours if I was able to restrain myself like you do.

20 November 2003, 19:53
A while back my brother's wife told him "I'm sorry I haven't bought you a gun in a while". Gotta love her. And in answer to the question before it is asked, no there are not any more at home like her.
20 November 2003, 20:54
Bad Ass Wallace
For Heaven's sake thank your mother-in law for for raising her child properly! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
21 November 2003, 00:19
Like I've always thought the best wives in the world are somebody else's wife. Sounds like a keeper to me.
26 November 2003, 03:53
I'm proud to say that I'm part of the very small group of men who married a wonderful girl. I'm 45 and permanently disabled due to a genetic heart defect. She thought she was getting a whole man when she married me but I can't work any more (I'm 45). I can shoot however and she made sure that I had my dream rifle (Ruger #1 Stainless in 300 win.) this year for hunting season. Not a bad little bum on her either (haha)
30 December 2003, 06:59
Better and better.

My Christmas present --

07 January 2004, 17:43
... didn't mind me buying my #1B in .300 Win (circa 1978) w/Redfield scope later changed to a 2.5 x 10 B&L Rainguard from John Barsness, on the spot while visiting a hawk shop. My first Ruger #1. AAA wood.

She was with me... as I dropped $350 on this baby. It was a steal, and groups the cheap Corelokt Remington 150's 5/8" center to center at 100 yards.